40 Ugliest & Creepiest Cards in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Yu-Gi-Oh has some of the most well-known cards in the history of playing cards.

From the legendary engine of destruction that is the Blue-Eyes White Dragon to strong arcane masters like the Dark Magician, these cards and their beautiful artwork are etched in the minds of anyone who grew up in the late 1990s.

Then there’s Ojamas, who is like the 1% of germs that disinfectant can’t kill. Ew.

Even though spells and traps have their place, most Yu-Gi-Oh! decks are built around monsters, which fight the effects and attacks of other cards.

And sometimes looks. There are thousands of different kinds of monsters, and not all of them are beautiful.

To be clear, we’re not talking about the quality of the card art. We’re talking about the picture on the card.

40. Great Long Nose

Ugliest & Creepiest Cards in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Finally, an ad that tells the truth!

If you normal summon or flip summon Pinocchio, he goes back to your hand at the end of your turn.

But if he does damage to your opponent’s life points during a battle, they skip their next battle phase.

This is a unique defense that can stop bold themes from moving forward quickly.

39. Brain Jacker

MTc0NDYxMTU4OTc4MjMzNzA0 1 40 Ugliest & Creepiest Cards in Yu-Gi-Oh!

I hate to say it, but Brain Jacker’s effect is kind of cool.

It flips to equip an enemy monster and takes control of it, giving it 500 life points during its standby phase.

It’s like a monster version of “Snatch Steal.”

You may have broken some glass and scared the kids, but at least you found a new animal.

38. Centerfrog

MTc0NDYxMTU4OTc4Mjk5MjQw 1 40 Ugliest & Creepiest Cards in Yu-Gi-Oh!

I don’t want to draw you like a French girl, you nose-picking frog.

Centerfrog is a good thing because you can throw him at your opponent and give them control of him.

If you do this twice, you can steal any monsters that are between the two copies.

Yes, if this guy showed up, I’d switch sides, too.

37. Hane-Hane

40 Ugliest & Creepiest Cards in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Hane-Hane’s repeating name is a clear way for him to get people’s attention.

His hands don’t belong to him, and he has a big nose.

His flip effect brings a monster back to your hand, but the “Penguin Soldier,” who can bounce two times, is so much better that you’ll be glad to forget about this guy.

36. Yellow Duston

MTc0NDYxMTU4OTc5NDEzMzUy 1 40 Ugliest & Creepiest Cards in Yu-Gi-Oh!

You hate it when Cubone joins with a piece of cheese, don’t you?

And Duston is so stubborn that he won’t be sacrificed or used as fusion, synchro, or xyz material.

This means that his ugly face can only be used to feed link monsters.

35. Weather Report

35 weather report yugioh card 1 40 Ugliest & Creepiest Cards in Yu-Gi-Oh!

This card is hard to understand in every way.

Compared to the rest of his body, his face is so simple that it looks like someone in the art department spent a long time on his fluffy cloud tail and traditional Japanese shoes, but only had 5 minutes to finish his face.

Add to that the fact that his face looks like he’s mildly annoyed, like the store just ran out of his favorite brand of milk, and you have a card that looks very strange.

34. Vampire Baby

34 vampire baby card yugioh 1 40 Ugliest & Creepiest Cards in Yu-Gi-Oh!

I can’t believe that DreamWorks hasn’t used this idea yet!

Vampire Baby looks like she is both three and thirty at the same time.

He looks like a baby because his clothes are way too big and his lips are round.

But something about his eyes and hair makes me think he’s much older than what we might think at first glance.

This guy is in the Yu-Gi-Oh monsters’ “uncanny valley” for sure.

33. Nightmare Penguin

33 nightmare penguin ygo card 1 40 Ugliest & Creepiest Cards in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Since this card was basically a duelist on the original show, a lot of people like it. but it just creeps me out.

I mean, it’s a penguin in a vest, so it’s pretty close to being cute.

On the surface, that sounds cute!

What we get instead is a penguin that looks like it would eat you if it had the chance, which is a strange feeling to get from a penguin.

32. D-Boyz

32 d boyz card yugioh 1 40 Ugliest & Creepiest Cards in Yu-Gi-Oh!

I don’t know which part of this card is uglier:

The fact that they are zombies or the clothes they are wearing from the early 2000s?

The eyes of these people are sticking out, and their skin is going green.

But all I can do is look at those old, loose pants.

