At the risk of being too obvious, the fastest way to win at Yu-Gi-Oh! is to hit your opponent’s life points.
Burn decks and Exodia decks each have their own way to win a battle, but I find that the fastest, most reliable, and most fun way to win is to overwhelm your opponent with monsters that are way too strong.
The only problem is that your opponent also has monsters.
With monsters that hit directly, this isn’t a problem.
No matter what your opponent has on their field, you can just hit them anyway.
So, if you want to make a Direct Attack Cards or just want some suggestions for direct-attack monsters to add to your plan, here are some of the best.
15. Wattcobra

There are a lot of Watt monsters that can attack straight, and the Wattcobra is one of my favorites.
Like most of his kind, he has a low ATK, but it’s not too bad for a hidden unit.
When he deals direct battle damage, you can add any Watt monster from your deck to your hand.
So, you have an easy-to-call piercer and a searcher.
Use defenses like “Messenger of Peace” to stop bigger monsters from attacking while your Watts sneak attacks get through.
14. Zoodiac Boarbow

Zoodiac Boarbow needs a crazy amount of materials: five level 4 monsters. Luckily, you can just use a Zoodiac to call him instead.
The more fuel you give Boarbow, the better, because his ATK and DEF go up by the same amount as the total score of his materials.
Boarbow can also attack your opponent directly, and when he does so with twelve or more materials, you can send as many of your opponent’s cards from their hand and field to the graveyard as you can, then move Boarbow to the defense position.
This devastating effect clears both their hand and field, but even if you don’t have enough materials for it, Boarbow excels with his strong direct attacks.
13. Red-Eyes Toon Dragon

Like most Toon monsters, Red-Eyes Toon Dragon can’t fight on the turn he’s played, and he needs two tributes to normal summon as a level seven monster.
But as long as you handle “Toon World” and your opponent doesn’t have any Toon monsters, Red-Eyes can directly attack them!
You won’t find many straight attackers with 2400 ATK, and what’s even better is that Red-Eyes lets you special summon a different Toon from your hand once per turn, regardless of how it was summoned.
This greatly speeds up your swarming by letting you use high-level Toons without paying offerings.
This gives you a strong army that is ready to launch sneaky attacks.
Well, at least on the next turn.
12. Orgoth the Relentless

I have to say something nice about this guy.
Even though he doesn’t always attack directly, Orgoth the Relentless is a very strong monster for any deck because of the things he can do.
Orgoth lets you roll a dice three times and gives you attack equal to the total of the three rolls multiplied by 100.
Using a little math, you’ll probably get an extra 1000 attack from this, giving you an average monster with 3500 ATK.
If two of the three jobs are 5s or 6s, this card can directly attack. And getting a 3500 hit right in the face is not something to laugh about.
If this card let you attack straight more often, it would be much higher on the list. But right now, Orgoth is just a good place to start.
11. Unifrog

In the late GX and early 5Ds era, frogs were the worst professional deck.
With cards like Substitoad that could be used as many times as you wanted, Frogs were great for filling the field, whether it was for tribute summons, synchro summons, or anything else that needed a field of 5 monsters.
That doesn’t mean Frogs are old news, though.
With help cards like “Toadally Awesome,” you can call up any frog you want, whenever you want.
With Unifrog, all you have to do is use some equip magic to make it stronger, and then keep doing damage to your opponent.
10. Black Tyranno

A monster with 2600 attack and 2 attributes is not a bad deal. So the result makes this card even better than it already was.
If your opponent has all of their monsters in defense position, you can attack straight for 2600 attack!
This is great in two situations: if your opponent has built a wall and is trying to save their life points, or if you use a card like Swords of Concealing Light to put your opponent’s monsters into defense position.
Either way, this is a great monster for 2 tributes that can be used in almost any deck.
9. Submarineroid

In Yu-Gi-Oh, you usually have to decide if you want to play offensively or defense.
Do you play a big monster in attack position to scare your opponent or a safe monster in defense position to protect your life points?
You can do both with Submarineroid.
You can also use this card to attack straight and do 800 damage. Because of what it does, you won’t be able to make this damage worse.
But each hurt you do to your opponent makes them weaker and weaker.
I mean, if you keep it going for 10 turns, it will kill your opponent by itself.
And here’s something else: once you’re done fighting, Submarineroid goes back into defense mode, so you won’t have to worry about getting hurt by attacks.
We love getting more for less.
8. Infernity Archer

This technique seems hard to pull off until you remember that Infernity decks are all about not having any cards in your hand.
Infernity decks have a lot of cards that make you to throw away your hand, and once your hand is empty, all of their monsters get crazy abilities.
Archer is a monster with 2000 attack that can now attack straight. This costs 1 tribute, which is a great deal for a card that can kill your opponent in just 4 strikes.
If you want to use this card in a deck that isn’t about Infernity, you can also use it in decks that have a lot of spells and traps.
All you have to do to get rid of your hand is set all your spells and traps. Then, boom, you have a monster that can hit your opponent right in the face.
7. Dinomist Spinos

