Ash is the only person to own the totality of 83 Pokemon, which includes the entire thirty Tauros.
This comprises all the Pokemon Ash has ever caught (or adopted, such as Pikachu or Mimey) and also the ones he released into the wild.
In addition, Ash temporarily owned four Pokémon, traded two away, gave one away, and traveled with four Pokémon.
All in all, Ash has owned 98 different types of Pokemon. In addition, he has at the very least at least one Pokemon that is from every one of the 18 kinds.
In November 2021, Ash is currently the owner of several Pokemon and one Rotom Phone, which is on the move with Ash on his travels.
It’s been 23 years since Ash tried to capture them all. Ash has a decent number of Pokemon, including some really powerful ones. This is a complete collection of his official Pokemon in the order they were captured.
Kanto, Indigo League, and Orange League
His team within the Kanto region was comprised of Pikachu, Butterfree, Pidgeot, Bulbasaur, Charizard, and Squirtle.
The team he was within the Oranwithinnds had Pikachu, Bulbasaur, Charizard, Squirtle, Lapras, and Snorlax.
I. Pikachu

Type –Electric
Status – Starter
Evolution –Not Fully Evolved
Caught in –EP001: Pokemon – I Choose You!
Evolves in-EP001: Before PokemonBeforeose You!
Location: In Rotation
Some notable achievements: Pikachu recently activated his Gigantimax form and is the first of Ash’s Pokemon to do this.
Although it isn’t fully evolved or mega evolved, Pikachu has defeated 2 Mega Evolved Pokemon, Korrina’s Mega Lucario and Misty’s Mega Gyrados, as well as 4 Legendary Pokemon, Brandon’s Regice and Tobias’s Latios, Gladion’s Silvally, and the Electric-Fairy type Pokemon, Tapu Koko. Pikachu has a variety of Z-moves as well as Dynamax moves.
II. Butterfree

Type –Bug-Flying
Status – Non-Starter
Evolution –Fully Evolved
Caught in –EP003: Ash Catches a Pokemon
Evolves in –EP003: Ash Catches a Pokemon; EP004: Challenge of the Samurai
Site –Released into the wild
Noteworthy accomplishments: Butterfree is Ash’s first Pokemon to be captured in the wild, and also the first released into the wild too.
As a member of Team Rocket, he helps to save Ash from an arachnid of Beedrill, and also, as a Butterfree, he aids a whole bunch of other Butterfreof e to escape Team Rocket.
III. Pidgeot

Type –Normal-Flying
Status – Non-Starter
Evolution –Fully Evolved
Caught in –EP003: Ash Catches a Pokemon
Evolves in –EP081: Pallet Party Panic!
Place –Released into the wild
Notable achievements: Ash captured Pidgeot as Pidgeotto. Up until the time it came out, Pidgeotto was an Ash-sal Pokemon.
Pidgeot can save wild Pidgey and Pidgeotto from Team Rocket before joining their family and departing with Ash.
IV. Bulbasaur

Type – Grass-Poison
Status – Starter
Evolution –Not Fully Evolved
Caught in –EP010: Bulbasaur and the Hidden Village
Location –Professor Oak’s Laboratory
Bulbasaur, like Pikachu and Squirtle, is indecisive regarding evolution, but it’s still extremely useful in combat.
In his time, he has defeated a complete Exeggutor herd on his own and has defeated Beedrill, Kingler, Raticate, Cubone, and a Pincer.
He also saved Ash, as well as his companions and other Pokemon, on numerous occasions in the battle against Team Rocket.
V. Charizard

Type –Fire-Flying
Status – Starter
Evolution –Fully Evolved
Caught in –EP011: Charmander – The Stray Pokemon
Evolves in –EP043: March of the Exeggutor Squad; EP046: Attack of the Prehistoric Pokemon
Location –Professor Oak’s Laboratory
Amazing achievements: Charizard is one of Ash’s most powerful Pokemon as well as being utilized in countless battles throughout the decades.
As a Charmander Charizard, he showed his strength by fighting Primeape, Weepinbell, Venomoth, and Exeggutor.
When the charmeleon was born, he resisted obedience to Ash because he felt that his abilities were higher than Ash’s.
However, eventually, he comes back to Ash as his memories come back. Charizard can defend against Pokemon like Tauros as well as Magmar.
He battles the Pseudo Dragonite Legendary and beats Gary’s Scizor, Golem, and Blastoise. He defeats Team Rocket multiple times.
VI. Squirtle

