Naganadel is a highly dangerous Ultra Beast that resembles a dragon and has a big abdomen similar to that of a wasp or bee.
Its protruding belly conceals a sizable sac that can hold hundreds of liters of toxic liquid, which it can shoot at opponents across great distances with its needles.
Even worse, the poisonous liquid is incredibly sticky, so if it gets hold of an opponent, that unfortunate person will get poisoned fast and find it difficult to get rid of the harmful material.
Ultra Beasts are mysterious extradimensional creatures that balance the boundary between Pokémon and monsters, first appearing in Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon.
Although they aren’t officially legendary, which allows them to compete in some events, they aren’t nearly as strong, have a smaller population, and are sterile.
Ultra Wormholes, which link the Pokemon world to the extraterrestrial realm known as Ultra Space, are how strong Pokemon that have come to the Alola region are encountered in Pokemon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon.
These strange Pokemon are appropriately dubbed Ultra Beasts, and they are very dangerous to anyone who is unlucky enough to come across one.
List Of Strongest Ultra Beasts in Pokémon Here
12. Nihilego

Necrozma may not be the most dangerous Pokemon, but Nihilego is a scary Pokemon. Nihilego is an Ultra Beast with a fragile, graceful attitude that moves like a humanoid jellyfish.
Its victims become immediately annoyed by this peculiar dichotomy. Nihilego is a merciless parasite that instills a neurotoxin that causes brainwashing and awakens the host’s murderous tendencies.
Nihilego’s abilities are greatly enhanced by this ominous fusion, along with any inherent strength from the host. Ask Lusamine, please.
Nihilego may go to Guzzlord, then Xurkitree, and finally whoever best serves its ulterior motives after its strength runs out. Nihilego is without a doubt the most powerful Ultra Beast in Pokemon, with power that has no bounds.
11. Necrozma

Definitions of Ultra Beasts are hotly contested, but Necrozma—in all its forms—is considered an Ultra Beast by the Aether Foundation, therefore that counts.
Not to add, Necrozma was classified as an Ultra Beast on its Pokemon TCG cards. Ultra Necrozma passes the visual exam with flying colors because of everything about it, including its enormous size and gorgeous wings.
When Necrozma absorbs Solgaleo or Lunala, it can use those forms—Dusk Mane or Dusk Wings—to acquire an amazing range of abilities.
10. Guzzlord

Guzzlord is the largest and heaviest Ultra Beast that has ever been encountered by humans.
It is reported that the spherical Dark and Dragon-type Pokemon has an insatiable appetite and would continuously devour anyone and everything stupid enough to cross its way.
Guzzlord can eat entire mountains because of its enormous appetite and size. It can swallow a village if it can devour a mountain.
You could assume that it would be wise to stay away from its huge maw if it could devour an entire settlement.
9. Celesteela

This Ultra Beast, Flying and Steel-type, looks a lot like an alien living inside an odd metal rocket. It can move through the air at amazing speeds using its arms as propulsion.
These weapons can also burn through entire trees since they contain a highly combustible gas. How impolite.
Its strangely plant-like features could be a vulnerability. Celesteela may come under attack while feeding because it is claimed to absorb nutrients from the earth similarly to how Xurkitree does through electrical absorption.
However, it burns the entire woods once more.
8. Xurkitree

A strange Ultra Beast resembling a stick figure formed of wire and sparks is called Xurkitree.
In addition to giving out powerful shocks, this electrical Ultra Beast can take over power plants and other energy sources to refuel and increase its strength.
It will “plug” itself into the earth when its energy is low to absorb electrical currents from the surface.
Given that they survived the large discharge earlier, opponents would have a perfect opportunity to launch an attack during this immobile stage.
7. Kartana

Another little Ultra Beast, Kartana resembles an origami paper warrior or a painstakingly constructed paper plane, depending on your perspective.
It’s remarkably little for an Ultra Beast, much like Poipole, but every inch of its paper-thin body is razor-sharp. Because it can readily avoid strikes and slash Pokemon that come in contact with it, attacking it is a difficult chore.
A massive steel skyscraper is reported to have been split in half by a single blow from its blade-like arms.
It’s no secret that Pokedex entries are notorious for their strange comparisons, but seeing a steel tower in half is an impressive feat indeed.
Kartana’s primary vulnerability to Fire-type Pokemon lessens its aggressiveness, but defeating it is still no easy task.
6. Poipole

Poipole is not as large as some of the other enormous Ultra Beasts, yet it is still very dangerous.
Poipole, along with its evolved form, Naganadel, are among the most potent Poison types in the Pokemon universe due to the numerous spikes on their heads that they can shoot out to cause a fatal poisonous sticky.
This Ultra Beast’s insane temperament makes it more lethal than Naganadel. Poipole gives off a wicked laugh as it covers its adversaries in poison, implying that it enjoys sickening people.
5. Buzzwole

Another Ultra Beast that resembles an insect and receives great grades in the “nightmare fuel” area is Buzzwole. It has enormous muscles protruding from its arms and walks on four spindly legs.
With just one blow, this Ultra Beast’s immense strength can crush a dump truck. Buzzwole has a solid argument for being the strongest Ultra Beast, at least in terms of pure physical force, thanks to its unrestrained wrath and crushing might.
4. Blacephalon

This powerful Ultra Beast has a spherical head covered in multicolored dots, like a vibrant harlequin. Blacephalon uses its peculiar appearance to intimidate opponents by acting absurdly as it approaches.
Blacephalon will drain the life force from its victim and use that energy to regenerate its head while the opponent is in complete shock.
It’s undeniably an extremely powerful Ultra Beast, but if the target maintains concentration and distance, it neutralizes Blacephalon’s main assault vector.
3. Pheromosa

Pokemon Pheromosa has an odd appearance; it looks like a white cockroach or some other insect that transformed into a slender woman.
Pheromosa’s elongated legs and slender torso enable it to move at breakneck speeds, rendering human escape impossible.
Its name comes from the fact that it also has a pheromone that makes everyone who is impacted look in amazement.
Pheromosa is hazardous due to her pheromone talents and speed, but she doesn’t enjoy interacting with things, so if you don’t disturb it, chances are it will leave you alone.
2. Stakataka

Stakataka is a gigantic stone structure with four blocky legs made up of various smaller animals that adhere to each other.
Because the legs can collapse, Stakataka can blend in with the surroundings by appearing as a wall or a stone structure.
Naturally, this ability to blend in gives it a tactical advantage, but it also puts naive explorers in danger because Stakataka is hostile towards anyone who lies on its body.
Although few humans would consciously approach an Ultra Beast to have a cat nap, the anime showed how easily someone may mistake Stakataka for an interesting-looking artifact from the past.
1. Naganadel

Naganadel is a highly dangerous Ultra Beast that resembles a dragon and has a big abdomen similar to that of a wasp or bee.
Its protruding belly conceals a sizable sac that can hold hundreds of liters of toxic liquid, which it can shoot at opponents across great distances with its needles.
Even worse, the poisonous liquid is incredibly sticky, so if it gets hold of an opponent, that unfortunate person will get poisoned fast and find it difficult to get rid of the harmful material.