You want a townie who doesn’t know your sim to fall in love with him or her, do you?
No problem! The following is a list of helpful relationship cheats for The Sims 4, which will allow you to easily tamper with the relationships of any sim in town.
I’ll also provide you with some samples of how to use the cheat codes, provide answers to questions that are frequently asked, and show you the finest relationship cheat mods for Sims 4.
Relationship Hacks for the Sims 4

To utilize cheat codes in The Sims 4, use CTRL + SHIFT + C to enter the cheat code box, then type in “testingcheats on” and then type in the relationship cheat that you want to use.
Repeat pressing CTRL + SHIFT + C in order to shut the cheats console.
To guarantee that these cheats for modifying relationships function properly, you must first confirm that testingcheats are turned on, that the Sim whose relationship you wish to modify is selected, and that the appropriate cheat code is entered.
It is highly recommended that you use copy and paste from your browser into the game in order to avoid making any typos.
You won’t need to enter any text into the cheat console for some of the cheats on this list because all you have to do is click on a specific sim.
These ones are going to have an asterisk (*) next to them.
The following is a list of cheats for relationships in The Sims 4:
modifyrelationship {PlayedSimFirstName} {PlayedSimLastName} {TargetSimFirstName} {TargetSimLastName} 100 LTR_Friendship_Main | This will create a positive friendship between two sims. You can choose any number between 1-100 for this cheat. The number you choose will add that many friendship points to their relationship. |
modifyrelationship {PlayedSimFirstName} {PlayedSimLastName} {TargetSimFirstName} {TargetSimLastName} -100 Friendship_Main | This will decrease the friendship between two sims. You can choose any number -1 to -100 for this cheat. The number you choose will decrease that many friendship points from their relationship. |
modifyrelationship {PlayedSimFirstName} {PlayedSimLastName} {TargetSimFirstName} {TargetSimLastName} 100 LTR_Romance_Main | This will create a positive romantic relationship between two sims. You can choose any number between 1-100 for this cheat. The number you choose will add that many romance points to their relationship. |
modifyrelationship {PlayedSimFirstName} {PlayedSimLastName} {TargetSimFirstName} {TargetSimLastName} -100 Romance_Main | This will decrease the romantic relationship between two sims. You can choose any number -1 to -100 for this cheat. The number you choose will decrease that many romance points from their relationship. |
modifyrelationship {PlayedSimFirstName} {PlayedSimLastName} {TargetPetFirstName} {TargetPetLastName} 100 LTR_SimToPet_Friendship_Main | This will create a positive friendship between a sim and a pet. You can choose any number between 1-100 for this cheat. The number you choose will add that many friendship points to their relationship. |
modifyrelationship {PlayedSimFirstName} {PlayedSimLastName} {TargetPetFirstName} {TargetPetLastName} -100 LTR_SimToPet_Friendship_Main | This will decrease the friendship between a sim and a pet. You can choose any number -1 to -100 for this cheat. The number you choose will decrease that many friendship points from their relationship. |
relationship.introduce_sim_to_all_others | This will make your sim acquaintances with all other sims. |
relationships.create_friends_for_sim | This will spawn a new friend on your sim’s lot |
*Shift + click on Sim > Add to Family | This adds that sim to your family household |
The Step-by-Step Guide to Using the Sims 4 Relationship Cheats

Given the level of complexity involved in these cheat codes, let us go through some examples.
For the purpose of conducting this study on romantic partnerships, Eliza and Bob Pancakes will serve as our test subjects.
We want to change they’re dynamic together and help them realize how much they mean to each other.
The following is an example of what our cheat code would look like: modifyrelationship Eliza Pancakes Bob Pancakes 100 LTR_Romance_Main
But now, let’s do everything we can to destroy any possibility of friendship between them and make them become foes.
The answer to that question is as follows: modifyrelationship Eliza Pancakes Bob Pancakes-100 Friendship_Main.
And last but not least, the Pancakes got a cat that they named Strawberry.
Strawberry is the person with who Eliza wishes she could be best friends with the most.
The following is a cheat code that will help you become the best of friends with your pet: modifyrelationship Pancakes made by Eliza Pancakes made with strawberries 100 LTR_SimToPet_Friendship_Main
Relationship Hacks for Sims 4 (Cheat Mods)

