In God of War, players are given choices of talismans that devs integrate into the game to enrich combat with additional attributes to Kratos.
All these items – from incremental defense enhancements to flashy offense-supercharging shenanigans – are sorely needed in fights.
In this article, we will list the best ten talismans, explain what each of them does, where they might be bought, and when/where they are most effective.
1. Amulet of Kvasir

It has been famed for the dodge move where the player crafts a very slow motion where the player can open a chance. Located in the Light Elf Outpost, using this talisman makes a fighting difference during difficult combats when aim matters.
2. Shattered Gauntlet of Ages
For gaining an upgrade, the armor gained with the set is the Shattered Gauntlet of Ages found in Tyr’s Hidden Chamber which offers a strong versatile strike with enhancements. Once more, it boasts very high versatility and is particularly beneficial for those with a longer history of the game.
3. Talisman of Eternal Fury

Required for most all-out offense styles, this amulet recovered in Helheim also increases Krativity’s strength and anger for a time. Boon works more like a charge move; it helps Kratos bring out the heavy-hitting move faster during challenging combat.
4. Horn of Heimdall
This talisman deals with a shock wave, which repels enemies and provides much-needed respite in close-quarter encounters. It’s most effective against many enemies and can be bought at Tyr’s Temple during the story.
5. Golden Talisman of Protection

This symbol provides a shield which increases Kratos’ chances of making a counterattack after being attacked. Situated in the Stone Falls area it is particularly useful against those enemies that deal considerable amounts of damage with their attacks.
6. Aegir’s Protection
Aegir’s Protection forms a barrier that takes damage in a time more bosses fight. This can be bought in the Ringed Temple in Alfheim as one of the most efficient armors in the game.
7. Talisman of the Realms

This amulet blurs time allowing characters to attack without retaliation within a span of the talent. Located in the Mountain area it can be useful when you strive to maximize the usage of each strike in hand-to-hand combat.
8. Sinmara’s Cinder
Cinder is quite effective against fire-based enemies heavily due to Sinmara’s excellent fire resistance. Found only available in Muspelheim, it serves as an essential during any firefight or boss battle.
9. Blightbringer

Discovered in Niflheim, Blightbringer grants players an increasing damage bonus upon shrugging off a low health threshold, effectively giving those the last opportunity to defeat the enemy. This talisman is particularly beneficial for gambling persons and those who have realized the implications of taking risks.
10. Eye of the Outer Realm
As five points are added to the parameters indicated in the list, this talisman will be most useful as the all-rounder boosting up all aspects of Kratos. It can be found in Niflheim’s Maze and is great for players who simply want to have a balanced offense in Hunter Creed.