Based on Rui Tsukiyo’s light novel series and illustrated by Shiokonbu’s illustrations, “Redo of the Healer” is an upcoming dark fantasy animation that is expected to be one of the most controversial of recent years.
The series is called “Kaiyari” in Japan. It revolves around Keyaru, a tortured and enslaved magician who travels back to the past to make things right and to find those who have betrayed him.
It was announced that the anime series is now being produced on the internet. This is all you need to know about the next episode of “Redo of the Healer.”
Redo of Healer Season 1 Episode 1 Released Date
The first episode of “Redo of the Healer,” titled “The Healer Starts Over!,” is scheduled to air on January 13, 2021, on Tokyo MX and other affiliated channels.
The series was produced by TNK Studios. The anime was directed by Takuya Andaoka, with Kazuyuki Fureyasu as the main scriptwriter.
The music was composed by Akiya Suzuki (Team-MAX), Johannes Nilsson (Team MAX), and Kenji Fudeyasu.
Junji Goto designed the characters. Minami Kuribayashi sang “Cruel Dreams & Sleep” and Arcana Project sang “If You Can Change The World in a Dream”.
There are three versions of the anime: one uncensored, one streaming-exclusive “Redo,” and one that is open to all.
The broadcast version is expected to be shown by most of the networks that air the series. At 4 a.m., AT-X will air the complete recovery series.
Redo of Healer Online: Where can I watch it?
A redo of Healer’s episodes will be streamed on HIDIVE. The English language (North America, Canada, New Zealand, and Australia), Spanish, Latin America, and Spain, Danish (Denmark, Faroe Islands), Swedish, Portuguese (Brazil, Portugal), and Spanish (Latin America, Spain, Australia, and Spain).
Redo of Healer Spoilers
Due to his healing abilities, the magician Keyaru must endure many horrors throughout his life. He discovers that healing magic is the most powerful magic available.
He is now broken beyond repair when he realises the truth about his abilities. He realises that he must do something urgently.
He uses his magic to heal the world and turn back time. Keyaru embarks on an epic adventure to find a better life and revenge on his enemies. The trailer for “Redo of the Healer” is available here.