Type –Water
Status – Starter
Evolution –Not Fully Evolved
Caught in –EP012: Here Comes the Squirtle Squad
Location –Professor Oak’s Laboratory
Noteworthy feats: like Pikachu and his closest pal Bulbasaur, Squirtle has no desire to change. He’s small but fierce and has fought Drake’s Dragonite.
He defeats May’s Electabuzz despite a type disadvantage. He also defeats Brandon’s Ninjask in the Battle Pyramid.
VII. Kingler

Type –Water
Status – Non-Starter
Evolution –Fully Evolved
Caught in –EP013: Mystery at the Lighthouse
Evolves in –EP075: Round One – Begin!
Location –Professor Oak’s Laboratory
Amazing feat: If we don’t count matches that are 1-on-1, Kingler is the only one of Ash’s Pokemon to win a complete league match on its own.
As Kingler is a Krabby, Kingler defeats Mandy’s Exeggutor in the opening phase of the Pokemon League.
It transforms into Kingler in the battle and defeats Madi’s Seadra and Golbat to win the battle. Ash.
VIII. Primeape

Type – Fighting
Status – Non-Starter
Evolution –Fully Evolved
Caught in –EP025: Here Comes the Squirtle Squad
Location –With Anthony
The Primeape has the ability to use a canket capable of defeating Team Rocket.
It initially doesn’t respect Ash, in addition to having a rough temper, but can gain respect for Ash in the future.
It is the winner of its first P1 Grand Prix, and Ash takes it away with Anthony so that it can be trained to get stronger.
IX. Muk

Type – Poison
Status – Non-Starter
Evolution –Fully Evolved
Caught in –EP030: Sparks Fly for Magnemite
Location –Professor Oak’s Laboratory
Some notable feats We’ve not seen much of Muk, but he can defeacan’s Bellsprout in the Indigo League and fight Gary’s Blastoise in the Gold and Silver series.
X. Tauros (x30)

Type –Normal
Status – Non-Starter
Evolution –Cannot Evolve
Caught in –EP035 (Banned Episode)
Location –Professor Oak’s Laboratory
Noteworthy accomplishments: Ash has 30 Tauros which he captured by using Safari Balls.
Tauros is the only Pokemon to have a strong move that kills the opponent with just one strike.
Tauros is defeated by Drake’s Venusaur and fights Gary’s Nidoqueen as well as Salon Maiden Anabel’s Pokemon.
XI. Lapras

Type –Water-Ice
Status – Non-Starter
Evolution –Cannot Evolve
Caught in –EP084: The Lost Lapras
Site –Released into the wild
Amazing feats Ash’s Lapras was taken by Team Rocket along with an entire school and Lapras’ mother.
The Laprakes use their water and ice to take on Team Rocket and rescue their herd.
XII. Snorlax

Type –Normal
Status – Non-Starter
Evolution –Fully Evolved
Caught in –EP094: Snack Attack
Location –Professor Oak’s Laboratory
Amazing accomplishments: Snorlax is one of Ash’s most well-known Pokemon, although it’s never used as often in battle as it should be.
There are a lot of wins under his belt, however. Ash uses him in the Sumo Conference and Snorlax wins.
He also defeated Clair’s Kingdra, Gary’s Nidoqueen, Arcanine Greta’s Hariyama, Medicham, and an unidentified trainer’s Grumpig.
2. Johto Leauge
Team Ash’s of the JohAshgion was comprised of Pikachu, Bayleef, Cyndaquil (which evolves into Quilava in Diamond and Pearl), Totodile, Noctowl, and Phanpy (which changes to Donphan totodile in Ruby and Sapphire in the next regions).
I. Heracross

