Sims 4 Followers Cheat

The Sims 4 Followers Cheat has become a fan-favorite hack among Sims players, especially those aiming for instant fame.

This cheat gives players a shortcut to amass a huge following on their Sim’s social media profile, boosting their career without having to go through the usual grind.

Imagine becoming an Internet Superstar, gathering millions of followers, and dominating social media in just a few clicks!

That’s what this cheat is all about.

Here’s how to use it effectively and a breakdown of its advantages:

How Do Followers Work in The Sims 4?

In The Sims 4, especially if you have the City Living expansion, the Social Media career is a game-based simulation of real-world influencer culture.

Sims can take on a social media career where they post, livestream, and network, all to gather followers. Higher follower counts lead to promotions and unlock new interactions. But reaching these milestones takes time—unless you use cheats.

Key Cheat: Stats Set Skill Level

To use the cheat, follow these steps:

  1. Open the cheat console with Shift + Ctrl + C.
  2. Type in testingcheats true to enable cheats.
  3. Enter the command: stats.set_skill_level major_charisma 10.

With this command, you boost your Charisma to the max level. The Charisma skill significantly affects your social media presence, making every post or video almost guaranteed to go viral.

Each successful viral video can give you millions of followers, quickly moving your Sim to Internet Superstar status.

persuade sims Sims 4 Followers Cheat

Other Cheats to Enhance Your Sim’s Social Media Career

If you’re looking to speed up progress in The Sims 4 Social Media career, here are some other helpful cheats:

  • Comedy Skill Cheat: stats.set_skill_level major_comedy 10 – This helps unlock comedic interactions that attract followers.
  • Mischief Skill Cheat: stats.set_skill_level major_mischief 10 – Useful for mischievous interactions, increasing follower count.
  • Video Gaming Skill Cheat: stats.set_skill_level major_videogaming 10 – Essential for game-streaming interactions that gain followers quickly.
  • Career Promotion Cheat: careers.promote SocialMedia – Boosts your career rank instantly.

Other Ways to Gain Followers without Cheats

If you prefer to play without cheats, here are a few strategies for increasing followers:

Announce Appearances: When your Sim becomes more famous, they can make appearances at venues, adding tens of thousands of followers per announcement.

Livestreaming Games: Use a computer or gaming console to stream. Each session can bring in thousands of followers.

Let’s Play Streams: A single “Let’s Play” stream can add 700,000 followers. You can stack several of these actions to gain millions quickly.

Post and Upload: Post photos to Simstagram or update statuses to get small boosts in followers, especially helpful at lower levels.

How Many Followers Do You Need In Sims 4 To Be Famous Sims 4 Followers Cheat

Tips for PS4 and Xbox Players

The cheats work on both PS4 and Xbox as well. Open the console using the controller’s trigger buttons and type testingcheats true to enable cheats, then enter the commands.

Career Paths in Social Media

In the City Living expansion, the Social Media career has two branches:

  1. Internet Personality: Focused on becoming a viral sensation, with actions like “Livestream Video Games” and “Advertise Major Products.”
  2. Public Relations: Allows Sims to network with journalists, promote products, and influence others’ actions.

Both paths require increasing followers, but the Internet Personality branch is more follower-focused and quicker to rise with cheats.

Using cheats in The Sims 4 gives you instant access to fame, making the game more enjoyable and efficient for those eager to explore the high-stakes world of Sims social media!

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About the Author

Shagun Singh

Hello Guy, I will be sharing Sims Content because i love playing this game and sharing my experience and findings with you.

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