18 Best Flip Effect Monsters in Yu-Gi-Oh!
When you play Yu-Gi-Oh, a monster with its back to you can mean one of two things. First, your opponent has a...
When you play Yu-Gi-Oh, a monster with its back to you can mean one of two things. First, your opponent has a...
Yu-Gi-Oh was a game that many of us grew up with. We all have good memories, like when we played Blue Eyes White...
Summoned Skull might be the most well-known Fiend monster in Yu-Gi-Oh! If you’ve seen the show, you would...
Some of the most powerful (and annoying) cards in Yu-Gi-Oh are trap cards. With so many different benefits, like...
Fusion casting is one of the best ways to get powerful monsters to show up. You take the best parts of two...
Every time you make a new Yu-Gi-Oh deck, you try to find the best cards for it. But there are so many different...
If you play Yu-Gi-Oh a lot, you may have sometimes thought, “If I had one more turn, I would have won...
Sometimes, you just can’t win at a game. You might not have drawn the one card you needed, or you might...
Imagine you’re fighting a friend and you’ve managed to get rid of all the cards on their field. Well...
No longer do you have to wait several turns to get a Blue-Eyes White Dragon onto the field. But let’s be...
People who play Yu-Gi-Oh talk a lot about which monsters are the best combo monsters. Tuner monsters are what...
When you play Yu-Gi-Oh! have come a long way since the days when they would just take a few life points here and...
Pendulum decks can fill the field with monsters in one turn and bring them back over and over again, making them...
Some people said that the Rise of the Duelist starter set changed the way they played the game. It had some new...
At the risk of being too obvious, the fastest way to win at Yu-Gi-Oh! is to hit your opponent’s life...