Type – Bug-Fighting
Status – Non-Starter
Evolution –Cannot Evolve
Caught in –EP119: A Sappy Ending
Location –Professor Oak’s Laboratory
Amazing achievements: Heracross battles Team Rocket and also Scizor Donphan, Gary’s Magmar, and Blastoise. She also battles bravely with Tobias’ Darkrai during the semi-final frontier.
II. Bayleef

Type –Grass
Status – Starter
Evolution –Not Fully Evolved
Caught in –EP126: The Chikorita Rescue
Evolves in –EP199: Current Events
Location –Professor Oak’s Laboratory
Amazing achievements: Bayleef shows her bravery when she fights Charizard, being in her non-evolved form as she is a Chikorita.
As Bayleef, she takes on Team Rocket with the help of Pikachu.
III. Quilava

Type –Fire
Status – Starter
Evolution –Not Fully Evolved
Caught in –EP141: Good ‘Quil Hunting
Evolves in –DP182: An Old Family Blend!
Location –Professor Oak’s Laboratory
Some notable feats include Cyndaquil Quilava defeating the Skarmony.
Quilava’s ability to explode is enough to blow Team Rocket away.
Quilava also beats Nando’s Staraptor.
IV. Totodile

Type –Water
Status – Starter
Evolution –Not Fully Evolved
Caught in –EP151: The Totodile Duel
Location –Professor Oak’s Laboratory
Some notable achievements include: Totodile defeats Macy’s Slugma at the Silver Conference.
Though Ash’s Corphish and Dawn’s Piplup, Totodile also helps to calm the enveloping fires created by Cyndaquil as he fights Team Rocket.
V. Noctowl

Type –Normal-Flying
Status – Non-Starter
Evolution –Fully Evolved
Caught in –EP154: Fowl Play!
Location –Professor Oak’s Laboratory
Amazing feats Noctowl is Ash’s very first shiny Pokemon and is an extremely silent flyer.
Although it is of the normal-flying-type, it has psychic abilities that it uses to battle Ghost-type Pokemon.
VI. Donphan

Type –Ground
Status – Non-Starter
Evolution –Fully Evolved
Egg found in –EP228: Extreme Pokemon!
Hatches in –EP230: Hatching a Plan
Evolves in –AG154: Reversing the Charges
Location –Professor Oak’s Laboratory
Amazing feats like the Panphy Donphan are unable to comply with Ash and are captured by Team Rocket.
However, after evolving into Donphan, the creature can take on the team. It also eliminates Pike Queen Lucy’s Seviper in Ruby and Sapphire.
3. Hoenn League/Battle Frontier
Ash’s team from the Hoenn region comprised Pikachu, Swellow, Grovyle, Corphish, Torkoal, and Glalie.
The team for Kanto Battle Frontier included Pikachu, Sceptile, Swellow, Corphish, Donphan, and Aipom (who was traded by Dawn).
I. Swellow

Type –Grass
Status – Non-Starter
Evolution –Fully Evolved
Caught in –AG004: You Never Can Taillow
Evolves in –AG080: That’s Just Swellow
Location –Professor Oak’s Laboratory
Some notable accomplishments: Taillow evolves into Swellow in a Pokeringer competition similar to Staraptor. The first of Ash’s Hoenn Pokemon to fully evolve
At the Gym Battle in Sootopolis Swellow hits Juan’s Wiscash. He defeats Spenser’s Venasaur using Aerial Ace.
II. Sceptile

Type –Ground
Status – Starter
Evolution –Fully Evolved
Caught in –AG007: Tree’s a Crowd
Evolves in –AG066: Exploud and Clear; AG161: Odd Pokemon Out
Location –Professor Oak’s Laboratory
Some notable achievements: Sceptile is undeniably powerful. He’s the only Pokemon that beat Tobias’ Darkrai.
Sceptile also ranks high on Ash’s Pokemon list of the most Legendaries as well as Pikachu.
It includes Tobias’s Darkrai, Latios Brandon’s Regirock, and Deoxys in The Battle Frontier. The Sceptile is a Grovyle that evolves from the Treecko.
III. Corphish

