The Legend Of Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom – Complete Recipe Guide

You should put Link’s culinary skills to the test with the best recipes in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.

Growing 25 apples before eating and hoping that will make you healthy is good but having a few recipes before going out there will help in case there are environments and dangers out there.

To ensure you are fully fueled and ready to fight, we’ve selected the recipes in Tears of the Kingdom below. Keep in mind, however, that whilst one can only generate the effect of one meal at a time, coupling it together with the best armor and the best weapon will nicely round up the whole team.

Contents 6 Best Recipes for Healing and Buffs 18

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Preparing food is easy but requires dependency. Cooking pot when mixed produces some dishes and potions depending on the contents thrown in it. The following recipes are some of the most useful ones you’ll need:

1. Hearty Meals for Full Health Restoration

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Hearty Mushroom Skewer

This is among the easiest and time-saving meals for regaining absolute health. If you just cook recipes like Hearty Radishes or Hearty Truffles you will get the dish that fills your health bar completely and also add some additional temporary hearts.

Hearty Salmon Meuniere

Combine the Hearty Salmon with the Tabantha Wheat and Goat Butter for a full health replenishing dish that also provides extra temporary hearts.

2. Cold Resistance Meals

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Spicy Pepper Steak

If you cook Spicy Peppers with a meat ingredient cold resistance is achieved which is important when traveling into Hebra Mountain.

Spicy Elixir

Brew Spicy Peppers with a critter that presents a similar resistance for a shot rather than a steak.

3. Heat Resistance Recipes

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Chilly Elixir

In a hot place such as Gerudo Desert, one can use critters for instance cold darner blended with monster parts to produce a potion that will enable them to resist heat.

Chilly Meat Skewer

Such chill ingredients as Hydromelons if applied together with meat give heat resistance for several hours.

Instructions for Cooking in Tears of the Kingdom

To cook, you would need a cooking pot or you can use portable Zonai cooking devices and then just drop the ingredients into the pot.

You can try numerous variations but remember that the presence of a combination of such ingredients as cold and heat resistant may be ineffective.

The Ingredients Which Must Be Incorporated

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Certain ingredients are more versatile and beneficial in cooking, and knowing where to find them can make your adventure easier:


Locate in Sky Island and Zonai ruins, those required for calamity cooking for foods that cure the glamor sickness.

Hearty Radishes/Truffles

Great for the recovery of full health dishes or the preparation of dishes that give more hearts.

Spicy Peppers

Essential for cold tolerance recipes grown in warmer areas.


Sticks for heat resistance dishes are found in the Gerudo desert.

Elixir for fight and protection

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Elixirs, not food, are made with critters and monster body parts mixed and then brewed. For instance, Mighty Elixirs which raises the attack is obtained from mixing critters such as a Bladed Rhino Beetle and any desired monster part. On the other hand, Sneaky Elixirs increase stealth and are made with Sunset Fireflies.

Yes, the basics of how to cook and the right recipes in Tears of the Kingdom should make Link’s journey much easier; ‘ The SWITCH game should let fans watch Link face difficult terrains, and enemies, and remain strong in combat.

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