‘Prison School’ is an anime that’s generating lots of buzz surrounding the show. It’s likely the reason I chose to watch it another chance, after failing to finish the second episode of my first time watching it.
However, I was overwhelmed with the same regret at first. However, this time I was determined to be more patient, and, in the final, I didn’t regret what happened. The initial episode of Prison School consists of 12 episodes.
More than any other show, this one is famous for its depiction of ecchi and sex throughout. It’s such an integral aspect of the series that it created a false impression of it.
After watching the first couple of episodes, I believed that the hype was all about fan service and that the show might be a bit boring. But I’m completely wrong about this highly sexualized comedy-drama show.
It’s clear that this series isn’t for the fainthearted. It is awash in absurd images of the most intense sexual fantasies one could imagine. All of it forms the basis of the comedy that will give you more anxious laughter.
The cringe you get in these well-constructed comedy scenes is real and that’s the main reason in this film. In reality, there aren’t any real jokes throughout the whole series It’s all gruesome, disgusting things that are hurled at you constantly and make you think “why?” and, bizarrely, can also make you laugh. I would not call it fan service, since all the sexual sexiness is actually an integral element of the plot.
The majority of the sexual depictions aren’t sexy at all and sometimes are difficult to observe. Therefore, claiming that “Prison School is a sex shop is not true since it uses it to increase the artistic aspect in the production. The obscenity doesn’t attract you in any way and is simply an object to spread the origins that anime has.
Prison School Plot

The plot centers around a particular school, Hachimitsu Private Academy, which is situated in the suburbs of Tokyo.
The school is an all-girls institution, however, the school has a new policy that allows five boys to join at this prestigious facility.
Kiyoshi, Gakuto, Andre, Shingo, and Jo are the only boys among hundreds of girls and appear to be living the ideal that every other high-school student.
But their dreams are destroyed when they realize that they are an outcast in this community since nearly no girl pays them any attention.
In the next few days, they are arrested for “peeping toms” of the girl’s bath. Even though they didn’t perform this act out of sexual inclination All five are deprived of their freedom from what’s called”the Underground Student Council.
The school is actually a prison, where the boys are put in and subjected to a gruesome punishment for their perversion.
It is also where we are able to observe the anime’s tendency to be a dominatrix, where the ruling student body comprised of student body slap these students with whips and other methods to inflict extreme physical suffering.
The two main members of the council are President Mari and Vice-President Meiko and the attention is given to the latter. V.P Meiko Shikari is an extreme example of voluptuousness, and surprisingly her curves only get more pronounced as the show moves on.
She is among the most tragic characters in the show. she treats male students as if they were a complete waste of time.
As the story continues the character’s loyalty to the boys stretched to the limit when they complete their sentence in prison.
Many of them fall for some of the traps that are set through The Students Council to get them removed, others choose the route of betrayal, and only a handful is committed to their beliefs.
However, eventually, are all aware of the importance of their friendship. One thing which motivates them to persevere to the very end is their desire to be able to go to the next wet t-shirt contest at school, which is just an example of sexual freedom.
Prison School Ending Summary

The story unfolds starting at the moment Kiyoshi and the others receive an extra day to get them out of the school.
The reason for this is that they want the school’s chairman to go to the prison to see them. The appeal that Kiyoshi had made with the assistance of Meiko was fake.
Kiyoshi utilizes the stack of private photographs that the chairman had hidden. To be eligible for an extension for their work, they needed to be able to answer a very important question.
The answer to this question would determine if they would be granted an extension, or not. The issue was the choice among the males: butt or boobs?
After a few more days, Gakuto quickly formulates a plan. The plan begins to fall back when his boys figure the fact that Hana is in charge.
Mari discovered that the boys had become used to Meiko’s behavior. So, she is in agreement with Hana having to be the person to watch at the end of the day.
Like every other time, when he discovers the identity of Hana, Gakuto formulates a new plan in just a few moments. He exploits the tragic connection with Kiyoshi as well as Hana to his advantage.
After being stabbed several times intentionally, Gakuto and Kiyoshi go together with Hana to secure the bandage.
Their goal was to open the door through which Chiyo could be able to enter. Kiyoshi puts on a strong appearance and manages to humiliate Hana. He manages to open the door.
Believing that Meiko is on security watch, Anzu becomes the sacrifice to allow Chiyo to be free to move about. Hana permits Joe as well as Gakuto to go to the bathroom before going to bed.
When the two boys are taken to the office of the chairman the following morning, Kiyoshi appears to be smiling. He says he has evidence to prove that he is innocent.
Meiko realizes that something isn’t quite right. She uses her keen sense of smell and determines that somebody else pretends to be Gakuto. After the bandage was removed the boy was found to be Joe!
The person who was playing Joe was not a different person than Chiyo Kurihara. After this, Gakuto is brought into the office by a group. Then, he gives the hard drive that contains all the emails from DTO that proves that the five boys weren’t innocent.
View On Prison School Ending

Prison School being an ecchi comedy, has everything that provides a pleasant experience for viewers to enjoy.
The embarrassing scenes among Hana and Kiyoshi appear a bit unneeded and extend toward the end.
However, the twist in the final scene shows how clever Gakuto is.
Gakuto is likely to be the main reason the boys did not receive expulsion and were allowed to stay.
The final twist is superbly executed.
However, more emphasis is given to Hana and Kiyoshi that distracts viewers from the main plot.
Overall, the Prison School ending is satisfactory.
Final Words
“Prison School” utilizes twelve episodes in a way that reveals the maximum potential, and it shows more than the shows might be able of in the 24 episodes.
The intensity is high in the second part of the show, which proves advantageous overall.
The show is able to explore a wide range of topics that include a strategically planned prisoners’ break and gender norms (school controlled by women) as well as homophobia and s*xuality (Kiyoshi and Takehito’s misguided relationship as well as Kiyoshi crossing-dressing).
Beyond these two core topics, two primary topics that the anime is focused on is ‘obsession’, which has been mentioned previously as well as the quest for freedom that requires numerous sacrifices.
This applies to life in real life too as it is stated in the book ‘ The Lord of the Rings “There is no victory without losing. There is no victory without suffering. Freedom is not achieved without sacrifice.”