Type –Ground
Status – Non-Starter
Evolution –Not Fully Evolved
Caught in –AG023: Gone Corphishin’!
Location –Professor Oak’s Laboratory
The most notable feats of HTML0: Corphish is strong and durable, and it is often used to defeat Tyson’s Hariyama, Swampert, and Arcanine.
It also has a chance to win a rematch against Ariel from Salon Maiden’s Alakazam.
IV. Torkoal

Type –Ground
Status – Non-Starter
Evolution –Cannot Evolve
Caught in –AG058: All Torkoal, No Play
Location –Professor Oak’s Laboratory
Amazing feats We haven’t been able to see the Torkoal in action much The only match it can definitively win is against Tyson’s Shifty in the Hoenn League championships.
It also has fought Tobias’s Darkrai.
V. Glalie

Type –Ground
Status – Non-Starter
Evolution –Fully Evolved
Caught in-AG108: Let It, Snow, Let It, Snow, Let It Snorunt!
Evolves in –AG123: Rhapsody in Drew
Location –Professor Oak’s Laboratory
Amazing achievements: Glalie is the only ice-type Pokemon that Ash currently has. As Snorut is able to defeat Team Rocket once and beat them again, he transforms into Glalie.
This is also the time when he learns to master Ice Beam. He also beats Clark’s Charizard in the Hoenn League, along with Morrison’s Metang.
4. Sinnoh League
The Ash’s squad of the Sinnoh region was comprised of Pikachu, Staraptor, Torterra, Buizel, Infernape, Gliscor, Pikachu, Torterra, Infern Gible.
The team also included Aipom before it was transferred away and replaced with Buizel.
I. Staraptor

Type –Normal-Flying
Status – Non-Starter
Evolution –Fully Evolved
Caught in –DP002: Two Degrees of Separation!
Evolves in –DP013: A Staravia is Born!; DP118: Pursuing a Lofty Goal!
Location –Professor Oak’s Laboratory
Unbelievable achievements: Starly evolves to Staravia to take on Team Rocket. He also defeats Gym leader Gardenia’s Cherubi as well as the Gym leader Maylene’s Machoke.
Staravia changes into Staraptor in the Pokeringer Contest and defeats Paul’s Honchkrow. Staraptor is also able to defeat Candice’s Medicham and Nando’s Roserade.
II. Torterra

Type –Grass-Ground
Status – Starter
Evolution –Fully Evolved
Caught in –DP005: Gettin’ Twiggy With It!
DP100: Aiding the Enemy!; DP166: The Fleeing Tower of Sunyshore!
Location –Professor Oak’s Laboratory
Amazing feats such as: as a Turtwig, it uses its speed and compact dimensions to take on Roark’s Cranidos.
Due to its precise defense and attacks, as a grotle that is a grotle, it can beat Candice’s Sneasel despite the disadvantage of its type.
In its final form, Torterra relies on physical power and healing capabilities. It launches Team Rocket into hurtling into space.
III. Infernape

Type – Fire-Fighting
Status – Starter
Evolution –Fully Evolved
Caught in –DP052: Smells Like Team Spirit!
Evolving Strategies! ; The DP163: Fight Ire by Fire!
Location –Professor Oak’s Laboratory
Noteworthy feats such as Chimchars and Infernape belonged to Paul but were evicted by him because he was weak.
After joining Ash’s team, Infernape evolves into Monferno, and eventually Infernape.
Since then, he’s won numerous matches, including Paul and Paul, which allowed Ash to advance to the finals of the Pokemon League semi-finals.
IV. Buizel

Type –Water
Status – Non-Starter
Evolution –Not Fully Evolved
Caught in –DP034: Buizel Your Way Out Of This!
Location –Professor Oak’s Laboratory
Unusual accomplishments: Buizel was originally Dawn’s Pokemon and later transferred to Ash in exchange for his Aipom due to his winning streaks in battle.
He has defeated several Pokemon that he has defeated, including Lucario, Staravia, Chimchar, Steelix, Ursaring, Infernape, and Mr. Mime. He beats Paul’s Gastrodon and is defeated by Drapion.
V. Gliscor

