Black anime characters are very rare in the animation world where every character is light skin.
So today we are going to explore these awesome black anime characters from the anime world.
If this list proves anything, it’s that we need more awesome Black anime characters.
We all can agree that there are some really awesome black anime characters but still we don’t see them enough.
Before scrolling down to the list can you even name 10 black anime characters ???
Die hard fans might can say yes, but for someone like me it’s pretty difficult.
So lets begin this awesome list of these amazing black anime characters of all times.
45. Claudia Lasalle From Super Dimension Fortress Macross

Here’s someone from the 1980s who looks like they were drawn in the old way. In the show Macross, Claudia Lasalle was a minor character.
She is an American second lieutenant who is 26 years old. She knows what it’s like to love and be loved.
In fact, Claudia is always eager to explain to Misa Hayase how she feels about Hikaru Ichijou.
After what happened to her boyfriend, I’m sure many Macross fans want nothing more than for Claudia to get the love she deserves.
It’s interesting that the same person who did her voice also narrated the series, and this is true for both the Japanese and English dubs.
44. Anthy Himemiya From Revolutionary Girl Utena

Revolutionary Girl Utena is one of Kunihiko Ikuhara’s most well-known works, and every part of it has a deep meaning.
It might be one of the most important pieces of art ever made because it shows how gender issues affect society, and Anthy Himemiya was there to make it happen.
She was one of the two main characters who broke gender roles and standards by making people think of her as a harmless princess and witch.
But Anthy is not like any other sweet girl.
She’s been abused in terrible ways, and Utena has to go beyond her limits to save Anthy, both from her attackers and from herself.
43. Andrew Gilbert Mills From Sword Art Online

As the series that made it big in the early 2010s and set the stage for the long-term dominance of isekai in anime, Sword Art Online continues to get new fans and more content is on the way.
Andrew Gilbert Mills, the friendly African-American shopkeeper and ax-wielder, is one of the most well-known side characters.
But despite what he did for a living, he didn’t care about making a lot of money.
It wasn’t as important to win money as it was to help other people, especially those who were lower in level.
Andrew is also a great person in real life. He and his wife run a coffee shop and bar called Dicey Cafe.
42. Alex Benedetto From Gangsta.

Still, it’s too bad that Manglobe ran into money problems when they were making Gangsta.
Many anime fans were surprised and interested by the first episodes and the teaser, which had adult characters and fresh music.
Even though the quality of the show went down, it doesn’t change how great the three main characters, one of whom is Alex Benedetto.
Alex is a very pretty woman, but she doesn’t want anything special or flashy. She has long black hair, blue eyes, and a curvy body that makes her look beautiful.
In the same way, she can be quiet, but if it’s the right thing to do, she’ll stand up for you.
41. Bob Makihara From Tenjou Tenge

Tenjou Tenge is known for its crazy school fights and ecchi scenes.
Even though it’s been 16 years, I’m sure that people in their 30s and late 20s still remember this, if only because Madhouse adapted it.
One of the five MCs is South African Bob Makihara, who is 15 years old.
Just by looking at him, you can tell he’s one of the most powerful students at Toudou Academy, which is full of strong people.
But he’s not just a big, strong guy. His strength is backed up by his love of fighting and his ability to judge how strong other people are. He also loves his girlfriend Chiaki Konoike very much.
40. Zapp Renfro From Blood Blockade Battlefront

One of the most unique anime shows of the 2010s is Kekkai Sensen. It had strange characters, detailed urban scenes, and a pretty good soundtrack.
One of the MCs is Zapp Renfro.
He is 24 years old, has white hair, wears white suits, and has a look that makes women go crazy.
Aside from the way he looks, Zapp caught my eye because of how well he could control blood. This made him a good fit for Deadman Wonderland.
He might be a problem with a short fuse, but I’d rather have him on my side than have to deal with him when he’s angry.
39. April From Darker than Black

