I think the Steel Type Pokemon are the coolest type of Pokemon in the whole history of the Pokemon series. They are also very strong.
You must have these steel-type Pokemon on your team because they are immune to a wide range of different Pokemon types.
These Pokemon are crazy powerful and have a great balance between attack and defence.
And yes, they all have their own weaknesses, like not doing well against Fire, Fighting, or Ground type Pokemon.
But that doesn’t mean they aren’t cool, so let’s take a look at the 18 best steel-type Pokemon on your team.

Updated in June, 2024, by Swati: Pokemon of the steel type are among the ones that appear in the games the most.
Because steel type Pokemon have such good defence, trainers usually use them.
Apart from its defence qualities,
poison-type attacks—which are infamously annoying, especially in long-lasting battles—
are not available to steel type Pokemon. Pokemon Scarlet and Violet brought with them a plethora of new steel-type Pokemon for gamers to discover.
25. Kartana

Kartana is just much the whole opposite of a conventional Steel type.
Its typing leaves it very susceptible to fire type Pokemon, given its size akin to that of a wet serviette.
Still, it moves really quickly, and of all the non-Mega Evolved Pokemon,
its base attack is the strongest at 181. For hard pounding, there is nothing better.
The interesting variation on the kind is Kartana, who is a glass cannon.
Many other Ultra Beasts share its very specialised nature; Beast Boost just helps to reinforce it.
Like the paper it imitates, its adaptability to many different builds and techniques depends on what the trainer needs from their offensive threat.
When you have enough Beast Boosts, it really does appear like there is no counter.
24. Corviknight

Mostly because of their size, corviknights are unique birds.
Both defensive-minded and typists of great speed.
Good abilities, each for a certain purpose. It is an interesting choice for a whole region’s transportationservice,e even if it is slower than other birds.
Still, Corviknight’s style immediately attracted a lot of trainers.
Nothing like this edgy black bird on Route 1 is typical.
It works really well, even if it doesn’t really alter the game as much as Talonflame from Kalos.
It has enough movements to support and stall its team in terms of usefulness.
It has enough advantages to pack a strong Brave Bird assault.
Naturally a popular fave, it’s a well-rounded Steel-type.
23. Registeel

Registeels are one of the mythical Regi Pokemon that were originally introduced in Pokemon Emerald and Ruby.
Being restricted to Steel, it is notable for being impervious to almost every assault in the game save Fire, Fighting, and Ground.
At level 100, Registeel is a 150 Defence and 150 Special Defence balanced defensive Pokemon.
It is one of the best Steel Pokemon even if its speed is a meagre 50.
22. Tinkaton

Tinkaton’s design immediately won it popularity among Pokemon enthusiasts.
This highest form of Tinkatink arises from Tinkatuff at level 38.
The enormous hammer the pink humanoid Pokemon Tinkaton carries is larger than its own body.
It is alone capable of learning the amazing 160-power Gigaton Hammer technique.
To get the most out of Tinkaton, players have to raise it according to its most suitable use.
The Pokemon has some of the best moveset and abilities of the Steel-type, despite its average numbers.
21. Kingambit

A kingambit is the evolved version of the bisharp.
To develop their bisharp, a trainer with a leader’s crest has to make sure it beats three other bisharps.
The Pokémon stays Steel/Dark after developing.
The main weaknesses of a Kingambit are ground, fire, and fighting.
Having said that, it should be able to absorb a few strikes with its high defence score,
which might be pretty beneficial. Being immune to both Psychic and Poison attacks,
the Pokemon is a great option against either of the two categories.
20. Iron Treads

Pokemon Iron Treads is a paradox, originating with Pokemon Violet.
Not a single other Pokemon develops into or from this one.
Though Donphan and Iron Treads have a similar look, the former feels more futuristic.
Ground/Steel type Iron Treads can take a lot of damage because of several respectable stats.
Pokemon of this kind are susceptible to Fire, Fighting, Water, and Ground.
The support for multiple TMs enhances Iron Treads’ already respectable moveset.
All things considered, the Pokemon bring value to any team.
19. Gholdengo

Gholdengo is one of the few brand-new Pokemon in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
That is Gimmighoul in its advanced form.
A trainer can’t turn Gimmighoul into Gholdengo until they have levelled up and collected 999 Gimmighoul coins.
Being of the Steel/Ghost type, Gholdengo is completely unaffected by Normal, Poison, and Fighting Pokemon.
Furthermore, due to its usually balanced qualities,
the Pokemon is a logical option in trainer fights.
Because of its “Good as Gold ability,” Gholdengo is able to negate the status move effects of other Pokemon.
Gholdengo is undoubtedly a powerful option, but the requirement to gather 999 Gimmighoul coins might deter some trainers.
18. Bisharp

