Sometimes you get to see cute anime girls with blonde hair in many series and you bet many fans fall in love for them and these cute anime girls with blonde hair become the sole reason that you watched any series.
So, today we are going to discus some of the sweetest anime girls with blonde hair with in the list if you read My Otaku World regularly you have known that we have covered many cute anime girls in the past.
Yes, We have covered many hair colors type of cute anime girls like brown hair anime girls, Pink Hair, My Favorite Blue Hair anime girl (Bulma Is My Favorite ), White Hair, Green Hair So on and so fourth.
So, Let’s melt our hearts for these Blond hair beauties and start our cute anime girls with blonde hair list!
45. Urara Shiraishi From Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches

I love how Urara looks—she’s attractive right away.
It could be her reddish-pink eyes or the way she looks shy. Or her smile that warmed my heart.
She’s the kind of friend that it’s easy to like.
Aside from how she looks, Urara is a good example of how a character should grow.
Even so, this is because she kissed Ryuu, which is also the main idea behind the show.
But it’s great to see her open up a little bit more to other people as she slowly gets over painful things from the past.
And Urara is so cute, all right?
44. Chiaya Misono From The Rolling Girls

In 2015, Chiaya was my best girl. So I said it, and why should I feel bad about it?
There was a cute little girl with a character design that screamed “I’m so cute!”
And how could I forget what she said at the beginning?
She was this stranger who wore a mask, rode a motorbike, and took pictures.
Then she took off her mask, revealing the face of a blonde girl who was worth fighting for.
If I were the dad of a girl from an anime, I would want her to look like Chiaya.
I don’t want to give away anything important about The Rolling Girls, either. But I just want to say that I really like her part in it.
43. Claudine Saijou From Shoujo☆Kageki Revue Starlight

If you’ve seen Starlight Revue, you’ll know what makes Claudine Saijou such an interesting figure.
She does try to do things perfectly. But Claudine does this because she really wants to be the best Stage Girl.
Her drive to win doesn’t bother anyone at all.
Claudine, on the other hand, is inspiring.
She shows that you can’t and shouldn’t be too comfortable.
You have to keep pushing yourself to get to and stay at the top of your game.
Even if people in the same lane don’t have to work as hard to get there.
A life lesson for us all, I guess.
Her willingness to fight is something to admire.
42. Asuna Yuuki From Sword Art Online

I can see why you might be tired of the SAO series or even the whole isekai genre.
But let’s not forget that Yuuki Asuna has an attitude like a waifu.
I’m not as up-to-date on the series as I used to be, but I remember when Asuna was trying to become Kirito’s full-fledged woman.
Fans really like the Mother’s Rosario arc. In that story, who was the main character?
Not Kirito.
Not Sinon.
Not Klein. No, it was actually Asuna.
Also, let’s not forget how fierce Asuna looks in the SAO: Alicization previews for the last season.
41. Mary Saotome From Kakegurui: Compulsive Gambler

Kakegurui is one of the best versions that MAPPA has ever made, and I wish it would go on forever.
Even if I don’t talk about Yumeko Jabami, who is both sexy and crazy, I can still talk about the other strange women in Kakegurui.
I didn’t think Mary would be the tsundere of the show, but I’m so glad she became a key character.
Itsuki Sumeragi is also known for the tricks and cheats she uses when she plays games of chance.
But when it comes to making scary faces, Mary can beat her.
40. Eugenie Danglars From Gankutsuou: The Count of Monte Cristo

Gonzo’s clever animation style makes it easy to tell Gankutsuou’s characters apart. The whole show is artistic eye candy.
But to get back to Eugenie, she is beautiful and has a lot of heart.
She could have lived in Paris and forgotten about the rest of the world.
But Eugenie doesn’t just do what the powerful say, not even when it comes from her own family.
The world needs more rich people like her who won’t turn a blind eye to wrongdoing.
39. Tsunade From Naruto

There are a lot of pretty blonde girls in Naruto. And that’s saying something.
But my favorite character in this story is Tsunade, who likes to drink and was once the hokage of Konoha.
I know that many of you remember her for having a great body.
But she’s also a lot of fun even when she’s not drunk.
Tsunade is a good example of what a leader should be like.
She is friendly and gentle, but she is also ready and able to fight enemies with her own hands.
38. Kaede From Non Non Biyori

Non Non Biyori is one of my favorite slice-of-life shows of all time, and it’s partly because the group is so funny and easy to like.
One of the older people in the story is Kaede Nagayama.
But her laid-back approach and love for Renge keep her from becoming cynical and unhappy as an adult.
I love how she’s willing to try harder than normal to make Renge smile.
Plus, how could I not like someone who runs a candy store?
37. Mari Ohara From Love Live! Sunshine!!