Do you remember when it was cool to wear pants that were that big?

Man, this card makes me want to turn on my PS2 and start playing Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2 while blasting my Blink-182 tapes.

31. Avatar of the Pot

31 avatar of the pot ygo card 1 40 Ugliest & Creepiest Cards in Yu-Gi-Oh!

If you thought Pot of Greed was ugly, why not give it a weirdly jacked body?

This guy has so many muscles that I don’t know if half of them are real.

Avatar of the Pot has so much muscle that he almost looks like one of those soft balls with a net around it.

Surely I’m not the only one who sees this, right?

When you add that to the fact that he’s only wearing a loin cloth, you have a very ugly card that will make you feel very uncomfortable.

30. Lullaby of Obedience

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Even though this card isn’t as “ugly” as many of the others on this list, I still have a problem with it.

A card called “Lullaby of Obedience” could have some really cool artwork on it, like the guy from “Solemn Judgment.”

Instead, we get a guy with ears from Super Monkey Ball, a hairline that doesn’t make sense, and a Ned Flanders beard.

No, I take back what I said. This guy is definitely ugly in the traditional sense.

29. Chu-Ske the Mouse Fighter

29 chu ske the mouse fighter card 1 40 Ugliest & Creepiest Cards in Yu-Gi-Oh!

I know what Konami was going for, but this card is just weird.

I think this card would be pretty cute if it were drawn a little differently.

But as it stands Chu-Ske is just troubling.

Even though I think it’s cool that Konami paid tribute to Bruce Lee, this mouse gives me the creeps.

28. Big Eye

28 big eye card yugioh 1 40 Ugliest & Creepiest Cards in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Old Yu-Gi-Oh cards are a treasure trove of bad art, and this guy is a great example.

Something about the way his eyes stick out of his face like muscles and the way his two “face” eyes are squished together is just the right amount of ugly.

He doesn’t have eyelashes either.

Can you imagine how much dust gets inside those?

27. 7 Colored Fish

27 7 colored fish yugioh card 1 40 Ugliest & Creepiest Cards in Yu-Gi-Oh!

A lot of people have happy memories of 7 Colored Fish.

For a while, it was one of the best level 4 monsters in Yu-Gi-Oh, since it was a normal summonable monster with 1800 attack.

That doesn’t change the fact that this card is ugly.

I mean, why do so many teeth grow in one fish?

And tusks?!

Where this guy comes from, there must be some very dangerous predators in the water.

26. Mucus Yolk

26 mucus yolk ygo card 1 40 Ugliest & Creepiest Cards in Yu-Gi-Oh!

I think you should talk to your doctor about “Mucus Yolk” instead of bringing it to a Yu-Gi-Oh game.

Mucus and Yolk are two of the grossest words put together to make what sounds like a sticky monster. I don’t like the way it sounds at all.

The annoying thing is that this card is pretty good. If you equip it with any equip spell, you can pretty much attack your opponent directly every turn, making this card better by 1000 attack each time.

Still, I think I’ll pass on this card.

25. Jinzo

25 jinzo card yugioh 1 40 Ugliest & Creepiest Cards in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Jinzo and I have such a love-hate relationship.

On the one hand, Jinzo is a very powerful card in old-school Yu-Gi-Oh.

It lets you shut down any strong traps that could mess up your game plan.

Jinzo, on the other hand, looks like an alarm clock made of potatoes that runs on a piece of ham.

The veiny head, the skin that is too pink, and that mask that looks like Darth Vader all give me the creeps.

24. Spear Cretin

24 spear cretin yugioh card 1 40 Ugliest & Creepiest Cards in Yu-Gi-Oh!

What if, instead of rings, Gollum was crazy about weapons?

This card has a lot of things that make it hard to look at.

The skinny arms and legs, the six fingers on each hand, the sly smile that makes you think it knows something you don’t but probably should… This guy has all the qualities of a confirmed creep.

Also, it’s weird that this guy is crawling around on the floor even though he has wings.

Even though it looks like a person, this guy’s posture reminds me of a bug.

10/10, I wouldn’t look at it even once!

23. Firegrass

23 firegrass ygo card 1 40 Ugliest & Creepiest Cards in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Old school Yu-Gi-Oh has some of the most powerful and broken cards in the game’s history, like Raigeki and Harpie’s Feather Duster.

It also has some of the dumbest cards ever made.