April was one of the first black women I saw in an anime, and I still think she’s one of the coolest female characters ever.
Just take a look:
Like a few of the people on my list, she had short, light-blue hair, pink lips, a pink coat with a fur collar, choker, and boots, and gold eyes.
Then you think about her power, which is to make it rain, make clouds that are heavy, and make strong winds. If that wasn’t cool enough, she gets paid by getting to drink alcohol.
Even though she fought Hei, no one wanted her to die. July and November made a great team, just like Team Rocket from Pokémon.
38. Sister Krone From The Promised Neverland

Do you remember watching or reading The Promised Neverland for the first time?
When I first saw the first few pages, I thought it was cute, but then the real story came out.
I know that Isabella was the first thing that scared people, but Sister Krone was also scary, especially when she showed how quick she was.
She is a 26-year-old woman with afro hair, beautiful lips, and a big, muscular body. Sister Krone’s smiles look more like death threats than genuine signs of happiness.
In the end, though, Krone was someone who knew what was wrong and just wanted to get away from the terrible system.
37. Carole Stanley From Carole & Tuesday

Did I think Shinichiro Watanabe’s next anime show after Zankyou no Terror would be about two girls on Mars singing against AI?
No. But I’m glad he took a chance by making people like Carole Stanley.
The 17-year-old girl from Alba City wants to make it in the music business, but she’s an orphan and needs to work multiple jobs at once to make ends meet.
Who can’t relate to her struggle?
Carole is still a good person even though she always gets the short end of the stick. She is smart, nice, and needs money to live, but she won’t put up with bad behavior.
Lastly, I love how her hair, overalls, earrings, and brown boots make her look simple but stylish.
36. Philly the Kid From Cannon Busters

Netflix has no plans to stop adding anime shows, and Cannon Busters, which came out in 2019, is one of the most recent ones.
Philly the Kid is the MC. He’s a guy who’s been around forever and has every right to be full of himself.
I mean, how can you not be cocky when you can die and… well, not stay dead?
Even though I like original anime the most, I didn’t really like the show that much.
But Philly isn’t an easy-to-forget person, even if that’s partly because of the things that people don’t like about him.
Plus, he reminds me of all the people who are sure they are good drivers, but the results show otherwise.
35. Miyuki Ayukawa From Basquash

Miyuki lived with Dan until her family moved away during their childhood.
She and her grandfather returned in the first episode as a well-endowed teenager and a skilled mechanic.
Upon her return, she gives him and teaches him how to pilot a Big Foot.
She cares for Dan and his team’s Big Foots, something she does happily, as it gives her more work to do (and get paid for).
She also has been shown as having deep feelings for Dan despite his obliviousness.
34. King Bakura From Yu-Gi-Oh!

Bakura was a villager in Kul Elna, and was its only survivor when Akhenaden and three other magicians massacred the village, sacrificing 99 humans to create the Millennium Items.
At the time, he was only a child and watched in horror as his family and friends were killed and their bodily components used to create the seven Millennium Items.
However, Bakura soon acquired a powerful Ka, “Diabound”, created from both his own hate and the vengeful spirits of Kul Elna.
33. Atsuko Jackson From Michiko to Hatchin

Not many anime characters can compare to Atsuko in terms of how big and beautiful her curly hair is and how it moves.
This is thanks to Manglobe Studio.
Everything about Atsuko Jackson is cool, from the way she dresses to the way she acts.
She has also known Michiko since they were both kids in an orphanage. Their friendship is pretty interesting.
They do help each other out, but Atsuko also wants Michiko to be arrested.
Fans should thank Atsuko for making Michiko to Hatchin so exciting and full of fun character interactions.
32. Daz Bones From One Piece – Alabasta Arc

Daz is a Black anime character with long, thin limbs and fingers. He is tall and very muscular and his head is shaven.
His most striking feature is probably the black unibrow, right over his round eyes. He has big lips and the archaic Japanese symbol of the number “1” (壱 ichi?) tattooed on his torso.
In Alabasta, he sported an oriental-looking attire consisting of a sleeveless dark coat with golden edges and white motifs on the front, over very loose beige pants held up by a white sash around the waist, with some light brown fur sprouting from it.
31. Marik Ishtar From Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monsters

