In Black Ops: Cold War, very few SMGs come close to equal the LC10 in terms of armament.
Since its inception, the AK-74u has been the dominant SMG in the metagame.
The addition of the LC10, a compact SMG modeled after the MPL SMG from the original Black Ops game, has introduced a new dimension to that domain.
Despite Treyarch’s implementation of nerfs, the LC10 continues to maintain its position within the Black Ops Cold War paradigm as Season 6 progresses.
This is because of the SMG enhancement that took place at the start of Season 3,
which elevated the LC10 to a position of prominence among the most employed weapons.
The season five Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War attachments and bonuses that are most advantageous when constructing a laser-sharp LC10 SMG loadout are detailed below. One of the most extraordinary weapons of the Cold War was the LC10.
Until Season 5 of Cold War, the LC10 was essentially a farce on account of its exceptional quality. Numerous Cold War loadouts have consistently incorporated the SMG, a weapon whose power has only increased over time.
Notwithstanding the alleviation of the distress by Treyarch via the Season 5 weapon patch notes, the weapon continues to be an immense pleasure to utilize.
A handful of adjustments are adequate to accommodate the LC10 in any situation or game mode.
With the addition of the appropriate attachments, bonuses, and knowledge,
the LC10 could be transformed into one of the most formidable weapons of the Cold War, despite its unattractive appearance.
In Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, the seventh submachine pistol is introduced.
The recently added LC10 to the growing arsenal in Black Ops: Cold War is a respectable SMG option that was enjoyable to level up and use throughout the 1980s.
The LC10, according to Activision, constitutes a “well-rounded full auto submachine gun” that consequently “…enables CQB Operators to extend battles into the mid-range on a more compact and maneuverable weapon platform due to its extended effective damage range and solid accuracy.”
“Its below-average fire rate and reduced recoil can combine to form a lethal combination,
despite its damage per shot being relatively low in comparison to other SMGs.”
Gunsmith enables the LC10, which is unlocked at level 31 of the battle pass for season two,
to be customized with an assortment of attachments that enhance its performance in a variety of situations.
The new LC10 SMG in Black Ops: Cold War faces stiff competition in its class, but with this loadout, you should have little trouble eliminating adversaries.
Each season of Cold War introduces a variety of new schematics and weapons; in Season 2, the LC10 becomes one of the Battle Pass’s premium firearms.
Season one saw the Mac 10 become a fan favorite, especially in Warzone: Verdansk, where it is arguably the most utilized weapon.
In conventional multiplayer modes, the LC10 will have to contend with SMGs of the highest caliber,
including the Mac and the AK74u. However, in this category, it may be exceptionally potent.

Wildcard: Gunfighter
Optic: Millstop Reflex
Muzzle: Muzzle Brake .45 APC
Barrel: 13.2″ Rifled
Body: Steady Aim Laser
Underbarrel: Field Agent Grip
Magazine: Salvo 52 Rnd Fast Mag
Handle: Airborne Elastic Wrap
Stock: No Stock
Balanced attack
Muzzle: Infantry Compensator
Barrel: 12.5″ Extended
Underbarrel: Field Agent Grip
Handle: Serpent Wrap
Stock: Tactical Stock
Muzzle: Muzzle Brake .45 APC
Underbarrel: Bruiser Grip
Magazine: Fast Mag
Handle: Speed Tape
Stock: No Stock
LC10 SMG Cold War

The LC10 is equipped with every essential element to facilitate rapid and forceful combat,
such as a moderate discharge rate and recoil levels that do necessitate a certain level of control during mid-range engagements.
By employing the appropriate attachments, one can not only streamline the self-retracting mechanism (SMG) but also modify the discharge trajectory while recoiling,
thus augmenting weapon manipulation and conferring a competitive advantage.
When direct observation is required, the LC10 genuinely excels.
A small number of projectiles are sufficient to eradicate enemies as a result of its high discharge rate and minimal damage reduction.
Best perks to run with the LC10 in Cold War Season 5

- Optic: Microflex LED
- Barrel: 13.2″ Rifled
- Muzzle: SOCOM Eliminator
- Underbarrel: Field Agent Grip
- Handle: Airborne Elastic Wrap
We decided to use our specialty, the Microflex LED,
because some individuals prefer the traditional Iron Sight of a firearm while others prefer a streamlined, user-friendly optic.
The vertical recoil is considerably improved by the SOCOM Eliminator,
which is crucial for enhancing the usability of an SMG during protracted engagements.
Regarding this, the 13.2″ rifled barrel is conventional.
Field Agent Grip has been applied to the LC10 in order to significantly enhance its melt-worthiness through a substantial reduction in both horizontal and vertical recoil. In conclusion,
we selected the Airborne Elastic Wrap in order to generate a substantial ADS lift, ensuring that you are invariably the first to respond to any strike.
- Perk 1: Tactical Mask / Flak Jacket
- Perk 2: Assassin / Gearhead
- Perk 3: Ghost / Ninja
Due to its tremendous potency, we have selected only five essential attachments for the Black Ops Cold War LC10;
therefore, we recommend using Perk Greed as a wildcard.
Perk Greed provides the user with six alternatives to consider.
We recommend donning the Tactical Mask and Flak Jacket in order to exhibit a more dynamic and aggressive play style.
As proximity mines, gas mines, and stun devices were prevalent during the Cold War, immunity to these hazards was of the utmost importance.
Consistently, it is prudent to acquire additional points through assassination; additionally,
Gearhead grants the ability to retain a greater quantity of gas mines and expedite their recharging process.
Ghost ought to be granted Perk 3, given its negligible importance on the minimap.
On the other hand, Ninja should be granted Perk 3,
given that it enables an abundance of silent footfall sprinting.
This benefit combination may be utilized by a significant number of players, but precisely for that reason:
it expedites map traversal and generates a considerable number of casualties!
Flak Jacket increases resistance to explosives, Scavenger enables the invariably advantageous resupply of ammunition,
and Ninja reduces footstep audio, allowing for undetected map traversal.