The season three extravaganza by DMZ was released on April 12, providing Call of Duty devotees with a variety of new challenges and objectives to overcome.
Certain pursuits endure from season to season, whereas others make their triumphant debuts.
At times, individuals may be required to complete these missions by locating specific loot, such as gilded skulls.
Players will sift through the sandy topography of Al Mazrah while exhuming containers and carcasses in order to acquire the goods necessary to complete these objectives.
Amidst the villages and locations of Al Mazrah, there are routes that will captivate you for hours;
nevertheless, perilous beings that skulk around every corner may make it challenging to maintain vigilance.
Individuals in search of a change of environment may also opt to embark on a journey to the foggy, more compact Ashika Island,
where the quantity of combat units is significantly diminished and the terrain is considerably more congested.
Tsuki Castle may be breached in an effort to acquire the Ashika Island armament case, provided that you have the fortitude to surmount the bombmaker.
By accomplishing faction missions, players can not only investigate the maps but also progress and acquire distinct rewards, such as additional insured weapon positions upon covering a sufficient distance.
In the third DMZ campaign, you will likely encounter The Dealmaker, a challenge that requires the use of a gilded cranium, an electric drill, and a gas can.
Users will be obligated to partake in the activity of foraging, as Gold Skulls lack craftability.
The optimal locations in Ashika and Al Mazrah for discovering gold skulls are as follows:.
In accordance with the most recent season of Warzone 2.0 DMZ, you have been assigned the mission of locating Gold Skulls.
While other objectives, such as locating cadaver drops and acquiring access cards, are comparatively easy to achieve,
these gilded skulls are among the most uncommon items in the game.
A comprehensive inquiry will be required in order to acquire them.
Additionally, unlike other mysterious artifacts like the skeleton key, these skulls cannot be fashioned.
Our organization is delighted to provide an all-encompassing guide that precisely delineates each site where gold skulls have been discovered within the DMZ.
Notwithstanding its scarcity, you are obligated to locate the Golden Skull within the DMZ for an assortment of objectives.
In order to enter the third weapon slot, complete a given mission, or create a secure satchel, this item may be necessary.
In any case, the pursuit of a Golden Skull for numerous hours can be an extremely frustrating endeavor.
In light of this, we shall illustrate in this new DMZ guide the most efficient approaches to locating this item.
Best places to find Golden Skulls in DMZ

Killing bosses (The Scavenger, Bombmaker, Pyro)
Worthy of expensive treasure, such as gold skulls, are the most lethal enemies within the DMZ.
Ashika Island or Al Mazrah may see the appearance of the Scavenger,
the most notorious plunder goblin in the DMZ; his annihilation will almost certainly lead to the disclosure of a Gold Skull. T
hese resources can be dropped by additional adversaries, such as the Pyro and the Bombmaker.
If you’re looking to find these skulls as soon as possible and don’t want to tackle bosses,
though, you’ll want to head to areas that can spawn high-value items, including:
Police Stations

The initial destination when in search of a gilded cranium should be police supply stores.
A visit to one of the many police stations in Al Mazrah City will likely provoke opposition from fellow students.
Please gather dependable companionship and proceed with prudence.
It is likely that one will engage in combat; however, the endeavor may be financially beneficial.
Although the likelihood of their manifestation is higher in these specific locations, the DMZ’s Al Mazrah map only depicts three gilded skulls.
The initial establishment can be found within the Al Sa’id Shopping Center, which is located in the southeast location on the map.
The second site is situated in a geographically advantageous location to the northwest of Al Mazrah City.
The police station will be situated in the southeastern region of the municipality.
At the eastern boundary of the Mawizeh Marshlands is the police station.
Make that location your ultimate destination.
Because police stations are fortified fortifications, one should anticipate significant opposition when confronting them.
Sawah Hotel

In order to access the staircase of the Sawah Hotel, one must traverse the village center on foot.
Despite the fact that orange containers are present in rooms 302 and 303, in addition to the surrounding area, the outcome is unpredictable.
It is highly likely that you will initially encounter a gold skull at the Sawah Hotel.
Make another endeavor if the event does not transpire immediately.
Furthermore, they will be concealed in a variety of safes throughout the territory.
There exists a potentiality that upon deciphering these infamous artifacts, an illustrious gold skull could be discovered.
However, avoid developing high expectations; doing so would be the least likely approach to locating them.
Simply locating or fabricating a skeleton key will suffice to convert this hotel into an ideal setting for a gilded cranium.
Arrive at the designated location of the hotel in the center of Sawah Village to begin your journey.
Proceed in an ascending direction until you reach chambers 302 and 303.
To gain access to them, employ your skeleton key.
With any luck, the gilded cranium will be among the valuables that greet you upon entering.
However, this is completely speculative; in the event that you do not show up, skip to the subsequent match.