Like long-running shounen anime, I find it hard to get into girl shows.
Still, I can’t deny or ignore Love Live’s success, since memes and fan art from the show show up on my Facebook page all the time.
And since we’re talking about jokes, I must talk about Ohara.
Yes, Nico Yazawa’s Nico Nico Nii memes do make everyone crazy.
But Ohara is the one with white hair and great expressions.
Mari Ohara can easily look sleazy, excited, bored, sad, or confident.
36. Android 18 From Dragon Ball Z

I know I just said that I don’t like how shounen shows have a lot of episodes.
But I watched Dragon Ball Z when I was a kid. In my country, it was a prime-time show that was broadcast on national TV.
You can see that this is true for many places all over the world.
So I can remember that Android 18 was very serious. No one could.
She always looks so angry, and I wouldn’t want to be the one getting hit by her.
Thanks to Krillin, Android 18 met and married him.
She can still get angry, but because of their friendship, we can see a kinder side of the killing machine that looks like a person.
35. Krista Lenz From Attack on Titan

The anime community was surprised by Krista Lenz’s cute moments in season 1.
Reiner’s crush on her is funny and also makes sense.
He’s not the only one who thinks she’s cute, after all.
But if you’ve seen more than the first season or read the manga, you know that Krista is not just another blonde loli.
And I don’t want to ruin it for anyone, so I’ll just call her Krista here.
Her character changed a lot in Season 2 and after, and I just hope that the rumors about Wit Studio stopping the SnK translation aren’t true.
34. Tohru From Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid

Kanna Kamui is my favorite character in Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid because she is so cute.
But the dragon maid is also a strong person.
Tohru is a good-hearted maid when she is not a huge dragon that breathes fire. And all she wants for her dear human Kobayashi is the best.
I still remember how she cut off her own tail and cooked it for Kobayashi (thank goodness she can grow it back).
But the thing I remember most about her is when she and Kobayashi went to the market. That’s why she’s in the middle of this list.
Tohru caught a thief, but she made a big deal out of it.
So, Kobayashi took her by the hand and led her away.
As they walked home, Kobayashi didn’t let go, and Tohru felt loved.
33. Karen Kujou From KINMOZA!

How could I forget Kiniro Mosaic’s small, half-British blonde?
Without her, there wouldn’t be “ayaya” and “desu! desu!” films in the anime community.
She is the queen of memes.
Karen is also a very nice little girl.
With the help of her friends, Karen never fails to make me laugh.
Who doesn’t love the way she looks?
She is wearing a top that looks very British, and the colors of her socks and shoes are like the colors of the UK flag.
32. Darkness From KonoSuba: God’s Blessing on This Wonderful World!

Yes, I’m aware that she has another name and isn’t just called “Darkness.”
But, like with Krista Lenz, I don’t want to ruin the moment for viewers who haven’t seen enough Konosuba episodes.
Now that that’s out of the way, I love Darkness and the idea behind her.
She is on a mission. The main defense was supposed to be someone.
But she also likes to hurt herself.
So, each time she makes an inspiring sacrifice that seems good, she can look forward to it for a different reason.
Just seeing her name makes me think of that show where the cabbages flew. It’s wonderful.
31. Olivia From Asobi Asobase: Workshop Of Fun

The fact that Asobi Asobase exists is a wonder, and the same goes for the people who live in it.
This new release from 2018 feels like a follow-up to Daily Lives of High School Boys, which was also called Nichibros because it was similar to Nichijou.
Asobi Asobase is insane—really insane.
When Olivia wanted to cut her hair and the baby smelled her armpits, that was one of my favorite parts.
Yes, it’s funny in that way. I really like it.
But even in terms of how she looks, Olivia is not like most white girls.
And I don’t want to sound too biased toward blue (because I totally will right now), but her blue eyes make her even more interesting.
30. Clare From Claymore

