Helicopters are a type of air vehicles that are featured in Grand Theft Auto V. You can frequently see them flying throughout Los Santos.

If you need to get to a really remote location, operating a helicopter can be very handy because they are considerably faster than land vehicles. It is also possible to use helicopters to explore the city or suburban areas and take in the sights from a somewhat elevated vantage point.
Additionally, in certain missions, the completion of the tasks involved will necessitate the use of a helicopter, and certain treasures can only be discovered with the use of a helicopter.
The following is a list of the locations in Grand Theft Auto V and Grand Theft Auto Online where helicopters may be found. The type of helicopter that can be found at each site varies depending on whether the game is played in story mode or online.
None of these helicopters are permanently parked on the places, in contrast to Grand Theft Auto IV that was released. You should thus attempt another site if you do not spot a helicopter in one of the places.
1. The Locations of the Parachute Jumps

In the event that you have successfully completed Dom Beasley’s mission Risk Assessment, you will have the opportunity to participate in Parachute Jumps at a variety of places across the state of San Andreas.
Several of these parachute jumps are helicopter jumps, similar to the jump that occurs in Risk Assessment. These jumps can be exploited as a source of helicopters because the player has the ability to take control of the helicopters that are used in these jumps. Maintaining pressure on the enter button will cause the player character to take control of the helicopter when it is in close proximity to the player character.
The majority of the locations for parachuting are base jumps, which require the player to jump out of a building or a cliff. As a result, not every location has a helicopter.
There are three spots in Los Santos available for parachuting that are equipped with helicopters. One of these locations is at La Puerta, and it is located in the parking area of Puerto Del Sol Marina, right close to the Puerto Del Sol Yacht Club.
The other two helicopters that are used for parachuting are situated in close proximity to one another. One of them is waiting in the infield of the Vinewood Racetrack, and the other one is waiting on Mirror Park Boulevard, which is positioned next to the southern edge of the racetrack.
If you want to obtain a chopper to get to the rooftop of Maze Bank Tower to start Dom Beasley’s mission Targeted Risk, and you happen to just completed the previous mission Liquidity Risk, which ends at a place on the southwestern shore of the Alamo Sea, then the most convenient location to get a chopper is a parachuting location in Raton Canyon, which is not far from there, so after Dom leaves with a Seashark, Franklin can get a vehicle nearby to make his way to Raton Canyon and hijack that chopper, then fly all the way to the top of Maze Bank Tower.
2. Los Santos International Airport

The Los Santos International Airport is not only a source for a wide variety of airplanes, but it also has the potential to be a source of helicopters.
In fact, it is not uncommon to see a helicopter parked or landing on a helipad within the airport.
The helipad is situated close to the gate that is located in the northeastern part of the airport.
In order to locate it, you must first enter the airport through that gate (the gate is located next to the southeast corner of the overlapped U-shaped roads). After that, you must proceed forward for approximately 200 feet from the gate, and the helipad will be visible on your right hand side.
It is important to be informed that accessing the airport will result in a three-star wanted status. However, this may be avoided if the player purchases a hanger within the airport.
Therefore, it is recommended that the player purchase the hanger first, as this will make it much easier to acquire possession of the helicopter.
3. Central Los Santos Medical Center

A hospital known as the Central Los Santos Medical Center can be found in Davis, South Los Santos.
The roof of the lower section of the hospital building features two helipads, and Air Ambulances, which are a specific kind of helicopter in the game, have the ability to spawn on those helipads.
Either the stairs or the ladders that are attached to the walls can be used to access the roof.
However, the likelihood of seeing a helicopter spawned there is higher than the likelihood of seeing a helicopter spawned at many of the other helicopter locations listed on this page.
Sometimes both helipads have a helicopter, sometimes only one, and other times there are no helicopters at all. If you arrive at the location and do not find a helicopter there, you should try to leave the area and come back after some time has passed.
If you do this, it is likely that helicopters will spawn there; however, this strategy does not always work. If, after multiple visits, you still do not see a helicopter, you might want to explore going to some of the other sites that are listed below.
4. The Davis Sheriff’s Office