The bottom of this fire-breathing plant almost looks like a Goron wearing the Deku mask from Majora’s Mask, while the top looks like 2 Bellsprouts who need a break.

How did they make those two plants look so sad?

When you add that to the fact that Firegrass is a normal monster with only 700 attack, you have a card that is sure to end up at the bottom of the pile of extra cards.

22. Kumootoko

22 kumootoko card yugioh 1 40 Ugliest & Creepiest Cards in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Kumootoko is probably the ugliest spider I’ve ever seen, and I’ve seen a lot of spiders.

How about we talk about those legs?

Six of them are “normal” insect legs, or at least as normal as legs with yellow stripes and points can be for an insect.

The last two legs, however, are frighteningly human-looking.

And muscular.

Can this spider talk?

Who was this spider?

Why did only the legs stay?!

Everything about this spider is just wrong enough to make me feel very uneasy.

This is a truly awful card.

21. Mystic Tomato

21 mystic tomato yugioh card 1 40 Ugliest & Creepiest Cards in Yu-Gi-Oh!

This card’s OCG art is very cute.

In Japan, they chose a tomato that had been sliced to look like a Jack-o’-lantern with a smile.

Where are you?

Nah, let’s give it a realistic mouth with sharp teeth and a ridiculously long tongue, bulging veins on the top of his head, and a look that makes you want to look away from this card right away.

They did a great job of making it scary, and I’m going to hang a few of these up with my pumpkins on Halloween.

20. Humpty Grumpty

20 humpty grumpty ygo card 1 40 Ugliest & Creepiest Cards in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Humpty Grumpy is a joke about the old children’s song Humpty-Dumpty.

Everyone knows how that turned out, right?

The egg who sat on a wall and then fell off.

Not the most exciting story, but one that everyone knows and loves.

Humpty Grumpty is the demon form of this.

You could think of him as a real Deviled Egg.

The most disturbing thing about this card art isn’t the all-too-realistic look of fear on this poor egg’s face, but its tiny arms and legs.

Really, they look like a baby’s arms and legs!

Why does an egg that is so big have such small arms and legs?

19. Gimmick Puppet Humpty Dumpty

19 gimmick puppet humpty dumpty card 1 40 Ugliest & Creepiest Cards in Yu-Gi-Oh!

If I had a penny for every Yu-Gi-Oh! card that ruined the childhood rhyme “Humpty Dumpty” for me, I’d have two pennies, which isn’t much but it’s weird that it’s happened twice.

Gimmick Puppets are one of the creepiest Yu-Gi-Oh cards that have ever been made.

I mean, what do you expect when you make an icon out of possessed puppets and dolls?

I can’t even put my finger on what’s wrong with this guy.

I mean, he looks like a doll with a brain, except for that smile that is way too human.

Something about this one gives me the creeps…

18. Corroding Shark

18 corroding shark card yugioh 1 40 Ugliest & Creepiest Cards in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Corroding Shark is just the dead body of a shark that has started to rot.

How did this one make it past the Yu-Gi-Oh!Oh, so Exodia’s background was “too pentagram-y”?

This shark’s ribs are almost falling out of him, and his fin is just hanging on by a thread.

I almost feel bad for the little guy.

His flavor text also says that he can use a spell to pass on his terrible curse, and based on how he looks, I think I’ll stay away from whatever tank he’s at.

17. Gernia

17 gernia yugioh card 1 40 Ugliest & Creepiest Cards in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Gernia isn’t as easy to explain as Corroding Shark.

I mean, it has two arms and two legs, so it’s kind of like a person… but what about the rest?

I have no idea what is going on.

He has more horns on his face than would ever be useful.

And that doesn’t even include the fact that he has one horn coming out of his stomach.

I mean, how did your species evolve to the point where it needs an ab horn to survive?

16. Ojama Green

16 ojama green ygo card 1 40 Ugliest & Creepiest Cards in Yu-Gi-Oh!

The Ojamas, yes.

These three monsters were made to be ugly because they were Chazz Princeton’s annoying duel-spirit friends in the Yu-Gi-Oh GX series.

Well, when it came to the ugly part, Konami really hit it out of the park.

It hurts to look at anything about Ojama Green.

The careless way he rolls his tongue out of his mouth, letting it drag across the floor and lick up whatever is there.

His eye is not where it should be, based on how it looks.

And last but not least, those tiny little spandies that look way too small to hold all that.