Marik’s initial outfit consists of purple hooded robes with the Eye of Anubis on it, and a long purple cape with a gold chain at the front.
He wears golden earrings, three bands of neckwear, an armband on each arm, and five bracelets on each arm starting from close to his elbows down to his wrists.
He is a Black anime character, purple eyes and white-gold hair that occasionally appears as more light gray hair, especially in the Battle City tournament and at night.
30. Rock Lock (Ken Takagi) From My Hero Academia

Ken is a Black anime character of average height, with a darker complexion and dark, curly hair.
He has pierced ears with padlocks in them.
Notably, his fingertips have protrusions that resemble key teeth.
Part of his hero costume is a small white mask that covers his eyes.
He wears a necklace around his neck with five keys dangling from it.
Rock Lock wears a two-colored, short-sleeved shirt with a black section and a white print on it, resembling a keyhole.
29. Ninja Ninja From Afro Samurai

Ninja Ninja’s clothes are likely a reference to his name, being that they are typical of a common ninja.
He wears a blue attire and has a white afro which stands in contrast to Afro’s own hair.
He wears a pair of red sunglasses and a long scarf.
He is also shown carrying a small knife in the first episode.
28. Villetta Nu From Code Geass

Villetta Nu’s eyes are similar to those of Yoruichi and Karako Koshio, though they might be more yellow than gold or amber.
Villetta is very important for bringing attention to the problem of discrimination on a deeper level. About how life would be so much better if people weren’t taught to hate others just because they’re different.
I was shocked by what happened when her memory went blank for a short time. And I still remember it as one of the anime betrayals I remember to this day.
In the second season, things do get better for her. But if Code Geass only had one season, I don’t think I could forgive her.
27. Simon Brezhnev From Durarara!!

Simon is one of the most well-known characters in Durarara, and he isn’t even one of the main ones.
Not only did I find him interesting as soon as he showed up in the opening theme animation, but so did a lot of other people.
So, what’s so great about him?
Simon works at a place called Russia Sushi, which doesn’t serve standard sushi. His job is to hand out pamphlets to get as many people as possible.
Second, Simon is a hard worker, but even though he is big and strong, he gives off a calm, peaceful vibe.
I also really like his big smile.
He knows that people rate him based on how he looks and won’t come closer, but he still tries his best.
26. Kilik Rung From Soul Eater

Kilik’s personality seems similar to Black☆Star’s, albeit curtailed to a much more manageable level.
One of the differences is that he lacks the egotistical trait of Black☆Star as he is slightly more laid-back and lighthearted guy always optimistic.
He sometimes acts like a leader in his group consisting of Kim, Ox, himself and their Weapon partners.
25. Uub From Dragon Ball GT

Uub is a Black anime character with dark eyes and black hair. He also sports a Mohawk on an otherwise shaved head.
In his childhood, he was very short and scrawny, wearing his village’s traditional robes consisting of a brown, one-shoulder top, and white pants tied with a white belt.
In GT, after training with Goku for five years, Uub grew noticeably taller and considerably more fit and muscular.
24. Casca From Berserk Golden Age Arc

Prior to the events of the fifth Eclipse, Casca proves a determined and capable leader within the Band of the Falcon who merits the respect of her comrades in arms.
So great is her leadership that she is able to rally the band behind her in their moment of utmost peril and prevent the complete annihilation of the fugitive band for a year following Griffith’s imprisonment.
She fosters morale among the rank and file of the band, who in turn affectionately call her “Big Sis”.
Even amidst the Eclipse, Casca does not allow the Falcons to panic, commanding them to assume formation and contribute what they can.
23. Ishizu Ishtar From Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monsters

