Surprisingly, many people believe that Pokemon’s mascot, Pikachu, had a black-tipped tail. They wonder why and when the producers took the black tip-off Pikachu’s tail. Is that true? Is it possible that Pikachu had a black tail?
Pikachu’s black-tipped tail is not because it has never had one. People mistakenly believe that Pikachu has a black tip, even though its ears and tail are black.
A common misconception is that Pikachu’s tail features a black stripe at its tip. We’ll be discussing that issue for the remainder of this article. If it was ever like that, it would explain why animators and designers decided to make it disappear. Have you heard of the Mandela effect? You will soon find out what the Mandela effect is!
Is Pikachu a Black Tail? Full explanation

As far as we can see, all main Pikachu iterations have yellowtail with a brown patch at the base. Pikachu’s tail has no black stripe or patch. What about this image?
This is a Pikachu. The left-hand one looks exactly like the one that is described everywhere. The right-hand one has a black-tipped tip and no brown spot at the base.
The picture on the left has been confirmed to be real. But what about the one on the right? It is real. Does it mean that there are other variations? Or is it fake?
We are sorry, but the one to the right and any other variations with a black-tipped tail (except Cosplay Pikachu but more later) is fake. Pikachu doesn’t have a black-tipped tail. Except for the exception, Pikachu’s tail has no black patch or stripe.
It is a mystery why people believe it does. This is the classic Mandela effect. It is a phenomenon in which many people have the same false memories.
False memory can be described as “a phenomenon where someone recalls something that didn’t happen” or “a situation where the person remembers it differently than the way it happened”.
It is often called the Mandela effect when you have false memories on a larger scale. This is exactly what happened here.
Somebody, somewhere, mistakenly remembered that Pikachu had an ugly black spot on its tail. This false memory was shared, and it became a “fact”, even though it was completely false.
This is why the false belief persists despite all the evidence. Pichu’s previous form of Pikachu had a completely black tail, but as it develops, the black becomes brown.
This is what we see today in Pikachu. Pikachu doesn’t have a black tail.
Is Pikachu ever known for having a black tail?

This question has a more complicated answer than the one above. The main Pikachu version did not have a black tail. Its tail was always yellow regardless of whether it was compared to the anime, the video games or both.
There are no gender-related changes; both male and female Pikachu have identical tail colours. This game-based example compares different Pikachu versions in different Pokemon games.
You can see that every character has a yellow-brown or brown tail. Yes, even the RED/GREEN version. The blackish colour at its base is brown, but it looks black because of the original game’s colouring scheme. Pikachu’s only black part is its ears. Their tips are black. That’s all. It’s sort of. One exception is:
We have here a group of five female Pikachu with heart-shaped tails. Their tails have black tips. Is there a black-tailed Pikachu? Yes, and no.
We want to emphasise that these characters, known as Cosplay Pikachu, are brand new to the franchise. They first appeared in Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire.
These were the Generation VI remakes of the original Generation III games. Cosplay Pikachu, a Generation VI character, is the source of the false memories. The black-tailed Pikachu’s false memories are much, much older than these games.
Cosplay Pikachu is a variation of the original Pikachu and is a female version of the original. It has a black spot at its tail that is shaped like a heart and can wear any one of five outfits to match the contest conditions.
It is given to the player as a gift, and the anime group also appears in the game.
It is unknown why their tails have a dark tip. However, this variation confirms that Pikachu is black-tailed, but it isn’t the source of the false memories associated with Pikachu’s tail.
Is Pikachu covered in stripes?
This one is easy. Pikachu has two brown stripes on its rear.
This is a trademark of the Pokemon, and it’s been confirmed in all materials where the Pokemon have made an appearance.
What does Pikachu look like?
Pikachu’s popularity is not surprising. Pikachu is a very cute character and was a major success for the franchise. It doesn’t matter if you are a fan or not. The chances of you not knowing what Pikachu looks like are slim.
He is so well-known that people all over the globe know him, even older people who have never seen or played Pokémon.
What does he look like exactly? You’ve seen the photos, but here is what Bulbapedia describes Pikachu as.
Pikachu is a small, fluffy rodent Pokemon. It has yellow fur and two horizontal brown stripes along its back. It has a small mouth and pointed ears with black tips.
Each cheek has a small red circle with an electrical storage pouch. It has short forearms and five fingers on each paw. The feet have three toes.
A patch of brown fur is found at the base of its lightning-bolt-shaped tail. A female will have a V-shaped spot at the tail that looks almost like a top of a heart.
Although it is classified as quadruped and can walk on its hind legs, it has been seen to be able to stand up.