The Davis Sheriff’s Station is a two-story police station in Davis, California. It is situated in close proximity to the Central Los Santos Medical Center, and it also has a helipad on the roof of the building.
You can ascend to the roof of the building by way of the ventilation system located at the back of the structure in order to gain access to the helipad.
Although it is possible to spot a Police Maverick or a Buzzard Attack Chopper stationed on the helipad, the likelihood of this happening is not particularly great. In fact, the likelihood of this happening is typically lower than the likelihood of discovering a helicopter on the roof of Central Los Santos Medical Center.
On the other hand, if you don’t see anything on the helipad, you can take a look at the roof of the Central Los Santos Medical Center, which is located nearby and can be seen from the helipad or the street below.
There are times when you won’t see a helicopter on the police station, but you will see one stationed on the hospital, and vice versa. However, it is still possible that none of the buildings has any helicopters perched on the top; in that case, you will need to travel to the other places that are indicated below.
In the role of a helicopter on a police station, if you take it, you will be subject to a wanted level of one star; however, you can simply avoid being caught by flying into the sky.
5. The dock of Los Santos Naval Port

This helipad is located on the dock of the Los Santos Naval Port, which is located in the seaport of Los Santos. Since this helipad typically has a helicopter parked on it, the likelihood of seeing the helicopter is higher than it is at the majority of other locations where helicopters are parked.
On the other hand, because the Los Santos Naval Port is a military station that is run by Merryweather, acquiring the helicopter might be a little bit of a challenge.
When the player is very close to the pier, a four-star wanted level will be activated, and Merryweather guards will begin attacking the player, making it difficult for the player to board the helicopter.
Using a sniper to eliminate the guards before the player gets too close to the pier is one of the ways to tackle this difficulty. If you accomplish this, you will have sufficient time to board the helicopter before the local law enforcement arrives.
Because the Merryweather guards will not spawn if you attempt to snipe them from a long distance, you will need a boat in order to be able to snipe them.
A suitable place to accomplish this is somewhere west of the dock, because the west side of the dock contains a ladder that the player can use to climb onto the dock. This makes the west side of the dock a better location.
6. Helicopter at Police Station Vespucci

Vespucci, Los Santos is home to the Vespucci Police Station, which is a three-story structure located in close proximity to the Vespucci Canals.
The likelihood of seeing a helicopter on the rooftop of the building is smaller than the likelihood of seeing a helicopter at any of the other places indicated above. However, it is possible to spot a Police Maverick stationed on the rooftop of the building on occasion. In addition, the access to the rooftop of the building is not as simple as it is in those other sites; there are a greater number of ladders to climb, and these ladders are a little bit difficult to locate.
In order to begin climbing to the roof, you must first locate a staircase on the right side of the courtyard that is located at the back of the building. If you are truly interested in reaching the roof, you must first make your way to the courtyard.
7. The Headquarters of NOOSE

A government building known as the NOOSE Headquarters can be found in the Palomino Highlands, which are located on the eastern coast of San Andreas state. Although it is a little bit of a distance from the city, the likelihood of finding a helicopter there is fairly high.
In fact, it is almost certain that you will see a helicopter parked there, with the exception of a few exceptional circumstances that will be discussed further below. Take into consideration the other sites that are given below if you do not wish to travel so far.
Buzzard Attack Chopper is the name of the chopper that can be found there. It is located on the roof of the building in the facility, and you can get to it by climbing ladders that are attached to the wall of the building. It is possible that the helicopter will not be seen if you visit the NOOSE Headquarters using a different aircraft.
In other instances, it is possible to locate a helicopter there without any difficulties. If you take it, you will not receive any levels that you desired afterward.
8. The Vespucci Helipad

There is a huge heliport at Puerto Del Sol known as the Vespucci Helipad. It is located right adjacent to the Puerto Del Sol Marina.
There are occasions when a helicopter that is operated by a non-player character can be seen landing on one of the helipads. Other times, the helicopter is merely parked there. Despite this, the helicopter is not always present at the helipad.
In conclusion, if you are unable to locate it, you should leave the place and return to it after some time has passed.
A helipad can be purchased by either Franklin or Michael in Vespucci Helipad for the purpose of storing helicopters that have either landed on it or been purchased online.