Best Sims 4 Skills Cheats List

Sims 4 skill cheats are a guilty pleasure that everyone should enjoy once in a while.

With a little creative hacking, you can turn a regular Sim into a super-Sim with special skills and abilities without having to practice.

It will make The Sims 4 a lot easier, and your Sims will be able to do whatever you want them to do well without having to practice over and over again.

It makes skill cheats some of the best Sims 4 cheats overall since you can skip the boring parts and go straight to the fun ones.

So, no matter what you want your Sim to be or do, you can get there quickly with Sims 4 skill cheats.

We’ve listed them all below.

How to play The Sims 4 with cheats?

You have to turn cheats on in the game before you can use them.

It’s easy and necessary if you want to use Sims 4 skill cheats because nothing else will work until you do this. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Cheats for The Sims 4 on PC: While holding Ctrl and Shift, press c.
  1. For cheats in The Sims 4 for Mac: Hold down Command and Shift and press c.
  1. Cheats for The Sims 4 on PS4 and PS5: Press and hold all four shoulder buttons at the same time.
  1. The Sims Four Cheats for Xbox One and Xbox Series X: Hold all four shoulder buttons down at the same time

That should give you a text box where you can type in all the cheats you want.

How to use The Sims 4 cheat codes?

sims 4 cheats Best Sims 4 Skills Cheats List

Enabling hacks is one thing; actually employing Sims 4 cheats is quite another. The most common way you’ll utilize cheat codes is as follows:

  1. Start the game and select a planet.
  1. Bring up the cheat menu (on PC, use Ctrl + Shift + C, or on console, hold down all the shoulder buttons).
  1. If you haven’t previously, enter testing cheats true and hit Done.
  1. Enter the appropriate cheat code into the little text box in the top-left corner of the screen.
  1. When you press Done, the cheat will be activated.

The Interaction Cheats are the only outliers to this method, as they are activated in a slightly different manner. You must still be in a world with testingCheats true enabled before proceeding with the procedures below (depending on your platform of choice).

To use The Sims 4 Interaction Cheats on PS4 or PS5, hover the mouse over a Sim or an object, hold down Circle, and then hit X to bring up the Interaction Cheats menu.

Once testingCheats true is enabled on Xbox One, Xbox Series X, or Xbox Series S, hold down B and then press A to bring up the Interaction Menu.

On PC, after selecting testingCheats true, hold shift and then click on the Sim/item in question – this will bring up the Interaction Cheats menu, where you may select from a range of cheats.

All of the other hacks in the game are simply entered into the cheat console, as previously stated. Continue reading for a complete list of things you can do!

The Sims 4 cheats for skills

sims 4 cheats 1 Best Sims 4 Skills Cheats List

Here are the complicated codes you’ll need to use to get your Sim to the top level in any of the game’s major skills:

stats.set skill level Major Logic 10

stats.set skill level Major HomestyleCooking 10

stats.set skill level Major GourmetCooking 10

stats.set skill level Major Bartending 10

stats.set skill level Major Charisma 10

stats.set skill level Major Comedy 10

stats.set skill level Major Fishing 10

stats.set skill level Skill Fitness 10

stats.set skill level Major Gardening 10

stats.set skill level Major Guitar 10

stats.set skill level Major Piano 10

stats.set skill level Major Violin 10

stats.set skill level Major Handiness 10

stats.set skill level Major Mischief 10

stats.set skill level Major Painting 10

stats.set skill level Major Photography 10

stats.set skill level Major Programming 10

stats.set skill level Major RocketScience 10

stats.set skill level Major VideoGaming 10

stats.set skill level Major Writing 10

Or, if you have a child Sim, use these to give them the best skills:

Skill Child Creativity 10 in stats.set skill level

stats.set skill level Skill Child Social 10

stats.set skill level Skill Child Mental 10

stats.set skill level Skill Child Motor 10

stats.set skill level Toddler Communication 5

stats.set skill level Toddler Imagination 5

stats.set skill level Toddler Movement 5

stats.set skill level Toddler Thinking 5

stats.set skill level Toddler Potty 3

The Sims 4 cheats for jobs

sims trait cheats 2e951 Best Sims 4 Skills Cheats List

There are four main cheats for Sims 4 Career that you should know about:

careers.promote gives your Sim a promotion.

careers.add career lets you give your Sim a new job.

careers.remove career gets rid of a job you don’t want your Sim to have.

careers.retire makes your Sims quit their job and start getting a weekly pension instead.

To use any of these Sims 4 Career cheats, type the words in bold above, then the real name of the career you want to use.

Here is a list of Careers and the cheat words that go with them. The part you need to type is in bold:

Activist – Politician (requires The Sims 4 City Living expansion)

Plays – Actor (requires The Sims 4 Get Famous expansion)

Astronaut – Astronaut

Athlete – Physically fit

Business – Business

Criminal – Criminal

Critic – Adult Careers Critic (requires The Sims 4 City Living expansion)

Culinary – Culinary

Detective (requires The Sims 4 Get to Work expansion)

Doctor– Doctor (requires The Sims 4 Get to Work expansion)

Entertainer – Entertainer

Painter – Painter

Scientist – Scientist (requires The Sims 4 Get to Work expansion)

Secret Agent – SecretAgent

Social Media – SocialMedia (requires The Sims 4 City Living expansion)

Influencer – Style Influencer

Tech Guru – TechGuru

Writer – Writer

You could, for example, enter careers.

Promote a Sim who wants to be an actor by typing “promote Actor” into the cheats console.

It’s also important to know that teen Sims have different Career options than grown-up Sims. The cheat codes for these are listed below in bold:

Babysitter – Teen Babysitter

Barista – Teen Barista

Teen Working at Fast Food – Teen FastFood

Scout (requires The Sims 4 Seasons expansion)

Teen Manual – Manual Worker

Store Worker – Teen Retail

Cheats for both romance and friendship in The Sims 4

Introduce sim to all others: Your Sim is introduced right away to all the relationships with their neighbours. create friends for sim will make a friend appear for your Sim.

modifyrelationship [YourSimFirstName] [YourSimLastName] [TargetSimFirstName] [TargetSimLastName] 100 LTR Friendship Main: Your Sim and the target Sim become best friends right away.

modifyrelationship [YourSimFirstName] [YourSimLastName] [TargetSimFirstName] [TargetSimLastName] 100 LTR Romance Main: Your Sim and the target Sim now have the most romantic feelings for each other.

You can also put a lower number where 100 is if you want to lower the level of friendship or romance between your Sim and another Sim.

The Sims 4 cheats for killing and not killing people

death.toggle true – kill your Sim

death.toggle false: Bring your sim back to life

sims.add buff Ghostly: For four in-game hours, your Sim turns into a ghost.

stats.set stat commodity Vampire SunExposure -100 – kills a Vampire sim (requires The Sims 4 Vampires expansion)

UI cheats for The Sims 4

headlineeffects on or off controls things like speech bubbles in headlines.

hovereffects on or off controls the effect you see when you move over a Sim.

fullscreenToggle – on a PC will make the game full screen or windowed.

fps on or off: Turns on or off the display of the current frames per second.

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About the Author

Shagun Singh

Hello Guy, I will be sharing Sims Content because i love playing this game and sharing my experience and findings with you.

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