Ishizu has long straight black hair that trails just below her shoulders and features 2 locks wrapped in gold rings coming from behind her ears and continue in front, stopping at her neck.
She is slender in build and has tanned skin.
She wears the Millennium Necklace around her neck prior to giving it to Yugi.
Ishizu’s first outfit consists of a long ankle length dress partially bearing her shoulders featuring black patterns around the neck and the rims of the sleeves.
22. Allura From Voltron

Allura is a Black anime character Altean.
She has an active, leggy physique and waist-length, voluptuous white hair.
The only visible features distinguishing her from a human are her down-turned elfish ears.
Her skin tone is warm brown, her eyes are a mix of galaxy blue and turquoise with purple pupils, and her Altean marks are light pink.
21. Sol Marron From Black Clover

Sol is a tall, Black anime character with green eyes and brown skin. She sports short, ruffled black hair.
Sol wears a white tube top that exposes her cleavage and midriff, as well as white arm warmers that cover her elbows. She wears white shorts, along with white detached pants that reach slightly past her knees.
The pants feature large slits that reveal her inner thighs, and are connected to her shorts via o-rings.
She wears white shoes, as well as a black belt on her waist that holds her grimoire. She wears the Blue Rose robe on top of everything.
20. Riley Freeman From The Boondocks

Riley is a highly impressionable third grader. He embraces the stereotypical “gangsta” lifestyle, doing his best to promote the urban culture in the contrasting suburb of Woodcrest.
Influenced by the mass media via rap music and television, he frequently uses poor grammar, and tends to defend his idols even when his imitations go against common sense and righteousness.
One example is his support of R. Kelly in “The Trial of R. Kelly“, despite overwhelming evidence proving Kelly’s guilt, Riley believes he should not have to miss out on his next album because of Kelly going to jail.
19. Mugen From Samurai Champloo

Mugen has messy black hair and a faint beard. His clothing is anachronistic as well, reminiscent of baggy hip-hop fashions of today.
His attire consists of a light grey shirt with a stitch pattern running down the middle and ending at the halfway point of the shirt.
He wears this under a red short-sleeve happi that functions as a jacket. He wears dark gray hakama cut off at shorts-length, resembling loose-fitting Bermuda shorts and Japanese Geta (wooden sandals) on his feet.
These geta are fitted with several metal strips on the soles, allowing him to use his sandals as blocking devices. He has two blue ring tattoos, two on each wrist and two just above the ankles.
18. Ay (Thrid Raikage) From Naruto

A was a tall, Black anime character with a largely muscular and well-defined build.
He had a full head of white hair which flowed into his back along with a long beard.
During his earlier battle against the Eight-Tails, A’s beard was much trimmer.
He had unusual eyes, which had green irides, dark sclerae and no pupils.
His face has pronounced cheekbones and tear troughs under his eyes, and a prominent crease across his forehead with a mole above his right eyebrow.
His top lip also had a darker pigmentation than the bottom one.
17. Dutch From Black Lagoon

Black Lagoon is one of the best Madhouse anime of the 2000s, and Revy needs a break so Dutch can get the attention he deserves.
Dutch is 6 feet 4 inches tall and weighs more than 220 pounds.
He likes to wear sunglasses and military clothes like fatigues, jungle boots, and flak jackets.
He said that before he started The Lagoon Company, he was in the US Navy.
But the best thing about Dutch is that he is a great negotiator who just wants to get the job done with as few innocent deaths as possible.
He can fight, but he’s better at picking and planning military jobs for Revy and the others.
16. Mila-Rose From Bleach

Mila Rose is a Black anime character, green-eyed Arrancar with long, thick, wavy brown hair and large breasts.
Her Hollow hole is positioned mid-way between her navel and breasts.
Her mask fragments form a three-sectioned crown around her head and a thick necklace.
Her Arrancar attire was heavily modified: it matches to the attire belonging to an Amazon warrior, with multiple armor covering her breasts and upper arms, gauntlets on her forearms, and a white skirt.
15. Muhammad Avdol From Jojo Bizarre Adventure