Bisharp is a Pokémon that looks like a two-legged human. It looks like a war helmet and has a round, red and black head with a golden double-headed axe blade on top. Its face is mostly yellow, but there is a black outline around it.
Most of its yellow and black face is hidden by the helmet, but its triangular eyes can be seen.
Bisharp’s red shoulders are a little bigger than its arms and have a thin yellow line where they meet its black torso. They look like shoulder pads.
It has white metal hands that look like gloves and are attached to retractable blades.
17. Melmetal

Melmetal is a big, silver Pokémon that looks like a person and is mostly made up of liquid metal.
It has a lot of dark gray hexagonal nuts in or on its body.
There is one on each shoulder, one in the middle of each arm, one in each hand, one in each foot, and a small light gray one in the middle of its torso.
Its neck is made of a large golden hexagonal nut, and a smaller one serves as its head.
A small, dark gray sphere is moving around in its head. It has a tiny red tail that looks like a wire.
16. Empoleon

Empoleon is a big, navy-blue Pokémon that looks like a penguin.
It has a wide, yellow beak that goes up into three pointed horns that form a trident-shaped crest between its blue eyes.
Empoleon thinks that big horns show that he is strong and a leader.
Over its eyes is a blue mark that looks like a crown, and its chest has a white mark that looks like lace.
It has a blue fin-like protrusion that wraps around its neck and runs down its chest and belly.
It has two raised, gold bumps on its back and a second, blue fin for a tail.
It has three toes on each of its yellow, webbed feet, and its feathers form ruffs above its feet.
15. Duraludon

Duraludon walks on two legs. It has big feet, a thick tail, and a head that is part of its neck.
It has zigzag lines going down its body, gray bands around its arms, and two black slits on its lower chest.
Its hands are shaped like four triangles.
Duraludon’s head also has a red segment and two small holes. It is mostly light gray and dark blue on its body.
The pupils of Duraludon’s yellow eyes are green, and it always looks like it is frowning.
14. Aegislash

The Pokémon Aegislash has a body that looks like a golden sword. Near the tip, the steel blade’s edge is white and a little bit serrated.
At the point where the blade meets the handle, there is a single purple eye with a white pupil and black space around it.
The handle is a thick spike with ridges.
Two arms made of cloth come out of the sides of the hilt.
Each arm is mostly black, but it fades into a light purple with a swirly pattern at the end. At the ends of the sash-like arms are four tassels.
At least one of its arms always has a fancy shield in it.
Three brown rings are in the center of the gold shield, which is black around it.
It also has a brown edge with three lines that come together in the middle.
13. Perrserker

Perrserker, unlike Persian, still walks on two legs and has a body shape like it did when it was a Meowth.
Some of the hair on its head and limbs has turned into natural armor.
The first one is in the shape of a stereotypical Viking helmet with horns that cover the ears and part of the eyes and hold the coin.
Perrserker’s claws have also grown longer and harder, and they can now be joined together to make daggers it can use to fight better.
12. Ferrothorn

A Pokémon called Ferrothorn looks like a flattened durian.
Ferrothorn’s metal body is covered in thorns, and it has three black stripes that go around its width.
The middle stripe has three triangles on it below its eyes.
Its eyes have green around the edges, yellow in the middle, and dark centers.
At the top of its body is a green spike, and around it are long, vine-like green parts with sharp metal disks at the ends.
It is said that the spikes on Ferrothorn are stronger than steel.
It can walk around or stick to the ceiling of a cave with these feelers.
11. Magnezone

When Magneton is in a special magnetic field and raises its level, it makes Magnezone.
Even though evolution happens at the level of molecules, scientists have not been able to make it happen on their own.
Magnezone’s body is wide and round, like a disc or saucer, and has a thin edge that goes around its diameter. Its main eye is in the middle, and the red pupil is big.
It has a ball-shaped piece on each side of its body. Each side has an eye, a horseshoe magnet, and a Phillips head screw.
10. Mawile

Mawile is a short Pokémon that walks on two legs. Its body is pale yellow, and its arms and feet are black. It has thick fur-like coverings on its legs that look like hakama or a skirt.
It has two big, black jaws that stick out from the back of its head.
This is the most noticeable thing about it. On the top of these jaws is an oval, yellow spot, and there are ten sharp teeth, six on the top row and four on the bottom.
Even though the jaws are said to be steel horns that have been changed, Mawile can move them however he wants and use them to bite enemies and chew through iron beams.
9. Genesect

