Modern Warfare 2: Ground War is the most intense mode in the game. Modern Warfare 2 offers a variety of modes to select from, catering to fans of large-scale battles.
Ground War offers an expansive experience with an increased player count, larger maps, and a variety of vehicles to use.
Here’s all the information you need to catch up on the MW2 Ground War.
It’s always great to have more people join in, and the same sentiment applies to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 following its global release on Oct. 28.
Any new CoD release’s multiplayer, which relies on its traditional six-vs-six gameplay, is the main attraction.
Recently, the different CoD developers have focused on creating larger battlegrounds,
including the return of the big Battle Map style for the MW2 release.
These Battle Maps are designed for large-scale combat,
accommodating two teams of 32 players each and featuring the two types of Ground War matches available in MW2.
Since its October 28th release, Infinity Ward’s Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 has been lauded and became the franchise’s highest seller, earning $800 million in its first weekend.
Each new Call of Duty game centers on six-vs.-six multiplayer.
CoD developers have built multiplayer modes with wider battlegrounds and Battle Maps in recent years.
We’ll explain Ground War in CoD MW2 in this guide.
If you were playing MW2019, you’re probably familiar with Ground War and how it operates.
Beginner players might benefit from a brief overview to grasp the mode and its complexities.
There’s a new element in Modern Warfare 2’s Ground War that even experienced COD players will need to familiarize themselves with.
Below, we provide a more detailed explanation.
What is the Ground War?

Ground War is like a larger version of Domination, with two teams of up to 32 players battling for control over five points instead of three.
Whichever team reaches 250 points first wins the game.
If you’re diving into Ground War instead of the standard six-vs-six matches,
you’ll need to adjust your playstyle to be more like Battlefield rather than the usual Call of Duty style.
Feel free to utilize the vehicles located throughout the map, and remember to always keep an eye out for sniper players on the rooflines.
Consider using tactical equipment such as trip mines to protect your sites, as you can expect a lot of enemy players coming your way.
CoD Battle Maps are large combat settings that can accommodate two teams of 32 players each and also support the two types of Ground War matches available in MW2.
Ground War is like a larger version of Domination, with two teams of 32 players competing for control over five points.
The team that reaches 250 points first will win the game.
For those who prefer Ground War over the core six-vs.-six gameplay, they will need to adapt their playstyle to win matches.
It’s more akin to Battlefield than the traditional CoD experience,
as players can utilize vehicles scattered across the map and must constantly scan rooflines for sniper threats.
One of the modes is Ground War, which remains unchanged from MW2019.
It’s a massive mode where 32 players face off against another team of 32 in a game of dominance.
Ground War is all about controlling the majority of the five flags on the expansive maps.
Flags are labeled from A-E and they take a bit longer to capture than usual, so you’ll need to keep them held down for a while.
When your team captures a flag, points will start coming in.
The greater the number of flags your team possesses, the higher the number of points they will accumulate.
Whichever team reaches 250 points first will be declared the winner.
There are five specific maps in MW2 dedicated to Ground War mode for players to enjoy.
Some maps are just larger versions of 6v6 maps, while others are sections of the Warzone 2 map, Al Mazrah.
Players can cruise around in four unique vehicles, located at the base of each team’s spawn area in Ground War.
What is Ground War: Invasion?

In Ground War: Invasion, actual players and AI fight each other.
Killstreaks from throughout the map can assist players in defeating the AI, which ranges from grunts to armored warriors.
Points will be earned by eliminating enemies and AI, not by capturing them.
Invasion, on the other hand, is a variant of Ground War in which real players and AI compete against one another.
The AI goes from basic grunts to armored soldiers, and players can collect several killstreaks scattered over the area to help them win a match.
Instead of capturing points, players gain them by defeating adversaries and AI.
Another mode is Invasion, which offers a new twist on the Ground War experience.
In Invasion, the teams are a bit smaller, with 20 players on each side.
But here’s the twist in Invasion: each team has multiple A.I. players that will drop onto the map during a match.
Throughout the match, the A.I. soldiers become increasingly powerful.
Eventually, the characters are equipped with armor and helmets, and players need to shoot multiple bullets to defeat them.
Invasion is more like a large-scale Team Deathmatch rather than dominance, unlike in the Ground War.
Players accumulate points by eliminating enemies.
However, the scoring has been altered from the standard TDM format.
When players eliminate another player, they receive five points.
When a player takes down an A.I., they will receive just one point.
Whichever team reaches 2,000 points first will be the winner.
The maps for Invasion are quite like those for Ground War, but there are a few Invasion-specific maps available for players to enjoy.
Altogether, there are five Invasion maps available.
How Ground War works

Each team consists of 32 players who battle to capture control points.
By managing these important footholds, your team will accumulate points.
Whoever reaches 250 points first wins the game!
If you’re aiming to level up quickly, Ground War is the way to go.
We’ve got some helpful tips and tricks outlined below to help you make the most of it.
You’ll find lots of chances for additional kills in the large-scale battles compared to traditional death match modes.
It’s more fast-paced than Warzone 2, making it ideal for players seeking quick and action-packed gameplay.
Ground War battles offer a different experience compared to Battlefield,
with intense gameplay that strikes a good balance between strategy and casual play.
Modern Warfare 2 currently has five Ground War maps,
all of which can also be found on Warzone 2’s Al Mazrah map.
- Sariff Bay
- Al Bagra Fortress
- Sa’id
- Santa Sena
- Zarqwa Hydroelectric
Ground War is bigger than Invasion, which is another mode in the game that is similar.
The second one is different from the first one because it has 20 real players on each team and 20 AI teammates.
This combines PVP and AI to make the biggest fights in Modern Warfare 2’s multiplayer mode.
To do well in Ground War, you will need to play very differently than in Team Deathmatch and other intense games.
You will need to use cars and places that are high up.
There are usually a lot of places to hide in Ground War,
especially on the Sariff Bay and Sa’id maps, which makes it a great game for snipers.
MW2 Ground War tips

Loadout is key
Having the correct loadout is crucial for success in Ground War.
Feel free to explore the detailed loadout guides from our expert, Jack Bye, right here.
The M4 is a versatile choice, particularly when used with a mid- to long-range optic.
Feel free to pick the best optic for you from this convenient roundup.
Consider adding a PILA to your loadout for the Ground War.
With so many vehicles available and enemies often grouped, the PILA is in the perfect position to excel and gain a lot of XP.
Harvest XP fast with this trick
Secondly, there is a pretty easy technique to obtain XP, especially weapon XP.
To level up, just equip the weapon of your choice, hop inside a tank, and dispatch as many enemy soldiers as you can.
This is especially useful in Invasion Mode (as there are more reliable AI soldiers), but it also works well in Ground War.
Don’t spawn in vehicles
Getting back into the action is enticing, but any vehicle, especially mid-battle, puts a massive target on it.
It is best to spawn away from the action and anticipate the next attack.
If the fourth capture point is about to be taken, go to the last point and form defense positions with your teammates.
You can get into the action immediately with an ATV, which provides cover and speed.
However, mines and bombs will threaten you.