Avdol is an Egyptian man of above-average height and medium to heavy build.
His main attire consists of a long overcoat or robe with wrist-length sleeves (he later switches to a robe with elbow-length sleeves) and a scarf around his neck.
He has two identical scars that run down his cheeks.
He wears a headband or headscarf wrapped around his forehead and keeps his hair in a style resembling Bantu knots, as well as wearing a long ponytail.
14. Karui From Naruto Shippuden

Karui is a Black anime character kunoichi with long spiky red hair and amber eyes.
As noted by Omoi in Part II, she was flat-chested.
She wears a long, short-sleeved dress with frilly edges complete with the Kumogakure flak jacket, two simple yellow earrings, fishnet stockings, thigh-high boots with white soles and a forehead protector which she wears like a bandanna.
She also carries a long sword on her back.
As an adult, Karui figure has a fuller figure and her hair has grown fairly longer.
Her attire now consists of a long sleeveless dark dress held closed by a white obi.
She also no longer wears her forehead protector, and sets her hair in a more neat, back-comb style.
13. Agil From Sword Art Online

Agil is a friendly and very helpful Black anime character who is always looking out for others.
He is also someone to rely on such as when he defended the beta testers against Kibaou, giving Kirito a place to stay, and helping players on lower floors.
He also can be a leader on the battlefield and will help his comrades and friends no matter what the cost may be.
Although he acted as if he only cared about the money, Kirito commented that Agil had spent all of his money helping mid-level players level up.
12. Michiko Malandro From Michiko to Hatchin

My favorite black character in anime is Atsuko Jackson’s longtime friend and enemy, Jackson.
Michiko Malandro is a beautiful woman with a free spirit who has been in jail more than once.
She knows she’s hot and likes to show it off by wearing clothes that show off her stomach and other parts of her body.
Even though she is careless and loud, she is not selfish.
Atsuko’s plan to give gifts to the shelter kids turned out to be dangerous, and she even stole to help a friend. But the point is that she means well when she does bad (and illegal) things.
It’s fun to watch her crazy journey with characters like Hatchin, Atsuko, Pepe, and Hiroshi.
I also like the ending of Michiko to Hatchin.
11. Omoi From Naruto Shippuden

Omoi is a young, Black anime character Kumo-nin with short, spiky, white hair and dark eyes accentuated with eyelashes curving upwards from the corners.
He wears a dark outfit consisting of an overlong shirt with a hood, with red bandage hand guards, Kumogakure shin guards, and a black forehead protector along with a Kumogakure flak jacket.
He is always seen with a thoughtful expression, as though always in deep contemplation and sucking on a lollipop. He also carries a long sword on his back.
10. Sid Barrett From Soul Eater

When Sid was alive, he was a muscular, Black anime character with cornrowed hair and black Japanese tattoos on both his arms which still remain in his zombie transformation.
The kanji shown in the tattoo on his shoulder stands for “death”, and the arrow under it stands for “person”.
He also possessed with a headband that had the writing meaning “hole” upon it but, after his transformation into a zombie, an actual hole through his head is now present where the writing once appeared.
9. Kaname Tōsen From Bleach

Tōsen has Black anime character and dark brown braids. He has pupil-less eyes that are a pale lavender and has been blind since birth.
While a captain he wore the traditional Shinigami uniform with the sleeves rolled up to the shoulders and his captain’s haori over it; the uniform is tied with a purple obi sash.
He also wore an orange scarf around his neck, white boots (instead of the normal sandals), and black, fingerless gloves.
He usually wore clear goggles, although this was not always the case. He kept his hair tied back in a ponytail.
8. Aokiji From One Piece

Many of you thought Kuzan or my next choice would win, but this is already a great place to be.
So why is he the second black character I like best in a shounen anime?
Well, Kuzan was the first Marine admiral that watchers saw. Kuzan was one of the best people in One Piece because he had that rank.
In the same way, he was able to change.
He did help the World Government for a long time, that’s true. But he understood he couldn’t stay with a brutal, corrupt group, so he quit after losing to Sakazuki.
Lastly, I liked how he seemed lazy but also knew what was right and wrong.
7. Tier Halibel From Bleach