Type –Ground-Flying
Status – Non-Starter
Evolution –Fully Evolved
Caught in –DP064: Riding the Winds of Change!
Develops into the form ofDP085 Fighting Fear by overcoming Fear!
Location –Professor Oak’s Laboratory
Noteworthy accomplishments: Gliscor evolves from Gligar by using a Razor Fang.
He is able to defeat Paul’s Drapion after mastering Stone Edge and Fire Fang in his training with McCann.
VI. Gible

Type –Dragon-Ground
Status – Non-Starter
Evolution –Not Fully Evolved
Caught in – DP157: Gotta Get a Gible!
Location –Professor Oak’s Laboratory
Amazing achievements: Gible has not yet reached Pseudo legendary status, but could be able to achieve it.
Gible has finally been able to master the Draco Meteor and defeats Conway’s Shuckle. He also defeats his Dusknoir.
5. Unova League
Ash’s team from the Unova region comprised Pikachu, Unfezant, Oshawott, Pignite, Snivy, Scraggy, Leavanny, Boldore, Palpitoad, Krookodile, and Charizard.
I. Unfezant

Type –Normal-Flying
Status – Non-Starter
Evolution –Fully Evolved
Caught in –BW002: Enter Iris and Axew!
BW022: A Venipede Stampede! ; BW068: An Amazing Aerial Battle!
Location –Professor Oak’s Laboratory
Amazing achievements: Unfezant was caught when she was pidove. She changed into the form of a Tranquill to eradicate the swarm of Venipede before they made it to their destination, the Central Plaza of Castelia City.
Unfezant following her final transformation, she defeats Cameron’s Riolu in the Vertress Conference, despite having a type disadvantage. She also helps save Pikachu and Pikachu from Team Rocket.
II. Oshawott

Type –Water
Status – Starter
Evolution –Not Fully Evolved
Caught in –BW003: A Sandile Gusher of Change!
Location –Professor Oak’s Laboratory
Oshawott was hydrophobic and overcomes his fear when he defeated an unruly palpitoad.
He bravely fought to defeat Cameron’s Hydreigon.
He can also get out of the Pokeball on himself.
III. Pignite

Type – Fire-Fighting
Status – Starter
Evolution –Not Fully Evolved
Caught in –BW004: A Sandile Gusher of Change!
Evolves in –BW077: Evolution by Fire!
Location –Professor Oak’s Laboratory
Amazing accomplishments: Pignite, like Charizard and Infernape, had been abandoned by the cruel teacher who believed that he was weak.
Ash can rescue himself as the Tepig, and then he transforms into Pignite as he fights his former trainer.
Pignite beats Cameron’s Hydreigon in the quarterfinals of Unova League and wins the Sumo Tournament by knocking off Rodney’s Golurk.
IV. Snivy

Type –Grass
Status – Starter
Evolution –Not Fully Evolved
Caught in –BW007: Snivy Plays Hard to Catch!
Location –Professor Oak’s Laboratory
Some notable accomplishments: Snivy battles against Trip’s Service and Georgia’s Pawniard and prevails.
Ash also makes use of Snivy in the gym battle where she takes on Clay’s Palpitoad. She defeats Moira’s Cinccino and Jessie James’s Woobat and Yamask.
V. Scraggy

Type – Dark-Fighting
Status – Non-Starter
Evolution –Not Fully Evolved
Egg obtained from BW012:BW012: Here is the Trubbish Squad!
Hatches in –BW017: Scraggy–Hatched to Be Wild!
Location –Professor Oak’s Laboratory
Notable feats Scraggy was born from an egg, a lot like Donphan and Lucario. Scraggy is shy, but he’s also aggressive.
Scraggy has defeated Cilan’s Axew twice and fought the wild Garbodor when he walked with Gothita.
VI. Leavanny

