It’s all in the eyes at the eye of the judge, as they claim. While a good persona is important but it’s not a secret that we are awed by the adorable girls and guys who are very popular in anime.
Bishounen (Cute men) or Bishoujo (Cute girl) are sure to grab the attention of anyone by their appearance and make us smile each when they’re on screen.
Maid-cafes operate on the basis that is more important than the quality of the food they serve.
They employ the most beautiful and sweetest women since they make their customers feel like they are special when they serve cakes and coffee.
It’s somewhat paradoxical that within Kaichou Wa Maid Sama! We find more bishounen than shoujo.
So, to honor the adorable men who are around a girl who would like to work anywhere other than a Maid cafe Honey’s Anime’s top 10 bishounen of Kaichou to Maid Sama!
12. Shintani Hinata

There’s something very romantic about the childhood buddies who travel across the country to meet their loved ones again. There’s a lot to talk about those who can let their weaknesses go and develop into confident young men.
Shintani is similar to Misaki and Misaki’s family, having been once overweight and lazy, depending on Misaki to steer him out of problems. When he got up, he was taking more exercise and eating more nutritious food.
By the time was back in Misaki’s life, he had lost weight and was much more attractive during the process.
The best part about him is that, even though you love Misaki and initially wanted to win her love when he discovers that Misaki doesn’t see things the same way, he is her true close friend.
He doesn’t judge her and never attempts to make her accept his love. This alone makes him an incredible companion, and an even more appealing guy.
11. Ryuunosuke “Kurotatsu” Kurosaki

The first encounter with Kurotatsu occurs when he’s seeking to make Misaki’s existence miserable.
Being an extremely obstinate criminal at Seika High, he simply refuses to obey the dress code since he isn’t willing to acknowledge Misaki’s authority.
Let’s face it: a boy who is a bit sexy is always appealing, as freedom and rebellion are always good things when it comes to fictional boys.
In the end, when the group of friends and he discover Misaki’s secret, rather than using it to ruin her life, they become her biggest fans, and you have to admit that the love that they display for her is adorable.
In terms of looks, Kurotatsu is tall with black eyes and hair. His hair is usually in a ponytail. This makes him the only one wearing long hair within the group of idiots that Misaki refers to.
And those with long hair are generally more beautiful in anime than shorter-haired ones. However, since the hair is always in a ponytail, it’s tough to award him points for this.
But, Kurotatsu isn’t only beautiful, but he’s also one of those who can learn from his mistakes and then turn a fresh leaf. For that reason, because of his achievements, he is placed in the ninth spot in our bishounen ranking.
10. Naoya “Shiroyan” Shirakawa

A different one of Seika High’s former delinquents and the current admirer of Misaki’s, Shiroyan, is the one whose looks remind you of the most typical juvenile of Japanese schools.
He was the chief among the Idiot group, and therefore the only one to go against the dress code, even to wear earrings.
He could also appear extremely intimidating-he was not called “the White Devil” for nothing when he was a fan of Misaki. He turned out to be more vulnerable than we had expected.
The blonde and the grey eyes Shiroyan’s first appearance was more of a look that was sexier. He kept his hair in a spike and was wearing two earrings to his left.
He looks very much like the Shounen manga hero, only that he happens to be an additional character in a manga called Shoujo, and this makes the story somewhat different.
He might not be the most efficient tool in the shed, but he’s loyal and his dark eyes make him appear mysterious, which is why he earns him the eighth place on our list.
9. Shousei Nikaido

Musicians are cool in their way. So it’s not a surprise to see a few of the UxMishi members on our list.
It’s Shousei who is their guitarist, and this alone could make him a higher priority in the rankings, but Shousei has some formidable opposition.
He is short and black with grey eyes. He’s extremely tall and calm. If your personality is quiet and strong, Shousei is the right one for you.
He’s a fan of tea and extremely sophisticated, even if initially it appears a little cold. Naturally, he also has to contend with other bandmates who aren’t quite as intelligent as he is.
This is why his preference is for calm and peace when he can.
8. Koma Yabu

As the bassist for UxMishi, he also gets additional points because he’s an accomplished musician and is part of a group.
In contrast to Shousei, he’s more respectful of the fans. He is also known for yelling at his fellow band members when they don’t show respect to the fans.
Of course, this may be because he is aware that fan service is what keeps them in the limelight. This creates a little tension in the group as some members do not like Koma’s efforts to be a band dad.
I am thin, tall, and with teal hair. This alone is enough to give Koma many advantages in the fashion department.
However, being the only one who is a glasses-wearer and also has golden eyes is a huge plus for Koma, who could be the guitarist, but does not wear glasses.
We all know that glasses can make people more attractive and, in most cases, in anime, which makes them appear cooler. That’s why he’s in the sixth position on our list.
7. Ikuto “Ikkun” Sarashina

In the third of the three idiots, Ikkun gets the upper spot on the list because he is more popularly attractive than the two other members.
A bit slimmer and smaller and sporting blue hair with longer bangs, he appears more like the traditional shoujo bishounen than the other members.
It’s also worth noting that although he was a criminal, he was not as antagonistic as Kurotatsu, Shiroyan, and Kurotatsu, which made him more appealing.
As the story was progressing, we realized that he wasn’t only adorable, but he also had adorable characteristics, including his love of romantic games, and was also an extremely talented manga artist.
This makes him an excellent choice for the fifth spot on our list of adorable males.
6. Soutarou Kanou

