When you hear the name “Yu-Gi-Oh,” Dark Magician Support Cards might be one of the first things that come to mind.
The Dark Magician is such a famous card that even people who don’t play Yu-Gi-Oh have surely heard of it or seen it before.
Dark Magician is the signature card of the first anime’s main character, Yugi Moto.
Along with Blue-Eyes White Dragon, Red-Eyes Black Dragon, and Buster Blader, it is one of Yu-Gi-Oh’s oldest and most famous monsters.
Even though most acceptable classic cards are far outclassed by modern ones, Dark Magician is still useful in competitive play because it has a lot of great support cards.
So it shouldn’t be a surprise that Dark Magician decks have a lot of backing.
But then the age-old question comes up: which of these cards should you add to your deck?
Let’s look for answers to that question right here.
12. Palladium Oracle Mahad

Like the “miracle” ability in Magic: The Gathering, Mahad has an effect that starts when you first draw it. This effect lets you special summon Mahad from your hand when you show him to your opponent.
Mahad is similar to Dark Magician in that it has 2500 ATK and 2100 DEF, but it also has two other traits.
First, during the damage step, his ATK is briefly doubled if he fights a monster with the dark attribute.
Next, you can special summon a Dark Magician from your hand, deck, or graveyard when this card is killed in battle or by an effect.
11. Magician’s Rod

As a cheap level-3 monster, Magician’s Rod can be normal summoned without paying a cost.
At the same time, you can add a spell or trap from your deck to your hand that says Dark Magician in its text.
These tend to be some of the best help members, and we’ll talk about a few of them in this list.
Also, if you use a spell or trap that doesn’t deal damage during your opponent’s turn while this card is in the graveyard, you can bring it back to your hand by sacrificing a spellcaster monster you control.
10. Eternal Soul

If you like games that are risky, you might like Eternal Soul.
If not, you should leave it at least on your side deck. To be safe.
Eternal Soul is a trap that stays on the field and protects your Dark Magician monsters from your opponent’s card effects as long as it is there.
You can also add a “Dark Magic Attack” or “Thousand Knives” from your deck to your hand once per turn, or you can special summon a Dark Magician from your hand or graveyard.
If this card is destroyed, though, all of your monsters are also killed.
There are obviously cards that can stop this card from being killed. But it’s pretty easy to break locks these days, so it’s a pretty big risk.
9. Ebon Illusion Magician

Ebon Illusion Magician is one of the few Dark Magician extra deck cards, so it doesn’t hurt to have a copy or two sitting around.
You can use two level 7 monsters or a rank 6 Spellcaster Xyz monster to bring this card into play.
With Ebon Illusion Magician, you can remove a material to special summon from your hand or deck a Spellcaster monster that is not a creature of a different type.
Moving on, you can use this card to get rid of any card on your opponent’s field when a Spellcaster normal monster makes an attack.
With this monster, you can slowly take away cards from your opponent’s field, and it’s easy to call in a Dark Magician deck. So yes, it is a good one to have.
8. Magician of Dark Illusion

Magician of Dark Illusion is a cool spin-off of Dark Magician that is kind of the opposite of Dark Magician.
It has the same stats as Dark Magician, but they are backwards, and its name on the field is “Dark Magician.”
But your opponent can special summon this card when they use a spell card when it’s their turn.
On the other hand, you can special summon a Dark Magician from your graveyard if you use a spell card while this monster is on the field.
If you special summon this guy during your opponent’s first turn, he or she won’t be able to attack, so it won’t matter if it gets killed.
7. Apprentice Illusion Magician

Apprentice Illusion Magician is not only easy to call, but it can also turn your monsters into huge ones with a crazy high attack.
You can use this card’s special summoning ability by throwing away a card, and if you do, you can add a Dark Magician from your deck to your hand.
You can also send this card from your hand or field to the graveyard to boost the attack of a dark spellcaster monster by 2000 when it is fighting another monster.
But what’s really crazy is that none of these results can only happen once per turn.
With 3 copies, you can make a monster’s attack 6000 stronger.
And with the cards at the end of this list, it’s not impossible to get three copies in your hand in one turn.
6. Dark Magic Expanded