Harribel has olive skin, aqua green eyes, thick eyelashes, and short golden blonde hair; which she usually keeps messy with three braided locks.
She wears a variation of the Arrancar jacket with a high collar, which covers the lower part of her face downward, while baring a good portion of the lower half of her large breasts.
The jacket has a zipper running along its entire length, which is opened from the bottom upwards. It has a beige air filter on either side just below the trim.
6. Darui From Naruto Shippuden

Darui is a fairly tall, Black anime character with a slightly bulbous nose, black eyes that usually look bored, and shaggy, white hair which covers his left eye.
He wears a high-collared, sleeveless uniform with loose fitting pants, bandages on his wrists and the one-strap-over-one-shoulder flak jacket of a Kumogakure shinobi.
Darui also has stylised characters for water (水) and lightning (雷) tattooed on his right and left shoulders respectively, denoting his chakra’s nature affinities, Water Release and Lightning Release, as well as the fact that he has a kekkei genkai, the Storm Release.
5. Afro Samurai From Afro Samurai: Resurrection

Yes, that’s what he’s called.
Voice artists for the anime ranged from Samuel L. Jackson to Phil Lamarr, and it was surprising how it was made. But it was also very welcome.
You don’t need to know much about Afro Samurai to be interested in it.
In the series and the movie Resurrection, we learn more about him, but what makes him so interesting is how good he is with a sword.
It’s so much fun to watch him swing his sword in a show that isn’t afraid to show blood and gore.
This is a man who had a happy youth until he saw Justice cut off his dad’s head. He wants the Number One headband.
4. A (Fourth Raikage) From Naruto Shippuden

A is generally characterised as stern, outspoken and decisive.
After becoming Raikage, A grew more humble as he referred to himself as “washi”, a more humble term used by old men, instead of “ore”, a prideful way of saying “I” or “me”.
It also becomes surprising when someone manages to convince him. He believes that actions and strength mean everything in the shinobi world and that ninja should never compromise or bow down in front of each other.
Similarly, he views jinchūriki not as individuals, but as tools of villages that have no right to speak for themselves.
3. Canary From Hunter x Hunter

There are two great anime versions of Hunter x Hunter.
Even though the Nippon Animation version was good, the 2011 Madhouse version took things to a whole new level.
Both versions had Canary in them.
Canary was one of the first black people I saw in an anime show.
She’s just a butler for Killua’s family, and she’s very loyal to Killua, but the fact that she got that job shows that she’s very dangerous.
I also love the way she looks. She has a very formal look, but she is only 16 years old and can beat up a hundred guys by herself.
2. Killer Bee From Naruto Shippuden

Naruto’s take on ninjas is very different, especially in how the characters look (yes, they wear orange tracksuits) and how digital technology is used.
The Eight-Tails jinchuuriki Killer Bee then made its first appearance.
Is he a ninja?
Does he rap?
Does he rap well?
No, but he won’t stop making rap music because of that.
Killer Bee was a loud, kind, rap-loving man who lived in a world where some of the most powerful people are mostly driven by their desire to save or kill humanity.
1. Yoruichi Shihouin From Bleach

Yoruichi’s look and the fact that she used to be a captain and leader make her seem scary, but she also knows how to make friends and have fun with her peers.
Also, how can you not like her when she can turn into a real black cat?
So when she’s not making fun of her friends, she can just be like a cat and sleep all day.
Her style is one of my favorites in Bleach, especially her golden (or amber) eyes, purple hair, and orange top.
And whether her hair is long or short, Yoruichi looks great.
Sorry to tell you this but most of these are not black. This is a lazy attempt. Dark skin does not equal black. Uub is south Asian for example. Some of your choices are straight up European. And some of these aren’t even anime.
thanks for correcting us we will update this article as soon as we can … thanks for making MOW Better !!!
Us black folk be claiming everyone and then be getting mad when questioned. Maybe you should have just said dark skinned cause we are claiming others representation