When played right, Ojamas is a really fun deck to play.

If you can get past the fact that the monsters might be the weirdest things ever made, I’d highly recommend giving them a try.

15. Niwatori

15 niwatori yugioh card 1 40 Ugliest & Creepiest Cards in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Niwatori looks like me 2 seasons in on a Netflix binge.

He’s barely awake, way too full to eat more, but he’s still looking for a snack and has a hairstyle that can only be called bad.

Now, tell me why on earth anyone would call Niwatori in a game where the goal is to bring out the biggest monsters with magical powers from Ancient Egypt?

Overall, this card is pretty ugly, but in a cute sort of way.

14. Crass Clown

14 crass clown ygo card 1 40 Ugliest & Creepiest Cards in Yu-Gi-Oh!

What is it about Yu-Gi-Oh! that makes monsters that look like eggs?

Everything about Crass Clown is just plain scary.

Not only is he a clown, which is already creepy, but his body is perfectly shaped like an egg, and his head and neck almost blend into it.

This makes him creepier than should be possible.

13. The Kick Man

13 the kick man card yugioh 1 40 Ugliest & Creepiest Cards in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Yu-Gi-Oh has some of the most unique monsters in the history of trading card games.

You have cards like the Egyptian God cards, which are monsters that are made of old magic.

The Elemental Heroes are a group of fighters, each of whom has their own element.


The Man Who Kicks.

He kicks.


He kicks and has a face like Pot of Greed.

This card could have been pretty cool if it had been done with a different figure, like a great Karate fighter or a Sumo wrestler.

As it is, it looks like a guy who definitely can’t fight is trying to make it look like he can.

12. Gimmick Puppet Shadow Feeler

12 gimmick puppet shadow feeler card 1 40 Ugliest & Creepiest Cards in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Looking at a Gimmick Puppet is a real curse.

And this guy is the most scary example of this type.

Two dolls that are sewn together and have the same head is the scariest thing I can think of.

Are they the same thing in two different bodies?

Or two poor souls who were stitched together by something even worse?

It makes me uncomfortable because it makes me wonder too many things.

This guy has a terrible monster effect, so I’ll never have to think about putting him in my deck.

11. The Wicked Worm Beast

11 the wicked worm beast ygo card 1 40 Ugliest & Creepiest Cards in Yu-Gi-Oh!

If you don’t like bugs and other animals, this card is not for you.

It’s what’s left of a person, whose body is full of worms.

Just thinking about how much pain that guy must have been in before the worms ate him makes my skin crawl, and that’s not a joke.

I think his left hand is the worst thing about this card.

Worm stumps that have been cut to the right length are where his fingers should be.

This card is one of the most disgusting that has ever made it to a printing press.

It makes you wonder who in the world is in charge of editing at Yu-Gi-Oh/Konami HQ!

10. Dice Jar

10 dice jar yugioh card 1 40 Ugliest & Creepiest Cards in Yu-Gi-Oh!

The dice jar looks just like an Attack on Titan titan.

And that scares me enough to make me run away.

With those dead eyes and crazy smile, I feel like this jar is loose and has nothing to lose, which is not a feeling I like to get from a real jar.

You might think that this guy can and will eat your hands or dice if they get close to him because of his big tongue and teeth that take up half of his face.

What a strange tool!

9. Il Blud

09 il blud card yugioh 1 40 Ugliest & Creepiest Cards in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Il Blud is a great card for zombie decks. It turned zombies from a niche strategy that few people played into one of the best and most popular decks of its time.

Even so, Il Blud is the perfect thing to make you have nightmares.

It looks like a prisoner of some kind, with a devil, monster, or who knows what else sticking out of the middle of his zipper.

That face looks so evil and crazy… which is what makes this card look so scary.

This Yu-Gi-Oh monster is definitely not one you’d want as your companion battle spirit.

8. Ooguchi

08 ooguchi yugioh card 1 40 Ugliest & Creepiest Cards in Yu-Gi-Oh!

I don’t know where to start talking about Ooguchi.

Is it a dog?


Is it welcoming?

Most likely not.

What went wrong to make it look this way?

We can’t find out.

He looks like his eyes are about to fall out of his head.

His back looks like a small mountain range, and I can almost smell his breath through the screen.

Ooguchi is the most ugly person I have ever seen.

7. Ojama Yellow

07 ojama yellow ygo card 1 40 Ugliest & Creepiest Cards in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Here is the ugliest Ojama of all

It’s the color of Ojama!