Type –Bug-Grass
Status – Non-Starter
Evolution –Fully Evolved
Caught in –BW018: Sewaddle and Burgh in Pinwheel Forest!
BW023: Battling For The Love of Bug-Types! ; BW074: Battling the Leaf Thieves!
Location –Professor Oak’s Laboratory
Some notable feats As Sewaddle, Leavanny overcomes Burgh’s Dwebble and Whirlipede, transforming through the process.
In the battle between Ash and Iris, Swadloon evolves into Leavanny to fight Emolga.
Leavanny can also beat Roxie’s Koffing, even though she has a disadvantage of a certain kind.
VII. Palpitoad

Type –Water-Ground
Status – Non-Starter
Evolution –Not Fully Evolved
Catched in theBE032 The Face of Fear with Wide Eyes!
Location –Professor Oak’s Laboratory
Some notable feats Palpitoad is underrated and is rarely utilized. He has a win against Burgundy’s Stoutland and Dino’s Darumaka in the Don Battle Tournament, and the Gym Leader’s and Stephan’s Zebstrika at two different times by combining his ground-based and water-based techniques.
VIII. Boldore

Type –Rock
Status – Non-Starter
Evolution –Not Fully Evolved
Caught in –BW034: Gotta Catch A Roggenrola!
Evolves in –BW061: Battling the King of the Mines!
Location –Professor Oak’s Laboratory
Some notable feats In the role of a Roggenrola, Boldore saved a group of wild Roggenrolas from Team Rocket and also fought against Dr. Zager.
Following its transformation, Boldore defeats Geraldo’s Reuniclus in the Junior Cup and also helps Ash win the semi-finals.
IX. Krookodile

Type –Ground-Dark
Status – Non-Starter
Evolution –Fully Evolved
Caught in –BW065: Battling the Bully!
BW020: Dancing With the Ducklett Trio! ; BW092: Ash, Iris, and Trip: Then There Were Three!
Location –Professor Oak’s Laboratory
Amazing achievements: Krokorok evolves from Sandile due to his desire to beat Pikachu. As Krookodile Krookodile is defeated by Iris’s Dragonite in the Junior Cup, and Stephan’s Liepard and Sawk simultaneously and makes Ash an opponent in the quarterfinals.
6. Kalos League
Ash’s team from the Kalos region was comprised of Pikachu, Greninja, Talonflame, Hawlucha, and Noibat (who changes later on in this series).
I. Greninja

Type –Water-Dark
Status – Starter
Evolution –Fully Evolved
Place –Released into the wild
Egg found in the gameXY001 Before Kalos The Place Where Dreams and Adventures Begin!
Hatches in –XY001: Prior to Kalos, Where Dreams and Adventures Begin!
XY052: A Stealthy Challenge! ; XY100: A Festival of Decisions!
Amazing feats In contrast to others, this is a Greninja who was a Froakie and used to quit her trainers due to being weak. As a frogadier, you can take on Saizo’s Barbaracle.
As part of Ash’s gym battle against Ramos, it beats Weepinbell as well as Gogoat. Its most effective form is its Ash-Greninja version, which is just as powerful as Mega Evolution.
The reason it is activated is the strong bond he has with Ash.
II. Talonflame

Type –Fire-Flying
Status – Non-Starter
Evolution –Fully Evolved
Caught in –XY003: A Battle of Aerial Mobility!
Evolves into XY036: Battles in the Sky! ; XY086: A Legendary Photo Op!
Location –Professor Oak’s Laboratory
Amazing achievements: Fletchling evolves into Fletchinder when he is fighting Moria’s Tlonflame.
Fletchinder transforms into Talonflame when battling Moltres which is one of the three Legendary Birds in the Kanto region.
It took home the Honor of Kalos medal for fighting against Team Flare. He beat Olympia’s Meowstic in the Gym Battle and also Sawyer’s Fight in the semi-finals.
III. Hawlucha