Wow! Some of those cheats are really lengthy and include a lot of complicated steps.
Because of this, I basically rely on mods to quickly and easily cheat the relationships in my Sims games.
No longer will you have to write out drawn-out cheat codes. It only takes a few clicks of the mouse for me to adjust my sims’ romantic partnerships.
1. The MC Command Center, created by Deadpool
With Mc Command Center, you no longer have to punch in lengthy cheat codes in order to make changes to relationships in The Sims 4. This makes the process very simpler.
This modification also provides you with the opportunity to alter the relationship options in your Sims 4 game.
I’ll walk you through some of its functions in just a moment.
To access the MC Command Center and change the way your game handles relationships, you must first select a computer somewhere in the game and then look for the option labeled “MC Command Center.”
Then, at the very top of the list, select the MCCC Settings option by clicking there.
When you do this, the MCCC Settings menu will appear. Once there, select Relationship Settings from the drop-down menu.
As soon as you enter the relationship settings screen, you will notice that there are PLENTY of options for you to select from.
I won’t go into what each setting does because I want to save that for another post (which will come later!), but to summarize it all, you could say:
- allow teen parenting
- change breakup settings
- change the friendship decay percentage
- adjust the friendship difficulty setting
- change relationship culling settings (this is when the game goes through and deletes sims from the relationship panel)
- adjust romance to a difficult setting
- change the romance decay percentage
You also have the ability to change the relationships between specific sims as well as their settings.
To accomplish this, first select a sim, and then select the “MC Command Center” option from the menu that appears.
This will bring up the menu for the simulation. When you are there, go to the very bottom of the list and select the option labeled “Relationships.”
As can be seen, rather than entering in complicated Sims 4 relationship cheats, it is much quicker to click a few buttons and select the appropriate options.
Plus, there are SO MANY OTHER REASONS why MC Command Center is a fantastic mod.
2. The UI Cheats Extension
This modification is an essential MUST if you want to make cheating in Sims 4 relationships as simple as it possible can be.
To describe what this patch does in the simplest words possible, rather than having to type cheats codes into the cheats bar, you can simply click on objects in the Sims 4 user interface (UI) to change them.
This includes things like skills, needs, money, and so on.
If we wanted to change the way our Sims interact with one another, all we would have to do is the following:
- Select the sim whose relationships you want to modify
- Go into their relationship panel
- Click on the sim or pet you want to modify the relationship with
- And set the values for friendship and/or romance
Choose the Sim whose Relationships You Want to Change and Click on the Modify button.
Enter into the relationship discussion panel.
You can change the values for friendship and/or romance by clicking on the sim or pet whose relationship you wish to alter, and then setting the appropriate values.
That wraps it up! It really couldn’t be much simpler.
It should come as no surprise that this mod is HUGE assistance!
Because of this modification, I nearly never have to enter any cheat codes.
This is the mod that you need if what you’re looking for is a technique to cheat your sim’s relationships really quickly and with very little effort on your part.
Q- How exactly do you go about activating cheats in The Sims 4?
Ans: Open the cheats console in The Sims 4 by pressing and holding CTRL, SHIFT, and C, and then typing “testingcheats on” into the cheats console.
This will allow cheats in the game. It is expected that you will get a notification saying “Cheats are enabled” in response.
You will now be able to utilize any cheat code in The Sims 4 thanks to this. To exit the cheats console, repeat the process of holding CTRL, ALT, and C.
Q- In The Sims 4, how do you go about changing existing relationships?
Ans: You can change the dynamics of your relationships in Sims 4 by entering the following cheat code:
modifyrelationship. ‘PlayedSimFirstName’, ‘PlayedSimLastName’, ‘TargetSimFirstName’, ‘TargetSimLastName’, ‘number’, ‘RelationshipType’, ‘PlayedSimFirstName’, ‘TargetSimFirstName’, ‘PlayedSimLastName’,
Yes, that is a really lengthy and intricate cheat code, so let’s break it down into its component parts:
- After you have typed “modifyrelationship,” you will be prompted to input the first and last name of your Sim.
- After that, you will be prompted to input the first and last name of the Sim with whom you wish to begin a romantic connection.
- Following that, you will be prompted to enter a certain number of points to either strengthen or weaken their connection.
- The value of the highest number is 100, while the value of the lowest number is -100.
- In the final step, you’ll choose whether to go into LTR_Friendship_Main or LTR_Romance_Main, both of which pretty much explain themselves.
- If you want to change the nature of their friendship, use friendship, and if you want to change the nature of their relationship, use romance.
Q-In The Sims 4, is it possible to develop romantic feelings for the Grim Reaper?
Ans: In The Sims 4, it is possible to develop a platonic friendship as well as a love relationship with the Grim Reaper if you put in the effort.
If you want to make friends with the Grim Reaper, start a conversation with him after someone passes away while you are in the room.
Once you have established a friendship with Grim, you are free to invite him over to spend out with you.
Now, if you want to have a romantic relationship with the Grim Reaper, you will need to either add him to your household or edit him in CAS using cheats in order to advance him to the adult life stage.
Only then will you be able to pursue a romantic relationship with him.
You won’t be able to woohoo with him unless you do this first.
You can now flirt with the Grim Reaper as much as you like in an effort to win his heart over and make him fall in love with your sim.
Q- How exactly do you get your Sim to develop romantic feelings for another Sim?
Ans: You can either go about it in the traditional sense by using pleasant and romantic interactions to have your sim fall in love with another sim, or you can use the method described above.
If both of your Sims are in the mood to flirt with one another, you will have the most chance of success with this.
Another completely unrelated piece of advice is to have your Sims take lots of pictures together or look up at the clouds.
These two factors contribute significantly to the growth of your relationship.
You may also utilize hacks codes to speed up the process of your Sims falling in love with each other.
Use the cheat code “modifyrelationship” in order to accomplish this. “PlayedSimFirstName” and “PlayedSimLastName” are replaced with “TargetSimFirstName” and “TargetSimLastName,” respectively, 100 LTR_Romance_Main.
In the first section, enter the name of the Sim you want them to fall in love with, and in the second part, enter the name of the Sim you want them to fall in love with.
Q- In The Sims 4, is it possible to get divorced?
Ans: In The Sims 4, a couple can end their marriage by either having multiple negative interactions between their Sims or having one Sim see the other Sim having an affair.
After they have spent sufficient time apart, they should discuss the possibility of getting a divorce.
It is categorized as a “mean” interaction, and you may find it there.