My Hero Academia is the most popular shounen show. It is a mix of training, tournaments, teen drama, and different story arcs, all with the goal of making the main character better.
There are a lot of “quirky” characters in this flavor, and they all have their own unique personalities and superpowers that make them stand out.
It takes the best parts of Marvel Comics and anime shows like Naruto and Fairy Tail and puts them together to make a coming-of-age story with comedy and action.
The memes are good, too. So, we’re here today to talk about them, share them, and make you laugh with MHA’s funny and all-too-true points.
As we all know, memes are the most important part of any anime.
Anime and gaming enthusiast with a passion for sharing my knowledge and insights. I've watched over 1000 anime and spent countless hours playing video games.