Genshin Impact: Klee Banner Rerun & Abilities

Genshin Impact’s most popular character As part of the 2.8 release, Klee’s banner has returned, and now you may test your mettle against this diminutive Pyro user.

Please tell me when the Klee banner will be out. This tiny Pyro Catalyst user is a master at hurling bombs, well, wherever he chooses to.

The fact that she ranks highly in our Genshin Impact tier ranking for her high base damage and ability to deal out widespread elemental responses may not come as a surprise to you, as a five-star character.

It has been a long time since Klee’s first appearance in October 2020, but Klee banner reruns have been few and far between since her debut.

Thanks to the Sparkling Steps banner, Klee will be making a triumphant return. This summer’s Summer Fantasia update will include Heizou, the long-awaited four-star Anemo Catalyst character who has been teased for years in the anime game.

Klee Banner Release Date

The first step of the 2.8 upgrades saw the release of the Genshin Impact Klee banner replay on July 13.

Kazuha and Yoimiya, two more five-star characters, return in the first and second phases, respectively. Heizou appears on Kazuha’s flag, which means that if you wish on either of these banners, you’re more than likely to get a hold of him.

Check out the ideal Heizou team composition and all the Heizou ascension supplies you need to get him levelled up quickly if you don’t have Anemo on your character roster.

This guide has all the greatest weapons and artefacts Klee can employ, so check it out if you’re planning on adopting her into your Genshin Impact team.

Genshin Impact Klee’s abilities

genshin impact sparkling steps start time klee Genshin Impact: Klee Banner Rerun & Abilities

Normal attack: Kaboom!

  1. Normal attack: Use up to three explosive attacks to inflict Pyro damage in a circular area around the user.
  2. Pyro damage can be dealt to foes after a short casting period with this charge strike.
  3. When Klee hits the ground, she deals area-of-effect Pyro damage to all foes in her path, as well as to Klee herself.

Elemental Skill: Jumpy Dumpty

Three times, Jumpy Dumpty bounces, burning the earth and inflicting Pyro damage on the area around it when it lands. As soon as it bounces a third time, a swarm of mines detonate and deals Pyro damage to nearby opponents. Two charges are needed to activate this ability.

Elemental Burst: Sparks ‘N’ Splash

When this ability is engaged, Sparks ‘n’ Splash is summoned to deal area-of-effect Pyro damage to adjacent opponents.

Klee constellations

  1. When a series of attacks or talents are chained together, an explosion might be unleashed, overwhelming the enemy. 120 per cent of the damage from Spark ‘n’ Splash is dealt by this weapon.
  2. Explosive Fragments: An enemy’s defence is reduced by 23% for ten seconds after being hit by Jumpy Dumpty’s mines.
  3. Increases the level of Jumpy Dumpty up to 15 by using the Exquisite Compound.
  4. Exiting the field causes an explosion that deals 555 per cent of her attack as area-of-effect Pyro damage, regardless of Klee’s position in the field at the time of her exit.
  5. By using Nova Burst, you can boost your ability to unleash your inner fireball to a maximum level of 15.
  6. Those affected by Spark ‘n’ Splash have their energy replenished at a rate of one per second. To all party members, Sparks and Splash grant a 10% Pyro damage bonus for 25 seconds.

Klee passive talents

  1. Klee has a 50% chance of obtaining an explosive spark when Jumpy Dumpty and standard attacks inflict damage. Charged attacks that use no stamina and deal an additional 50% damage consume this spark.
  2. When a critical hit is made with a charged attack, all party members acquire two elements of the same type.
  3. Every one of my Treasures: The mini-map shows the location of neighbouring Mondstadt-specific resources.

Summer Fantasia is a substantial makeover, and banner repetitions are just the beginning.

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Manish Badhani

Hey Guys, I love Watching Anime and playing game all day long and i am happy to share my experience with you here.

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