In Pokemon Scarlet & Violet, Sinistea is one of the most interesting Pokemon that comes back.
Not because of its stats or type, but because of how it evolves. Most Pokemon level up and get stones to help them evolve, but this Ghost-type Pokemon needs very specific things to evolve.
Depending on what kind of Sinistea you have, you’ll need either a Chipped Pot or a Cracked Pot to turn it into Polteageist.
At first look, it might be hard to figure out which item you need because it’s not clear what kind of Sinistea you have and which item goes with it.
Where To Find A Wild Sinistea?

Sinistea can only be found in a few places. The southwest area of the map is where it is most likely to show up.
This area, called South Province (Area Six) on the map, is marked.
Here is the town of Alfornada, where you can find the Psychic Gym. The town is on a flat plain where a lot of Pokemon live.
To find a Sinistea, you just have to walk around the edges of this town until you see one.
Phony Or Antique Form

Sinistea has two different looks: the “Fake Form” and the “Antique Form.” The only thing that makes them different is a stamp of authenticity on the bottom of one of them.
The more common Phony form will not have a stamp on the bottom of the teacup, but the rare Antique Sinistea will.
Once you have the form you want, you’ll need the right item to make it grow. You can’t use the same item to evolve both kinds.
You will need a Cracked Pot to evolve Phony Sinistea. You will need a Chipped Pot to create Antique Sinistea.
If you’re still not sure which form you have, you can see if it works with either item. If your Sinistea doesn’t work with a Cracked Pot, you have an Antique form, and vice versa.
Tips To Check For Sinistea Authenticity
There is no “easy” way to tell if a Sinistea is real, but there are some tips you can use to make the process go more smoothly.
The first Sinistea you catch will be added to your Pokedex. Most likely, the Pokédex will show the fake form.
Once you do catch a real Sinistea, the Pokedex will give you the opportunity to look at its second form. This is a great way to see if your Sinistea in a box is real.
You can also see the stamp of validity from the overworld. This lets you get close to the Pokemon and tilt your camera up to see the bottom of it.
This can be hard to do, especially if Sinistea is moving around, but it is possible to tell if one is real this way.
Lastly, you should check out Sinistea outbreaks. Not all of the Sinistea will be real, but there are so many that you are sure to find at least one.
How to Get Cracked Pot or Chipped Pot?
Only by winning it at an auction in Porto Marinada can you get a Cracked Pot. After you pass the Cascarrafa Gym test, you can go to the sale.
The Chipped Pot isn’t always guaranteed to be in the auction, so you’ll have to keep going back to Porto Marinada to see if it’s up for sale.
Where To Get The Cracked Pot

The Cracked Pot is to the left of the Groundblight Shrine, north of Casseroya Lake. Head left up the hill from the shrine until you reach water. It is on the ground by a small pond on the edge of a cliff.
Where To Get The Chipped Pot

Behind the homes in Porto Marinada is where you can find the Chipped Pot.
From the Auction House, go up the first ramp and head toward the back of the houses.
The Chipped Pot is going to be under a big tree.
How to Use the Cracked Pot?

Give the Cracked Pot to a Sinistea to make it grow into a Polteageist.
Most types of Sinistea need Cracked Pots to grow, but if you have an Antique/Authentic Sinistea, you will need a Chipped Pot.
If there is a blue mark under the cup of a Sinistea, it is an old or real one.
How to use Chipped Pot?

Give the Chipped Pot to the ghost tea Pokemon Sinistea to make it change into Polteageist. Only Authentic Sinistea can evolve with a Chipped Pot.
Most other Sinistea can only evolve with a Cracked Pot. If there is a blue mark under the cup of a Sinistea, it is a real one.
Here are some additional things to keep in mind about the Chipped Pot and Cracked Pot:
- The Chipped Pot and Cracked Pot are both one-time use items. Once you use them to evolve Sinistea, they will be consumed.
- The Chipped Pot and Cracked Pot are not found in the wild. They can only be obtained through the auction house or the Socarrat Trail Shrine.
- The Chipped Pot and Cracked Pot are both relatively rare items. You may have to do some grinding to get one.
What are the Chipped Pot and Cracked Pot?
The Chipped Pot and Cracked Pot are items that are used to evolve Sinistea into Polteageist. Sinistea is a Ghost-type Pokemon that can only be found in the wild at night. To evolve Sinistea into Polteageist, you need to give it a Chipped Pot or Cracked Pot during the night.
How do you get the Chipped Pot and Cracked Pot?
There are two ways to get the Chipped Pot and Cracked Pot:
Auction House in Port Marinada: The Chipped Pot and Cracked Pot can be found at the auction house in Port Marinada. The auction house becomes available after you have defeated the Cascarrafa Gym Leader. The items that are auctioned off at the auction house are randomized, so you may have to check back several times before you see a Chipped Pot or Cracked Pot.
Socarrat Trail Shrine: The Chipped Pot can be found at the Socarrat Trail Shrine, which is located to the southwest of Port Marinada. The shrine is guarded by a level 25 Graveler, so you will need to be at least that level to defeat it and claim the Chipped Pot.
What do the Chipped Pot and Cracked Pot do?
The Chipped Pot and Cracked Pot are both necessary to evolve Sinistea into Polteageist. To evolve Sinistea into Polteageist, you need to give it a Chipped Pot or Cracked Pot during the night. If you give Sinistea a Chipped Pot, it will evolve into a Polteageist that is holding a chipped teacup. If you give Sinistea a Cracked Pot, it will evolve into a Polteageist that is holding a cracked teacup.
Are the Chipped Pot and Cracked Pot rare?
The Chipped Pot and Cracked Pot are both relatively rare items. You may have to do some grinding to get one. The Chipped Pot is more common than the Cracked Pot, but it is still not a guaranteed drop.