Dark Magic Expanded is the first spell on this list. To use it to its full potential, you need a field that is already pretty strong.
Different things will happen based on how many Dark Magician or Dark Magician Girl monsters you have on the field.
If you have one, one of your dark monsters that can cast spells gets an extra 1000 attack.
If you have two, in addition to the first effect, your opponent can’t play cards in answer to your traps and spells or destroy them this turn.
And if you have 3 or more, your opponent’s card effects won’t affect any of your dark spellcaster monsters until the end of the turn.
So, if you have three or more Dark Magician monsters and use this card, you can’t be attacked for the rest of the turn.
5. Magicians’ Combination

Magicians’ Combination is an ongoing trap that is pretty much a free negate every turn, which is always nice to have.
You can use Magicians’ Combination once per turn when a card or effect is used.
If this is active, you can sacrifice a Dark Magician or Dark Magician Girl to special summon a Dark Magician or Dark Magician Girl from your hand or graveyard, then cancel the effect or activation of the card that was originally targeted.
This card is very strong because it can stop your opponent from playing any card for free.
Since this card lets you special summon a monster from the dead, you can keep reusing the monsters to keep using it.
When you get rid of this card, you can also get rid of any other card on the field, which is a nice treat.
4. The Dark Magicians

The Dark Magicians are the perfect mix of Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl, which is what we all wanted.
It is also very strong, which is good.
You can use a Dark Magician, a Dark Magician Girl, or any other Spellcaster monster as a material to special call this monster.
Then, you can draw a card whenever a spell or trap card is used.
If it’s a spell or trap, you can put it down. If it’s a trap or a quick-play spell card, you can use it this turn.
Then, if this card is destroyed, you can special summon 1 Dark Magician and 1 Dark Magician girl from your hand, deck, or graveyard, which can be used to make another copy of this monster.
To make this card even stronger, you can bring it into play with Greater Polymerization. This makes the monster immune to being destroyed by card effects, which makes it even stronger.
3. Soul Servant

In the second part of the game, Soul Servant is a very broken version of Pot of Greed because it lets you draw so many cards.
When you use Soul Servant, you can put any card on top of the field whose name or text says “Dark Magician”
Then, during your main phase, you can get rid of this card from your graveyard and draw as many cards as there are Dark Magician, Palladium, or Dark Magician Girl monsters on the field or in your graveyard.
As long as you have at least one Dark Magician on the field or in your graveyard, you can find almost any card on this list. Depending on your field, you may also draw a few more cards.
2. Dark Magical Circle

Players who use a Dark Magician deck must have Dark Magical Circle.
When this ongoing spell is used, you can look at the top three cards of your deck and add a Dark Magician or a spell or trap with “Dark Magician” in its text to your hand.
The rest of the cards can then be put in any order.
But the second affect of Dark Magical Circle is the cherry on top.
If a Dark Magician is brought to your field normally or by a spell, you can get rid of a card your opponent controls.
This lets you get rid of one card per turn that your opponent holds and add a Dark Magician monster, spell, or trap to your hand.
1. Magicians’ Souls

Even though Magicians’ Souls doesn’t have a very strong attack, it’s effect is what keeps the Dark Magician character useful.
If you have this card on your field, you can use Magicians’ Souls to send up to two spells or traps you control to the graveyard. Then, draw as many cards as you just sent to the graveyard.
But if you have this card in your hand, you can send a level 6 or higher spellcaster monster from your deck to your graveyard, then either special summon this card or send it to the graveyard to special summon a Dark Magician or Dark Magician Girl from the graveyard.
This deck can do a lot more now that Magicians’ Souls is in it.
For example, you can bring the Magician of Dark Illusion to your field with a special call. Then, use Magicians’ Souls to send Dark Magician to the graveyard. Then, use a special ability to bring it back from the graveyard.
Depending on which Dark Magician or Dark Magician Girl you sent to the graveyard, you can also use these cards to call many monsters from your extra deck.