Another serious, cute man wearing glasses. Soutarou began the show disbelieving that Misaki could make a great school representative.
Contrary to Misaki, who was one of the three idiots, his problem was due to his father’s teaching his daughter that girls were fragile and, therefore, one should avoid them to protect their fragile bodies.
The unfortunate consequence was that, initially, he was convinced that women should avoid men, and this caused him to be a tyrannical Misaki.
In the end, he discovered that women are as tough as men (and in the case of Misaki, more so) and he became a more pleasant person.
Because of his old attitude towards women, he’s quite shy around women, and this makes him more charming to those who are around him. This is a bonus point and, in turn, earns him a spot on our top ten list.
5. Kuuga Sakurai

Kuuga is the lead vocalist in UxMichi, and because of this, Kuuga scores a lot of points on the scale of attractiveness over his fellow band members.
Kuuga also happens to be slightly shorter, has short spiky blonde hair, and brown eyes that are usually hidden behind his glasses. In addition, the glasses he wears are also his.
He also sings, is well-known, and wears glasses. This makes him one of the most famous characters in the tale.
However, he suffers from points because he’s not the most pleasant person to hang out with. In his interactions with his followers, he displays a kind and compassionate nature.
However, actually, he’s self-centered, arrogant, and rude. That, in turn, is what makes him less appealing to those who get to know him through his façade, and it’s one of the reasons that he didn’t get the chance to meet Misaki.
He is attractive as well as having the talent. will alter his ways. This makes him the third man in our bishounen ranking.
4. Tora Igarashi

Another tall, blonde student manages to make it onto our list. What sets Tora apart from the others is the fact that he can woo anyone around him.
He has a wealth of money, education, and a complete school that follows his instruction. He’s extremely confident, and naturally, this makes him attractive.
But, he’s not friendly and appears to think that you’re not just the head of the school he attends, but the entire world.
There’s a lot to be considered when you’re confident enough to be the head of your entire school. However, the fact that he doesn’t care about his peers makes him lose certain points.
However, because Tora has the distinction of being the most prominent antagonist in the series, which means the character is honest, Villains are attractive on their own.
His sole genuine smile is his evil smile. It may be a little disconcerting, but it enhances his appeal because he’s thrilled when things are going his way. That’s the reason he’s given the second spot in our ranking.
3. Takumi Usui

At first glance, Takumi appears to be a self-centered man. It’s not surprising that Takumi is the most well-known person in Seika High, to the extent that there is a competition to determine who will win his heart at the school, and students get smitten with the guy at first sight.
He’s not all bad, and most of his arrogance is because he prefers to keep people at arm’s distance because of his family background.
When Misaki gets angry at his character, the reality is that he will go all out to help her at school and to keep their job as the maid’s cafe secret.
Takumi has all the characteristics of a bishounen. He’s not just conventionally beautiful but also full of confidence, regardless of being the black sheep in his family since the time that he was born.
That’s what makes him look so attractive. In addition to that, the man is a fantastic person who isn’t depressed or self-conscious because of his appearance.
That’s why he is the ideal person for Misaki and also the most beautiful person on screen in Kaichou Wa Maid Sama!
2. Suzuna Ayuzawa

She’s the younger sister of Misaki. She doesn’t show any emotion or humor, despite being a shrewd observer. She’s straightforward, mature for her age, and often receives awards from magazines.
Suzuna always believes that a family should remain together regardless of the situation.
Additional Maid Sama characters include Sakura Hanazono and Shizuko Kagathe, close friends with Misaki.
The Moron Trios: Naoya Shirokawa, Ryunosuke Kurosaki, Ikuto Sarashina, and many more.
1. Ayuzawa Misaki

Misaki was a kind, positive, supportive, and helpful girl in her early years. In her younger years, after her father left the family in massive debt, she was required to assume a huge responsibility.
As a result, she was more critical toward boys and resented them. It was a challenge to go to an expensive Seika High School filled with mostly males.
To safeguard girls who were abused, she was a hard worker, earned the trust of her teachers, and was elected president of the student council of Seika. Because of her strict behavior toward males, she was designated as the “Demon Prez” in Seika.
She’s hard-working, determined, and puts her heart into what she does. She doesn’t appreciate those who denigrate people who do their best.
People are enticed to be more productive simply by watching her. If Takumi flirts with her, she’s usually angry and does not accept her feelings toward him. Because of his flirtatious behavior, she calls him an “outer-space pervert.”
Final Words
As we stated at the beginning of the article, beauty is only in the eyes of the viewer.
But, we, as a species, tend to agree on what makes one person prettier than the other, which is the place where our list of comparisons is derived from.
Because, in the end, every story is more entertaining with adorable girls and boys in it.
Let’s face it; everybody has a different kind of person and every person has an individual preference. Our list is built around our preferences, which is why we would like to know about yours.
Are you in agreement with our choices? Do you own your own favorite? Kaichou Wa Maid Sama Do you have any other favorites? If so, we’d love to discuss it by leaving a comment.
It’s all in the eyes at the eye of the judge, as they claim. While a good persona is important but it’s not a secret that we are awed by the adorable girls and guys who are very popular in anime.
Bishounen (Cute men) or Bishoujo (Cute girl) are sure to grab the attention of anyone by their appearance and make us smile each when they’re on screen.
Maid-cafes operate on the basis that is more important than the quality of the food they serve. They employ the most beautiful and sweetest women since they make their customers feel like they are special when they serve cakes and coffee.
It’s somewhat paradoxical that within Kaichou Wa Maid Sama! We find more bishounen than bishoujo.
So, to honor the adorable men who are around a girl who would like to work anywhere other than a Maid cafe Honey’s Anime’s top 10 bishounen of Kaichou to Maid Sama!