Genesect is a bug-like Pokémon that walks on two legs and has a metal body and a head that looks like a saucer. It is mostly purple, with a few gray spots.
It has two big red eyes and a small white part that could be its mouth or a vent. It has thin arms with pieces that overlap. Each arm has a single, sharp claw at the end.
It has a gray circle on each shoulder and a gray band around its middle. It has segmented legs that end in big claws that point up.
8. Solgaleo

Solgaleo is a white Pokémon that is big and looks like a lion. It has a blunt nose and pale blue eyes.
The nose is blue-gray. The top half of its face is a deep blue area with a starscape that is always changing.
Solgaleo’s head is surrounded by four yellow spikes that look like a crown, and two more sets of spikes are on either side of its lower jaw.
Large tufts of Solgaleo’s mane are split up by each spike.
Solid red and yellow ridges stick out of the middle of each tuft, except for the ones on Solgaleo’s cheeks and chin, where the top part wraps around the tip of the tuft.
7. Metagross

Metagross is a big, robot Pokémon with four legs and a turquoise body in the shape of a disc.
The main body seems to be both the head and the body, and the way this Pokémon is put together makes it look like a mechanical spider.
It uses its big, heavy body to pin down its prey, which it then eats with its big mouth. It has a large metal cross in the middle of its face.
On each side of the cross, a red eye peeks out from a hole in Metagross’s metal armor. Ball-and-socket joints connect its four legs to its main body.
6. Scizor

Scizor is an insect-like Pokémon that walks on two legs and has a red, metal exoskeleton.
It has gray front wings that can fold back and simple, curved veins on its back wings.
It has three blunt horns that stick out above its forehead and dark yellow eyes. Its head is shaped like a kite.
The neck and part of the thorax of Scizor look like they are exposed because they have black skin and are surrounded by the raised parts of its exoskeleton.
Scizor has a big stomach with three black, pointed stripes below the waist. The female has a bigger stomach than the male.
Scizor has wide shoulders and thin, segmented arms that end in large, round pincers that make up a third of its body weight.
5. Skarmory

Skarmory is an avian Pokémon that is silver-gray and has a long neck, legs, and tail that are metallic blue.
It has yellow eyes, a pointed beak with several pointed teeth, and a triangular crest on top of its head.
Under the sheaths that cover its sharp wings are red feathers, and each feather can move on its own.
Its wings are hollow, which lets it fly at speeds of up to 180 mph (300 km/h).
It has three toes on each foot, two in front and one behind, and the ends of its tail are hooked.
4. Aggron

Aggron is a big Pokémon that has two legs. It is mostly gray, but there are some silver armor plates on it. Its head armor has two sets of holes, with horns coming out of the front holes.
It has a small point where the plate on its forehead goes over its upper jaw. It has sky-blue eyes and two holes on the tip of its upper jaw that look like nostrils.
On the edge of its mouth are several sharp points that look like fangs,
and the back and nape of its neck have gray-silver armor plates. It has gray-silver bands on its arms and legs and wide, blunt spikes on its shoulders.
3. Lucario

Lucario is a bipedal Pokémon that looks like a dog. It has mostly blue and black fur. It has a small, round spike on the back of each of its front paws, as well as one on its chest.
It has a long snout, red eyes, and ears. When its mouth is open, you can see that it has two sets of sharp teeth, one in the upper jaw and one in the lower.
It has cream-colored fur on its chest and blue fur that looks like shorts on its thighs.
It also has a blue tail that is about the same length. It doesn’t stand on its whole foot. Instead, it stands on its toes.
2. Dialga

Dialga is a dark-blue Pokémon that looks like a sauropod. It has some gray metallic parts, like its diamond-shaped chest plate, which is made of metal. It also has light blue stripes in different places.
It looks like a dinosaur because it has something on its back that looks like a fin and a crest on its head. Dialga has three spines on the back of its neck and two horns that look like fangs around its mouth.
It has three metal claws on each foot. Its chest plate looks the same as its claws. It has small cracks all over its body.
As seen in Explorers of Time, Darkness, and Sky, the wing-like structure on its back can be used to focus the flow of time.
1. Steelix

Steelix is a long, snake-like Pokémon with a silvery-gray body made up of sections that look like rocks. These sections can get chips and scrapes from battles and tunneling.
On either side of three of these sections, there are long rock spikes. It has a big head that is mostly made up of its big, wide jaw, which is filled with big, square teeth.
It has ridges on the bottom of its jaw.
A male Steelix has two sets of ridges, while a female only has one set. On the bottom of its lower jaw, there are a few small square bumps.