Ojama Yellow is pretty much the leader of the Ojamas, so it makes sense that he is also the most disgusting-looking of the three.

The way he drools everywhere and has such a big mouth makes me feel very uneasy.

Just by looking at this monster, you can tell that if you met him in person, he would be sticky.

There’s also something to his awkward pose, which makes him look like he’s having stomach cramps while trying to smile for a picture.

It really adds to Ojama Yellow’s strange vibe.

Definitely the most ugly Ojama there is.

I wouldn’t trade him for anything.

6. Metamorphosis

06 metamorphosis yugioh card 1 40 Ugliest & Creepiest Cards in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Here’s a card that’s so ugly that it can’t be used. No, just joking. It’s banned because the effect is so insanely overpowered that any deck that uses it could win in a flash.

You can sacrifice a monster you control to special summon a fusion monster with the same level from your extra deck.

This lets you play some insanely powerful cards without doing anything.

Even though this card has a great effect, let’s talk about why it’s so bad.

There’s something creepy about how this poor fight monster is slowly changing into something even uglier and more dangerous as time goes on.

You can see the back of his head starting to get a face, and he’s smiling like he knows he’s won… all while the poor monster looks at his hands and can’t believe what he’s seeing.

It’s almost sad to look at, but it’s also a sight for sure.

5. Tongue Twister

05 tongue twister card yugioh 1 40 Ugliest & Creepiest Cards in Yu-Gi-Oh!

I really don’t like what this card says about me.

Is it all just one big tongue?

If that’s the case, why does it have eyes and teeth?

Does this mean there’s a monster so big, nasty, and disgusting that its tongue needs its own teeth and eyes to live as a different organ?

This also means that the monster’s mouth is full of drool.

And if you ask me, I can’t think of anything grosser than this drooling monster hitting the battlefield.

4. Twin Long Rods #1

04 twin long rods 1 ygo card 1 40 Ugliest & Creepiest Cards in Yu-Gi-Oh!

If you want a Yu-Gi-Oh monster that looks really crazy, you’ve found the right one.

He looks like he’s about to kill you by the way he’s making this face.

His eyes are popping out of his head, and he has a big grin that makes him look like Ojama.

Only sticking its tongue out could make this card worse.

The worst thing about this card, in my opinion, is that it’s #1, which means there are more than one of him (yes, there is a #2).

This kind of horror should stay at #1, or even at 0 if we can help it.

Twin Long Rods #1 will not be in my deck, that much is certain.

3. Worm Ugly

03 worm ugly yugioh card 1 40 Ugliest & Creepiest Cards in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Worm Ugly is, well, ugly, so that’s not a surprise.

I’m not sure it’s a worm, though.

I mean, aren’t worms supposed to be long and skinny, not just a big blob?

So many things about this card are ugly.

This monster looks sad because its mouth looks like a beak and its eyes are big and round.

The green slime dripping off of it doesn’t help, either.

2. Parasite Paracide (OCG Art)

02 parasite paracide card yugioh 1 40 Ugliest & Creepiest Cards in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Now, this is one of the cards that was so bad that the censor team did notice it.

As you can see from this list, that means it was awful.

This card’s TCG art is just a creepy-looking bug on a swirly background.

You know, Yu-Gi-Oh stuff from back in the day.

Instead, the OCG art shows this bug eating through a man’s throat and face as he screams in pain.

Scary and creepy!

It doesn’t surprise me that we don’t have this card in the TCG.

In some ways, I’m glad we didn’t.

I’d probably be too scared to even pick this card out of my deck.

1. Necroface

01 necroface yugioh card 1 40 Ugliest & Creepiest Cards in Yu-Gi-Oh!

If you thought that Gimmick Puppets were the most scary dolls in Yu-Gi-Oh, you’re in for a surprise.

Necroface has the broken face of a creepy porcelain doll, and some tentacled and swollen horror is coming out of it.

Any doll with visible veins and arteries is the creepiest thing I’ve ever seen.

Even the type of card is a zombie.

This means that whatever that tentacled mess is, it was alive and conscious, and this is all that is left of it.

If I die, I don’t want to see or spend time with this in any kind of future.

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About the Author

Anukul Saini

Anime and gaming enthusiast with a passion for sharing my knowledge and insights. I've watched over 1000 anime and spent countless hours playing video games.

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