Type –Fighting-Flying
Status – Non-Starter
Evolution –Cannot Evolve
Caught in –XY035: The Forest Champion!
Location –Professor Oak’s Laboratory
Hawlucha’s greatest accomplishment is his victory over his opponent, Mega Evolved Absol, owned by Astrid Astrid, despite not being Mega Evolved.
He also beats Alain’s Weavile. In addition to Ash’s other Pokemon, He also receives the Honor of Kalos medal for his battle against Team Flare.
IV. Goodra

Type –Dragon
Status – Non-Starter
Evolution –Fully Evolved
Caught in –XY055: A Slippery Encounter!
Evolves in –XY061: An Oasis of Hope! ; XY065: Good Friends, Great Training!
Site –Released into the wild
Unusual achievements: Goodra was Ash’s sole true dragon-type before the time he was released.
He was Ash’s initial pseudo-legendary Pokemon. Goodra has been able to help Ash beat all trainers except for his battle against Alain at the Kalos League.
V. Noivern

Type –Flying-Dragon
Status – Non-Starter
Evolution –Fully Evolved
Egg discovered inXY076: An Unflying Start!
Hatches in –XY076: A Not-So-Flying Start!
Evolves in –XY110: An Electrifying Rage!
Location –Professor Oak’s Laboratory
The most notable abilities: Noivern is a semi-pseudo Pokemon but has not participated in any gym battles.
As a result, Noibat transforms into Noivern to protect Hawlucha from being swept into a ravine. As a result, it becomes a legendary bird Pokemon, Zapdos.
As a Noivern, he fights with courage against the Mega Gyarados. He wins the Honor of Kalos medal for his fight to defeat Team Flare.
7. Alola League
Ash’s team from the Alola region was comprised of Pikachu, Rowlet, Lycanroc, Incineroar, Nagandael, and Melmetal.
I. Rowlet

Type –Grass-Flying
Status – Starter
Evolution –Not Fully Evolved
Egg found inSM004 Before the First Catch in Alola Ketchum-style!
Hatches in SM004: Before the First Catch in Alola, Ketchum-Style!
The location isProfessor Kukui and Burnet’s home
Notable feats While Rowlet cannot change by using the Everstone, he does use the stone as an instrument to use his Z-moves.
Rowlet is powerful enough to take on both of its more evolved versions and its incarnations, Dartrix as well as Decidueye.
Rowley beat Professor Kukui’s Braviary during the Exhibition Match in Alola League.
II. Lycanroc

Type –Rock
Status – Non-Starter
Evolution –Fully Evolved
Caught in –SM015: Rocking Clawmark Hill!
Develops in –SM037 Rise From the Ruins!
The location of Professor Kukui and Burnet’s home
Unbelievable achievements: Lycanroc wins Ash his first Pokemon League in The Manalo Conference in the Alola League and the first occasion Ash is the Pokemon Champion of a region.
He is proficient in a range of Z-moves. He has defeated a Midnightlycanroc and a Charizard, as well as many others. His Dusk Lycanroc was born from an equally tough rockruff.
III. Incineroar

Type –Fire-Dark
Status – Starter
Evolution –Fully Evolved
Caught in –SM021: One Journey Ends, Another Begins…
Pushing the Fiery Envelope! ; SM143: Fiery Surprises!
Place: Professor Kukui and Burnet’s home
Amazing feats We’ve not seen Incineroar in action since its final transformation, but we’re sure that he’ll take it down due to his Blaze capability.
As a Torracat, Incineroar utilizes this ability to take on Kukui’s Incineroar even though he was not fully developed at the moment.
Incineroar fights Incineroar as a litten and is a demonstration of his strength and determination.
IV. Naganadel

Status: Non-Starter
Evolution: Fully Evolved
Caught in –SM067: Love at First Twirl!
SM140: Before the Z-Move Showdown!
The location (location)Released to the world of the free/home-world
The most notable achievement: Naganadel is an extradimensional Pokemon or Ultra Beast which belongs to the Ultra Guardians.
Naganadel joins Ash as Poipol and Ash as Poipol before changing into a Naganadel.
Naganadel beats Kukui’s Lucario in the Exhibition Match.
V. Melmetal