Claymore was a show I didn’t know anything about and found by accident.
I just bought a copy because I liked the name. In one of my online games, I often saw a sword called a claymore.
So you can guess that I will be surprised when I watch this anime.
It was a bit more violent and serious than most shounen stories I read when I was a youth.
I love how most of the women in this strange, dark world are women.
It’s a breath of fresh air, and at the heart of it all is the brave and amazing Clare.
29. Eriri Spencer Sawamura From Saekano: How to Raise a Boring Girlfriend

You’re probably wondering why I put Eriri above people like Saber, Riza, and Shinobu.
But remember that this is my list, and Eriri has been in the running for best girl for a long time.
Even though I’ll admit that I didn’t like her at first.
She seemed like just another childhood friend who would never move up in the harem ranks.
Then I learned more about her. She creates doujinshi.
I can’t help but notice her long white hair with ribbons, her light blue eyes, and her small fangs.
But listen to me: Eriri Spencer looks best when she’s at home and wearing her glasses and a green tracksuit.
I really like that look, and I wish someone would just give me the figure (since shipping from overseas is expensive).
28. Anzu From Hinamatsuri

Hinamatsuri became one of my favorite things by chance in 2018.
Yes, the way Hina and Hitomi act toward each other is funny and worth watching. But it was Anzu who made sure this series would stick with me for a long time.
Anzu was an amazing kid with a bad attitude, just like Hina, but her character growth was perfect.
When she had to go through trash cans to find cans to sell so she could eat, she became a symbol of how hard it is for many Japanese people who don’t have homes and can only depend on each other.
Anzu knew what it was like to be poor and alone, which is why Hina’s laziness bothered me.
And that wasn’t the only time she did something great.
She helped people realize that not everyone has a loving family and that you can be a part of one even if you’re not connected by blood.
27. Tanya von Degurechaff From The Saga of Tanya the Evil

The Saga of Tanya the Evil didn’t have to be this good when it was turned into a movie. It was NUT’s first project ever, and the company did a great job.
Should Tanya still be counted as a blonde girl even though she was a salaryman before she got isekai-d?
I didn’t even know that the anime world needed a little girl who was cruel and could cause trouble during a fight.
Even though she is a psycho, there are times when she is attractive.
Tanya is one of a kind. She is a blonde anime girl who is very different from everyone else.
26. Violet Evergarden From Violet Evergarden

Is this an example of “recentness bias”? I can definitely say, no!
I’ve already seen Violet Evergarden twice, and I can’t wait for the movie to come out whenever that is.
I’m more sure that she’s the best blonde girl in all of anime every time I watch her.
Even before the teaser video came out, I knew I was in for a good time.
The way Violet is drawn is perfect, and KyoAni’s animation for this show is the icing on the cake.
She has the things I like about my other choices. Violet has nice hair and beautiful blue eyes, and every look on her face says a thousand things.
Her story has made me sad, happy, angry, and feel all the other feelings that make us human.
Violet Evergarden is a rare gem in the world of anime, and the main character of the show is the same way.
25. Saber from Fate/stay night

Saber is like Shinobu in that she can change into many different things.
The anime only shows the original Saber, but the huge FSN franchise has the original Saber as well as Saber Alter and Saber Lily.
In a way, she feels like Asuna from SAO, but stronger.
Again, this isn’t a spoiler, but when she’s resting with Shirou Emiya, she acts less like the brave fighter she is and more like an adorable girlfriend.
I’ve seen so many sakuga parts of Saber thanks to Ufotable’s well-known animation skills.
Especially when Unlimited Blade Works was going on.
24. Shinobu Oshino from Bakemonogatari

Without one of the Monogatari girls, I can’t finish the list.
Shinobi is lucky because she is a blonde vampire, and the fact that she is sometimes a loli is a big plus.
Shinobu is a strange blonde anime girl because she can actually change from a child to a full-grown woman.
She looks like she could be four blondes in one.
But as much as I love the loli form, I think you should watch the Kizumonogatari trilogy and see her as Kiss-Shot.
23. Mashiro Shiina from Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo (The Pet Girl of Sakurasou)

