Can PS4 and PS5 gamers play GTA Online together in 2024?

Is it possible to play Grand Theft Auto Online on a PlayStation 5 with people from a PlayStation 4?

Since the day when the Grand Theft Auto 5 enhanced version was released, this subject has been asked, and as more gamers upgrade to PlayStation 5 systems, it is becoming an increasingly serious issue for organizations that are on the fence between PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5.

GTA 4 Can PS4 and PS5 gamers play GTA Online together in 2024?

If you are seeking to establish up cross-generation crossplay in Grand Theft Auto Online, or indeed any kind of link with pals who play on consoles that are different from your own, then the quick answer is that nothing is feasible because it is not possible to do so.

Read on to learn everything you need to know about Grand Theft Auto Online crossplay, cross-generation play, and whether or not you can play with gamers holding a PlayStation 4 or Xbox One console on a PlayStation 5 or Xbox Series X.

In a nutshell, the answer is no; nevertheless, it is somewhat convoluted, and there is a kind of bypass that can be utilized.

First things first, let’s make this perfectly clear: Grand Theft Auto Online does not yet support any kind of crossplay.

This means that gamers on PlayStation cannot compete against players on Xbox or PC, and visa versa and vice versa. There are also a few distinct versions of Grand Theft Auto Online, and the only individuals you may play with are those who own the same version of GTA Online as you do, as well as the same platform.

gta dirt bike race Can PS4 and PS5 gamers play GTA Online together in 2024?

For instance, gamers who have the most recent enhanced edition of Grand Theft Auto 5 or GTA Online for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X will not be allowed to compete against anyone who is using the older versions of the game for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

This implies that if you own a PlayStation 5 and the upgraded edition of Grand Theft Auto Online, the only other players you will be able to play with are other PS5 players who also own the enhanced version of GTA Online for current-generation consoles.

The same is true for Xbox Series X. Here is a guide that will help you acquire the Grand Theft Auto 5 Enhanced Version if you are a little puzzled about upgrading.

However, if you own a PlayStation 5 but are still using the older version of the PlayStation 4 for backward compatibility, then you will only be able to play with other people who own the older version.

This means that you will be playing on a PlayStation 5 with other people who own a PlayStation 4. Despite the fact that this is not real crossplay, it is a workaround that enables players from two different console generations to play together.

However, in order to do so, gamers on the PS5 will need to run an older version of the game.

It is highly likely that you have found out how to transfer your Grand Theft Auto Online character from the PlayStation 4 to the PlayStation 5 or Xbox Series X if you are the owner of the improved edition of the game. In the past, this would cause your old-generation data to be removed from the servers.

However, as of June 2023, the process has been modified such that your PS4 or Xbox One character(s) will be kept after migration, even though any future progress would not be synchronized between different platforms.

This implies that it is now possible to continue playing with PS4 players by running the PS4 version of the game, while also running the PS5 version to play with PS5 players. However, this could be confusing because progress does not transfer between the two versions of the game.

In conclusion, if you are playing the PlayStation 4 version of Grand Theft Auto Online on your PlayStation 5, you will only be able to connect with other PlayStation 4 players.

However, if you upgrade to the PlayStation 5 version, you will only be able to connect with other PlayStation 5 players through that. Your PS4 profile will no longer be deleted when you upgrade to the PS5 version; nevertheless, any future progress will not be synchronized between the two versions.

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Hello loved ones, this is Govind. An Anime Geek and a Gamer, I write engaging articles that engage fans and gamers, immersing myself in anime and gaming. My storytelling lets me turn virtual trips and animated epics into engaging articles and reviews. I love my communities and I love helping them grow.

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