Access code to open Call of Duty: Warzone’s bunkers

In Warzone, bunkers are once again an essential component of the overall gaming experience. They provide players with the opportunity to acquire substantial amounts of loot and unearth interesting secrets within the game.

This article will provide you with all the information you require on Warzone bunker codes, including what they are, where they may be used, which of them changes over time, and what you can expect to gain from employing them.

Verdansk’s call-of-duty bunker locations for warzones

When it comes to finding fantastic treasure and gear that can help you outgun your opponents in the match, the best place to look is in the bunkers in Warzone.

It is necessary to make use of a variety of equipment and strategies in order to gain entrance to these bunkers, which can be found anywhere over the map (for example, next to the military installation).

All of the Warzone bunker locations and codes are listed down here for your convenience.

Verdansk, the bunker map of Warzone, has been completely redesigned for the third season of the game’s multiplayer mode.

This redesign brings the map back to the 1980s, which marks the end of the older set of bunkers that were scattered across the entire battlefield. Instead, Red Doors were introduced for the 1984 edition of the map. Instead of those, three old abandoned underground bunkers from the time of World War II were added in Season 6 as a farewell in Call of Duty: Warzone.

A large number of other gameplay modifications were also included in the patch for Season 6 of Call of Duty Warzone.

These changes included a number of teasers for the next installment in the series, which is called Call of Duty: Vanguard and was released on November. This game is the eighteenth installment in the Call of Duty franchise.

Let’s have a look at each of the Warzone Bunker codes in turn, along with the specific instructions on how to access them, the locations of the Warzone bunkers, and every possible passcode and entry technique you could possibly want!

Warzone password bunkers

Warzone that can be found online refer to these bunkers that are present in the game. They always open with the same password, which can be found on the internet in its entirety across all of them.

The initial bunkers in Verdansk, often known as the “old Warzone bunkers,” can be found in the following location, along with the passwords that will allow you to access them:

Prison bunker code


In reality, this “bunker” is nothing more than a shack; it is a shabby tiny isolated facility located to the west of the Zordaya Detention Center. It is 72948531 that is the code for the Warzone prison bunker.

You can acquire access to the goodies that are contained within this by entering this into the keypad.


The farm bunker in Warzone is one of the most expensive ones on the map. To find the keypad, seek for the largest building on the farm, which is a massive barn with multiple stories.

The keypad is located under the stairs. There is a bunker code for Warzone Farmland that is 49285163. In light of the fact that this bunker contains a great deal of wealth, you should anticipate that other people will also attempt to make their way to this bunker with their own personal interest in bunker codes.

TV Station

amnesia the bunker featured image split Access code to open Call of Duty: Warzone’s bunkers

This minuscule structure, which is referred to as a “bunker” but is more accurately described as a primitive small shack, can be found to the east of the main television station itself.

If you are looking for a bunker, the keypad ought to be a clear indication that you are coming to the right place. To enter the bunker that houses the Warzone TV Station, the code is 27495810.

Park bunker

Locate the hill that is situated between Tavorsk Park and Styor Spomenik hill. In spite of the fact that the bunker itself may be located and entered without the need for a code, the goodies are concealed behind a door that is sealed and safeguarded by a keypad that appears to be familiar.

There is a bunker code for Warzone Park that is 60274513.

The Junkyard bunkers

The bunker codes for these two places are distinct from one another, despite the fact that they are located in close proximity to one another.

Within the game Warzone, the code for the North Junkyard Bunker is 87624851. When you enter the three bunkers that are connected to one another and are slapped onto the side of a single structure, you will locate it.

Proceed to the right side of the entrance, and you will quickly locate the reinforced door that contains the keypad. For the game Warzone, the South Junkyard Bunker is designated with the code 97264138. It is the bunker that is by itself and is located on the south side of the junkyard.

It is necessary to descend the steps in order to locate the keypad, enter the bunker passcode, and then receive the prize.

In the sixth season of the game, these bunkers were added to the current Verdansk map as an homage to the time period of World War II.

They were in the shape of three underground bunkers built in the same location. Once you have a clear idea of what you are searching for, it should not be too difficult to locate them because they are in the form of red containers.

In order to enter them, neither a code nor a key is necessary. Additionally, this indicates that you should anticipate a great deal of opposition because other players will also be interested in acquiring the loot for themselves.

Boneyard Bunker

Warzone bunker locations 1024x737 1 Access code to open Call of Duty: Warzone’s bunkers

Proceed to the Boneyard POI (point of interest) and continue on your route. Find the red containers that are located close to the cemetery; it will be difficult to overlook them.

Put yourself inside the container and grapple your way down the hole to reach the bunker, which is located underneath them. An further entry may be found on the side, next to the east, and it is in the form of a hole that was dug into the ground. You will be able to access the loot that is contained there any manner.

Airport Bunker

The Airport is home to the second of the bunkers that may be found in Warzone Season 6. It is important to once more search for the red containers that are located at the end of the runway, on the eastern side of the airfield, close to the blue hangar.

The fact that there is a trailer in the vicinity that occasionally functions as a Buy Station ought to be of additional assistance to you in recognizing this bunker. Walking in from the east of the trailers is all that is required to enter it. The job is finished.


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Hello loved ones, this is Govind. An Anime Geek and a Gamer, I write engaging articles that engage fans and gamers, immersing myself in anime and gaming. My storytelling lets me turn virtual trips and animated epics into engaging articles and reviews. I love my communities and I love helping them grow.

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