Exploring infinite world to building the grandest castles from scratch, Minecraft has the world to offer.
But with a game, comes the players.
Players who can afford to purchase the edition and those that have to use the cracked version of the software.
Minecraft is an awesome game, but like all things, it comes at a cost.
Cracked players have quite the difficulties joining a server and being a part of the actual Minecraft gaming community!
So, to make your life easier, here’s a list of 10 servers that are open not only to regular players who purchase the game but also to cracked players!
10. Armageddon Server

IP: armamc.com
A world that is split into compartments to cater to any player need that you could possibly have!
They have plains for that!
They have fields for that?
What’s better than a castle?
They have a dedicated stadium for that!
Fantastic locations and weather that will blow your mind, custom skins, spawners, clans, custom skills, mcMMO and so much more! But the best part is yet to come!
The Armageddon Server is a cracked server which means regular and cracked, both players can take advantage of this wonderful world to its fullest!
9. Pikadex

IP: pikadex.sedexcraft.com
An active pixelmon server wonderful community and active staff which holds events daily and weekly where you can play in towns for grief protection, a safari world, training areas, riding, breeding, selling, legendary pokemon spawning, shiny starters, gyms with NPC and player gym leaders, all this with an economy mode as well?
Sounds too good to be true, doesn’t it? Well, it is the Pikadex server. It is also a cracked server. So, everyone can take advantage of its services.
8. Ultra Network

IP: mc.ultranetwork.net
This server has custom enchants and content. 1.17 OP Prison, 1.17 OP Skyblock, 1.17 Survival. Not only that but Bedwars, Economy mode and even Parkour.
This server also provides an opportunity to become a staff member and try managing, maintaining and grooming a community yourself.
This cracked server is compatible with any version after 1.17.1. With loads of options and an exhilarating minecraft experience, join this server!
7. SG Craft

IP: play.sgcraft.net or play2.sgcraft.net
SG Craft is a great cracked server for a vanilla experience.
PvP and PvE, Survival ad even the economy mode are great, but what really takes the cake on this server are the mini games.
They have just set up a brand new server in July 2019, which is now ready to take the stage!
This vanilla server is perfect place for a person who enjoys an authentic vanilla server!
Definitely worth a shot, at least once.
6. ASC Pixelmon

IP: play.asiacraft.net
With the rise in the interest in Asian culture due to social media, why not try to immerse yourself through Minecraft?
This server is complete with Story Mode, Battle Tower, battles with boss raids with friends, wild pokemon on safari, legendary pokemon and a balanced eco system.
The new reward system of pokedex + playtime ensures that the winners are truly deserving.
A very active and competitive server that hosts tournaments often is waiting for you to catch ‘em all!
5. Holocraft.club

IP: mc.holocraft.club
A select active server with options for everything!
Want to go freelance adventuring?
Or is Bedwars more your type?
How about a little spook in the Dungeons?
Would you like to try some Minigames for a break?
PvE or PvP?
Could we interest you in Skyblock or Skywars?
Or would you be willing to be challenged into Survival?
4. MineMalia Network 1.-1.17

IP: play.minemalia.com
This server is a dream come true with elaborate playmodes! It’s survivl version1.17 comes with player shops, mcMMO, jobs and quests along with no PvP and no grief.
It also has custom enhancements. Prison mode is equipped with mcMMO, playershops, bombs, public mines, plotworld, 10 perstiges and so on.
Creative is the best with all of the big plts, heads, vehicles and worldedit.
Bedwars with maps, items and special items, Skywars with levels and voting and much more, SkyBlock with missions, jobs, custom enchants and much more! This server has something to offer to everyone!
3. JartexNetwork

IP: top.jartex.fun
Bedwars, Factions, TheBridge, OP Prisons, Custom SkyBlock, KitPvP, Skywars, and so much more awaits to be experienced on this server!
Minigames are also available alongside a survival mode and economy mode.
This is a vanilla server which ensures all players have their fun with the help of its friendly and active staff!
Complete with a discord community, Jartec Network has continued to slowly climbed it’s way to Minecraft fame.
2. PikaNetwork

IP: top.pika.host
Pika Network has slowly and steadily been making its presence known in the Minecraft community as one of the most engaging communities and servers!
They have BedWars, Economy mode, SkyBlock, SkyWars, Survival and so much more.
OP Prisons, KitPvP, Factions and so on to cater to users all over the world.
PikaNetwork provides a variety of playmodes, great rewards, a friendly community, all while maintaining a stable economy.
1. Herobrine.org

IP: herobrine.org
Hrobrine.org is complete with various game modes including but not limited to BedWars, Economy, Inter-factional Wars, SkyBlock and so on!
However, despite all the game modes, it is best known for its earth survival modes!
This creative server is a vanilla server that ensures everyone gets their fair share fun and engagement on this server!
Would you like to try your hand at your greatest adventure with this absolutely free cracked Minecraft server that welcomes regular as well a cracked players?