Type –Steel
Status – Non-Starter
Evolution –Fully Evolved
Caught in –SM112: Got Meltan?
Evolves in –SM138: Final Rivals!
The location of Professor Kukui and Burnet’s house
Noteworthy accomplishments: Melmetal is Ash’s largest Pokemon and his very first Mythical Pokemon.
As it is a Meltan defeated, it slays Ryuki’s Druggigon which is a Dragon-type Pokemon as well as Rowlet. Melmetal crushes Gladion’s Silvally and Professor Kukui’s Empoleon.
8. Galar League
The Ash team from the Galar region currently includes Pikachu, Dragonite, Lucario, and Sirfetch’d. Gengar, Dracovish, and Mimey.
I. Dragonite

Type –Dragon-Flying
Status – Non-Starter
Evolution –Fully Evolved
Caught in –JN010: A Test in Paradise!
Evolves in –JN010: A Test in Paradise!
Site –In rotation
Notable accomplishments: Dragonite is Ash’s first fully evolved Pseudo Legendary Pokemon, and is one of only two Pseudo Legendary Pokemon Ash has in his team, with the other being Goodra which was released.
Dragonite is very powerful and has defeated Mega Lucario from Korrina. Dragonite has also defeated Iris’s Haxorus.
II. Gengar

Type – Ghost-Poison
Status – Non-Starter
Evolution –Fully Evolved
Caught in –JN016: A Chilling Curse!
Site –In rotation
Amazing feats This includes Gengar, Ash now officially has at minimum one Pokemon out of the 18 kinds.
Gengar is able to master the Ghost-type move, and is able to demonstrate a Fairy-type movement.
He is victorious over his opponent, Visquez’s Raichu, during the World Coronation Series, and helps save a group of miners from the threat of a colossal as it appears in Gigantamax form.
III. Lucario

Type – Fighting-Steel
Status – Non-Starter
Evolution –Fully Evolved
Egg discovered inJN021 Care for the Mystery!
Hatches in –JN021: Caring for a Mystery!
Evolves in –JN045: Sword and Shield… The Legends Awaken!
Place –In rotation
Amazing feats with Lucario. Ash finally has a Pokemon who can evolve.
In the aftermath of winning the World Coronation Series, he beats Bea’s Machamp in its Gigantamax version, which raises Ash’s rank to 36.
As a Riolu, Lucario also went up against a Megatamaxed Pokemon, which is Centiskorch.
IV. Sirfetch’d

Type – Fighting
Status – Non-Starter
Evolution –Fully Evolved
Caught in –JN027: Toughing It Out!
Evolves in –JN060: Beyond Chivalry… Aiming to be a Leek Master!
Site –In rotation
Notable feats Sirfetch, in the form of a Galarian Farfetch, was the first Pokemon Ash captured within the Galar region.
He’s had a slow start with Ash with regards to emotional bonding and winning fights, however, once he gets better and becomes more efficient, he can easily defeat Rinto’s Gallade which helps Ash’s standing to rise during his World Coronation Series.
V. Dracovish

Type –Water-Dragon
Status – Non-Starter
Evolution –Cannot Evolve
Caught in –JN050: A Pinch of This, a Pinch of That!
Site –In rotation
Amazing achievements: Dracovish can defeat the Unova Pokemon Champion Iris and her Dragonite.
Dracovish also took part in the Marine Pokemon Obstacle Course with Ash and took the title.
VI. Mimey/Mr. Mime

Type –Psychic-Fairy
Status – Non-Starter
Evolution –Fully Evolved
Location –Cerise’s Laboratory
Noteworthy accomplishments: Mimey was adopted by Ash’s mother, Delia, and is part of the family-owned by Ash.
Ash’s Pokemon has trained some of Ash’s Pokemon and is the guardian for Ash as well as the other Pokemon.
In the latest series, Mimey is called upon to take on Houji’s Mightyena, but she is unable to face it. Ash’s Galar team is now officially an official Ash team.