The platforming game series God of War centers on Kratos, a cruel and mighty Spartan who with wrath races over ancient countries and kills gods, titans, monsters, and others.
While the character Kratos’s main villains in the original game series are the Greek gods and the saints, the soft reboot subjects the god of war to fight creatures and gods from Norse Mythology.
The Power of Weapons in Myth and Combat
In God of War console weapons are not just the tools of the trade but vessels of rage and the story of Kratos. Each weapon has an obvious mythological past which all together enriches Kratos’ story while at the same time adding depth to the gameplay.
How Weapons Helped to Define Kratos
Somehow growing with the story of the game God of War, Kratos’ weapon of choice also transforms. As did the divine metals weapons tied to his fate, magical items that mirror his struggles with gods and monsters every single weapon is a strong narrative as well.
1. Blades of Chaos
One of the most popular weapons in the God of War series; the Blades of Chaos are flames, chained blades that Kratos uses to kill numerous enemies.
From Ares, they are given to him as a sign of his relationship with the god of war and the past that he cannot cut his ties with.
They are fast and very agile in combat, three great against crowds, and the VAN has been featured in nearly all the God of War games.
2. Leviathan Axe
The Leviathan Axe is a fancy axe from Norse mythology that came into use during the God of War (2018). Watch out, die-getters: This frost-powered axe can be thrown and called back like Thor’s hammer, Mjolnir; its upgrades make it one of my favorites in the series.
That aligns it with Kratos’s new life in the Norse realm making it also worthy of the top weapons in the game.
3. Blade of Olympus
Crafted by the gods themselves the Blade of Olympus is perhaps one of the GUI weapons wielded by Kratos. He was involved in his fight against the Titans and the gods of the God of War II and III.
This giant sword consumes Kratos ‘godly energy and then lets him rip through his enemies like a hot knife through a snowblock.
4. Nemean Cestus
In God of War III Kratos acquires the Nemean Cestus after he had killed Hercules. These, lion-headed large gauntlets, can smash and have the capability of crashing through otherwise invulnerable walls and/or doors.
Of all the myths, the Cestus was the most powerful and the one used mainly to overwhelm the enemy.
5. Claws of Hades
In the last part of the God of War III, Claws of Hades enable Kratos to call for souls from the underworld.
These spectral claws provide not only a device to fight enemies but also a magical view of the battle since gamers can summon and control the souls of the departed.
6. Spear of Destiny
In the God of War II, one of the weapons ever used particularly the Spear of Destiny is among the most precise weapons about it. Because of its long range and the capacity to set up power blasts, it is lethal in the hands of a professional.
While it is not as memorable as the Blades of Chaos it is a handy weapon in Kratos’ arsenal.
7. Icarus Wings
Icarus Wings are not a weapon but they are useful in including gliding and air-based attacks in God of War II and III.
They supplemented a new rule over the basic fighting and moving that could be implemented more subtly than simple destruction of opponents and the environment with the primary weapons of Kratos.
8. Guardian Shield
A bit more aggressive than the last one is the God of War (2018) weapon – the Guardian Shield. In the case of the latter, it develops a specific mechanism that, for instance, lets him deflect blows and, consequently, apply countermeasures.
This shield is in harmony with the second theoretical model where the fighting is more calculated in the Norse period as compared to the Viking Age.
9. Blades of Athena
In God of War II, Athena gifted Kratos the Blades of Athena from which the wielder draws power; they are similar to and replace the Blades of Chaos.
They enabled quick and high combination fighting but linked with Athena, they gave more perspective to Kratos and the gods.
10. Barbarian Hammer
This is a two-handed club with a squeezing color reminiscent of the hammer used by a barbarian. Appearing in the second part of the series, this big hammer attacks with slow, however powerful hits.
Not quite as adjustment-friendly as some of Kratos other weapons, it is heavy, powerful, and capable of defeating the masses without breaking a sweat.