Mashiro Shiina is the main female protagonist of the story and resides in Room 202 of the Sakura Dormitory.
Mashiro is a world famous artist who transferred into Suiko as a second-year to learn how to draw.
She aims to drawing manga.
22. Kaori Miyazono from Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso (Your Lie in April)

Kaori is now an official joke. But when Your Life in April was still on the air, things were very different.
People didn’t think A-1 Pictures would make a well-animated movie about musical geniuses that was also animated well.
The ending of the series wasn’t all that moving. But I like what Kaori, Kousei, Tsubaki, and Ryouta went through on their trip.
Kaori’s determination and joy were contagious, and we can all learn from that.
It’s not enough to say that Kaori has a lot of heart and loves life.
21. Lucy Heartfilia from Fairy Tail

Fairy Tail isn’t my favorite show. But I have to say that as one of the main girls in the 175-episode shounen series, Lucy has had an effect.
In terms of character creation, she’s not very interesting.
But it’s not hard to care about her as she travels with her friends.
Lucy is aware of her feminine charm and loves to write and tell stories from the heart.
When Lucy Hearfilia uses her Star Dress spell (especially the Leo Form), it’s fun to see her in her beautiful black dress with frills.
20. Victorique de Blois from Gosick

Victorique de Blois is a 15 year-old girl who studies at Saint Marguerite Academy, although she usually stays in the library of the school.
19. Teresa from Claymore

She had silver eyes like all other Claymores and wore the standard uniform.
Teresa was also considered to be beautiful; several of the bandits who attacked her and Clare in the forest commented lewdly that she was very attractive.
18. Miria Harvent from Baccano!

Another eccentric thief, she is the partner and lover of Isaac Dian.
Miria wholeheartedly believes and supports everything Isaac says, often even going so far as to mimic his body language.
Together they appear extremely stupid, whimsical and oblivious, but they have great affection for the people they meet, whom they always make a big impression on and always believe the best of them.
17. Chii from Chobits

I’m starting the list with one of the first important blonde girls I saw in anime.
Yes, Chii didn’t talk much because she was a “defective” person.
But the way she made her character was great. She was very pretty.
When I was younger, my female friend would use Chii as their image on social networking sites like Friendster and MySpace because she was so cute.
In the same way, a secret server of the MMORPG Ragnarok Online had something called “Chii ears” that was made just for that server.
It looked just like the ears on the Chobits girl. Who could forget her beautiful animation for the catchy OP?
16. Usagi Tsukino from Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon

Along with Android 18, Sailor Moon’s Usagi Tsukino was often seen on national TV.
The kids and their parents all knew about Usagi Tsukino and the rest of the Sailor Guardians.
Many kids looked up to her as a hero.
In my country, it wasn’t crazy to like Goku and Usagi together. Yes, Usagi and Goku, who is a Super Saiyan.
But she was well-known without him.
Because she and Sailor Moon are so popular, both girls and boys knew how to do the magical girl transformation routine.
15. Seras Victoria from Hellsing

Seras Victoria is one of the main protagonists in the Hellsing series. Seras was turned into a vampire by Alucard to save her from a would-be fatal gunshot wound in the chest, that he also caused.
She is voiced by Fumiko Orikasa in the Japanese version of the anime and Katherine T. Gray in the English version.
14. Misa Amane from Death Note

I can’t even explain how much Misa Amane became the most famous anime girl when the Death Note anime was at its most popular.
My male friends were crazy about her, and my female friends used pictures of Misa as their avatars.
And really, who could blame them?
From her hairstyle to her famous stockings, her character design is godlike. It’s a cosplayer’s dream.
Many fans have lost interest in Death Note, especially after the last few episodes, but Misa will always be a blessing.
Should I say Shinigami-send instead?
13. Kyouko Toshinou from Yuru Yuri

Kyōko is a tall young cute anime girls with blonde hair that has a dark-red ribbon on top and blue eyes.
She is usually seen with her school uniform, but when not at school, she usually wears flashy costumes, and frequently wears cosplay.
She usually stands out, such as in Season 1 Episode 3 and Yuruyuri Nachuyachumi!, where she got animal kigurumi pajamas for her friends but a tomato one for herself.
12. Konjiki no Yami from To LOVE-Ru