These robot-dinosaur-pendulum-monsters are definitely one of the most interesting pendulum picks out there.
Spinos is a level 5 monster, which means it takes 1 tribute to call it into play. But if you have scales between 4 and 6 in a pendulum deck, you can just call Spinos for free.
And with an attack value of 2500, this card is not a joke. This is about as strong as Summoned Skull.
This card can either hit twice or directly by tributing a monster.
The best thing about pendulum decks is that when they are killed or sacrificed, the cards are put face-up on the extra deck, where they can be pendulum summoned again.
This means that Dinomist Spinos is almost free to fire. Who could turn that down?
6. Earthbound Immortal Ccapac Apu

The Earthbound Immortals were the bad guys in 5Ds. They were like the Signer Dragons from the Aztec culture.
All of the Immortals who are tied to the Earth can attack directly. And with a 3000 attack number, the game goes quickly.
You can attack directly, but if you choose to attack a monster your opponent controls instead, you’ll deal burn damage equal to that monster’s attack.
This means that no matter how you hit, you are doing it straight on.
I’d suggest calling this guy out with Mausoleum of the Emperor, where you can pay 2000 life points instead of monsters to normal summon it for free.
This also stops a field spell from killing itself by keeping it on the board.
5. Harpies’ Pet Phantasmal Dragon

I have to say that I’m so glad Harpies have been getting help lately.
They were a type of monster that has been around since the beginning of Yu-Gi-Oh. They were the monsters that Mai Valentine was known for.
This XYZ monster brings Harpies back into the modern world. It has an ability that protects your Harpies monsters and lets you attack straight for 3 turns.
Even though you have to call 3 monsters to get this guy, the 6000 damage he can do is definitely worth it.
Harpies are also very good at using their magical powers to make more and more copies of themselves.
This means that you probably won’t have to wait long at all to get all your things back.
4. Mekk-Knight Spectrum Supreme

Ah, Mekk-Knights. The deck that made us all ask, “Wait, what’s a column again?”
They were the first deck to really focus on how cards in the same column as them gave them advantages or disadvantages based on what was on the field.
Even though it is the only monster in its column, Mekk-Knight Spectrum Supreme can attack straight.
This guy not only has an ability that lets you get rid of cards you control in the same column as it, but when it’s not pointing to a monster, it’s almost impossible to destroy.
Mekk-Knights have a lot of cards that let them get rid of cards in certain columns (and of course, who could forget Infinite Impermanence? ), which makes it easy for them to use this straight attack that does 3000 damage.
3. Earthbound Immortal Cusillu

Even though it seems a little arrogant to include two Earthbound Immortals on this list, they are both great in their own ways and both deserve to be here.
Earthbound Immortal Cusillu, or the monkey one as I remember it, has the same ability to hit directly and needs field spells in the same way.
What makes this card different is that when it would lose a fight, you can instead sacrifice another monster you control. Then you cut your opponent’s life points in half.
That’s a maximum of 4,000 damage, which is almost enough to beat your opponent right then and there.
This is a straight attacker with a great plan B. Even if your Immortal deck isn’t Earthbound, you should still play this guy if you have a field spell.
2. Number 82: Heartlandraco

This guy is second on this list because he is the easiest straight attacker to get in Yu-Gi-Oh!
For two level-4 monsters, you can get a dragon with 2000 attack that can attack straight and can’t be destroyed as long as you have a spell in your hand.
Given how popular field spells have become in Yu-Gi-Oh, this is almost a win because it gives you a direct attacker that can’t be hurt every turn.
So many Yu-Gi-Oh decks have level 4 monsters. So you can use Number 82: Heartlandraco in a wide range of ways.
I’d suggest putting a copy of this card in any extra deck that can call forth XYZ monsters of rank 4 or higher.
This card can help you win in a lot of different ways, especially when your opponent’s life points are low and you need that extra edge to finish them off.
1. Toon Ancient Gear Golem

When it comes to straight attacks, you just can’t beat a Toons deck.
Toons is the best deck to use if you want to make a deck that does a lot of damage quickly.
As long as you control Toon World, every Toon monster in your deck can attack directly. This gives you a whole deck of tough monsters that are hard to stop.
And there are so many good Toon monsters that we could put almost all of them on this list.
Also, all of the Toon monsters, like Blue Eyes White Dragon and Dark Magician, are cartoon versions of the original monsters. I’ve never seen a deck with so many memories on it.
Toon Ancient Gear Golem is just one of many Toon cards that are very powerful. It works just like the original Ancient Gear Golem.
It has a piercing attack, and your opponent can’t use magic or traps until this guy has done his damage.
It can also strike straight on, of course.
Toons don’t work well with other decks, but as a stand-alone deck, their direct attacks are insanely strong, making this whole archetype the best direct attackers in all of Yu-Gi-Oh!