In Genshin Impact, are you looking for the Shrines of Depth locations? The best weapons, artifacts, and resources for leveling up your Genshin Impact characters can be found by opening the Shrines of Depths.
You’ll also get a lot of experience points and primogems from these bright blue and orange temples. However, where are all these shrines located?
Make sure you have at least one key to open a shrine before you begin your hunt. Inside the chest, you’ll find a sumptuous wardrobe.
You should be aware that the keys designated for the Liyue region will not open shrines in Mondstadt or Inazuma, and the reverse is also true.
Moreover, once a shrine has been opened, it cannot be opened once again. If you obtain a new key, you’ll have to find a new shrine!
Mondstadt, Liyue, and Inazuma each have ten separate shrines to visit. This means that by the end of this tour, you will receive 30 opulent chests. The characters and equipment you use will benefit greatly from this. Start searching for shrines!
Shrine of Depths locations in Mondstadt

- To find the shrine, head north from the neighboring Teleport Waypoint and then look down from the cliff’s edge.
- From the arena of Anemo Hypostasis, walk westward. Toward the top of the hill, you’ll see the Shrine of Depths.
- The Teleport Waypoint is located on the beach, so head there first. Then, ascend the rocks to the south. Right in front of you is the Shrine of Depths.
- Climb the cliffs to the south of the Cecilia Garden Domain. The Shrine of Depths can be seen hidden behind the foliage.
- Visit the neighboring Seven-Statue Statue and then proceed toward Mondstadt till you get to a precipice. See the shrine by stooping.
- In front of a rock formation, east of Springvale. Find it by scaling the cliffs.
- Travel quickly to the nearest Teleport Waypoint and then take a short trek northeastwards. Shrine of Depths will be visible from the clifftop.
- Once you arrive at the Temple of the Lion Domain, climb the rocks close to the door to get to the second floor. The Shrine of Depths can be seen in the distance.
- From the direction of Dadaupa Gorge, begin scaling the cliffs. The shrine is located atop a very tall cliff that stands out from the rest.
- Walking from the Dawn Winery or Stone Gate is the only option, as there are no Waypoints in this area at all. The Shrine of Depths can be found on the higher plateau.
Shrine of Depths locations in Liyue – Part 1

- To go to the enormous mountain to the left of the Hidden Palace of Zhou Formula, you must first climb the small hill in the distance. The Shrine of Depths may be found inside a vast cave with a wide opening on the southern side of the temple.
- North of the little lake, on the top of several rocks.
- When you reach the cliff’s edge, gaze down to the water below and follow the path to the northeast. Toward the right, you will find the Shrine of Depths
- Look southwest after you’ve teleported to Bishua Plain Teleport Waypoint. It is possible to observe the Shrine of Depths, perched atop the lakeside cliffs.
- To go to the breakable wall on the other side of the Clear Pool and Mountain Cavern Domain, turn right when facing them (next to the big statue). Follow the path once you’ve broken it. You’ll come to several forks in the road; take the first one, then the second, and so on until you reach the Shrine of Depths.
- Go to Mount Aozang’s Teleport Waypoint. The Shrine of Depths can be seen in the distance. Once you’ve reached there, continue eastward sliding.
- Away from Nantianmen, you can find a Teleport Waypoint and then ascend the cliffs behind it.
Shrine of Depths locations in Liyue – part 2
- Then, from the Waypoint on the mountain’s western side, begin your ascent toward the east. The Shrine of Depths is located on the east side of the tallest point.
- From the Domain of the Wayward walk, head south. Pass over the river, then turn around and go through the cave’s main entrance.
- Find the island to the east of Liyue Harbor, which is the southernmost. For the remaining distance, you have two options: either glide or swim from Guyun’s Domain to the little isle in between.
Shrine of Depths locations in Inazuma

Narakumi Island
- At the apex of a steep cliff south of Chinju Forest
- Sailing the wave rider to the rear of an island west of Ritou
- You can see it behind you from the teleport waypoint south of Tatarasuna, and you can leap down to it.
- Visit the second shrine by traveling northeast down the hill from the first waypoint.
Yashiori Island
- Glide toward the Serpent’s head, which is located on an outcropping underneath you near Jakotsu Mine on the island’s south shore, on the jagged rock at the cliff’s edge.
Watatsumi Island
- Under a rocky outcrop northeast of Sangonomiya Shrine
- Island of Seirai
- On the island’s northern tip, west of the hamlet of Koseki.
Tsurumi island
- Jump from the southwest side of Shirikoro Peak, which is located on a grassy outcrop below.
Northeast of the main island’s peak, south-southeast of Chirai Shrine
The Shrine of Depths locations in Genshin Impact is now complete.
We’ve put together a list of all the main sigils in Inazuma, and we’ll be updating that list with any new information on Genshin Impact 3.0 as soon as we can.