Yami is a cute anime girls with blonde hair, dark red irises, and a child-like figure. Her 3-sizes are B75-W52-H77.
Although it should be noted that she can change her appearance to look older with her transformation ability, her choice to remain in her child-like form is most likely due to the fact that it is comfortable when in combat.
11. Riza Hawkeye from Fullmetal Alchemist

Riza is another anime girl with blonde hair who doesn’t need a long description.
She is in the popular Fullmetal Alchemist series, which I think everyone has heard of.
Yeah, I’d say millions of people know why she should be on the list.
Aside from being a well-known badass, Riza is a cool-headed woman who likes dry humor. But you don’t see it as often.
She is one of the coolest fictional characters ever, whether or not she is animated.
And she doesn’t need to carry a gun to be a cool blonde girl, even though a sniper rifle or two handguns make her look pretty scary.
10. Sena Kashiwazaki From Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai

I can’t think of much I remember about Haganai. But that’s what a normal ecchi and harem series would do.
But what I remember clearly is Sena, with her blue butterfly clip and small size.
Given that Haganai has ecchi aspects, people who saw it may also remember something else about Sena.
Even without that, Sena has a lot going for her.
I’d go so far as to say that the show wouldn’t be the same without her and her very driven (and maybe perfectionist) personality.
9. Yuzu From Konohana Kitan

Yuzu is cute anime girls and the protagonist of the Konohana Kitan series. An innocent and hardworking country fox.
She was brought up by Bikuni who has a rather extensive knowledge of things and yes she is a cute anime girls with blonde hair.
8. Kirino Kousaka From Ore no Imouto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai

Kirino is Kyosuke’s 14-year-old younger sister and a cute anime girls. She is mature for her age with a cold, tsundere-like personality.
She has a strong “little sister” fetish and owns many adult games with older brother/little sister themes, relying on a modeling job to pay for them.
Despite this, she states she does not know why she started liking it, though it is suggested that she has a brother complex and is using the games as a surrogate to this.
7. Tsumugi Kotobuki From K-On!

Mugi has one of the most recognizable eyebrows in all of anime. I’d remember her before I’d remember Rock Lee from Naruto.
But she is more than just her comfortable character design and rich history.
I would say that Mugi is the reason why many of the most famous parts of the classic slice-of-life stories happen.
For one thing, it’s in the villa, where the girls had fun in a totally different place during the training show.
Because she is always happy and ready to bring tea and treats to her clubmates, they can share precious, everyday moments with her. She is a great find.
6. Chitoge Kirisaki From Nisekoi

Chitoge is an attractive, slim fair-skinned young cute anime girls with beautiful waist-length blond hair that has pink tips at the end of her hair, strikingly aqua-blue eyes, stunning features and coupled with her height – tall by most standards – and her natural figure, many people associate her with a supermodel.
5. Illyasviel von Einzbern From Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya

Illyasviel von Einzbern is the main protagonist of Fate/kaleid liner PRISMA☆ILLYA.
She also appears as Caster and a cute anime girls, a Caster-class Servant summoned by Ritsuka Fujimaru in the Grand Orders of Fate/Grand Order.
4. Rachel Gardner From Satsuriku no Tenshi

Rachel Gardner is a cute anime girls with blonde hair, also known as Ray, is the protagonist of the game, manga and anime Satsuriku no Tenshi.
She is the first playable character of the game who is a young girl that awakes in a building with initially no recollection of why she is there.
3. Onna Shinkan From Goblin Slayer

Priestess (女神官, Onna Shinkan) is the main female protagonist of the Goblin Slayer series and a cute anime girls with blonde hair.
After Goblin Slayer saves her life during her first adventure, she becomes the first member of his party and frequently accompanies him during adventures
2. Yue From Arifureta: From Commonplace to World’s Strongest

Yue is a vampire and a cute anime girls with blonde hair, crimson red eyes, and a porcelain complexion.
Despite being over 300 years old, she has the appearance of a 12-year-old child due to the side effects of her immortality.
1. Filo From The Rising of the Shield Hero

Filo is a Filolial purchased alongside Raphtalia during the outset of the story and yes she is a cute anime girls with blonde hair.
She develops into a Queen due to her association with the Shield Hero, and is a staunch ally to the hero, as the possessor of unique class-up effects.
Hope you like this list of cute anime girls with blonde hair comment below which one of these is your favorite cute anime girls share this list with your friends and bookmark MOW.