Final Fantasy 14’s Japan servers will have their timer for the automatic destruction of unused in-game housing restarted, according to an announcement made by Square Enix.
Because of the devastating earthquake and tsunami that occurred in real life on the Noto Peninsula in Japan, which resulted in the loss of life and massive displacement in the area, the housing auto-demolition feature in Final Fantasy 14 was put on hold back in January 2024.
In-game housing in Final Fantasy 14 is notoriously difficult to acquire, as players must “win” the chance to purchase a home in a lottery in addition to paying exorbitant purchase prices.
The odds of securing a home are extremely low, even if one has sufficient gil to pay for one. This is because there are millions of players in the game, but there are only a relatively small number of housing slots available.
Auto-demolition, fortunately, prevents inactive players from hoarding land by forcing them to give up estates that they haven’t visited in less than forty-five days.
Players will have 15 more days to enter their house before it is completely destroyed, and the auto-demolition timer will begin.
During the launch of Patch 7.01 on July 16, 2024, Square Enix has made a new announcement stating that the auto-demolition feature that has been suspended in Japanese servers will finally resume.
This is the first patch that has been released following the initial release of the new Dawntrail expansion for Final Fantasy 14.
While those who did not visit their estates at all will see their countdowns resume with the remaining duration from when it was paused on January 4, 2024, players who did visit their estates during the suspension of auto-demolition will enjoy a fully reset timer.
Homeowners should enter their properties as soon as they are able to do so, as Square Enix warns that there is no specific time for the demolition on the day that is provided.
The Issues Surrounding Housing in Final Fantasy 14
Many players continue to struggle with the issue of housing, despite the fact that Square Enix is constantly showing grace to homeowners in Final Fantasy 14 in the aftermath of real-life events and disasters.
The sheer load that the existing housing slots and instances already place on the game’s servers is the primary reason for the lack of available estates.
The servers simply are unable to keep up with the game’s massive player base, which is caused by the enormous number of players.
In fact, server congestion is already a significant issue in Final Fantasy 14, and the developer appears to be giving it the highest priority.

This is especially true in light of the fact that Dawntrail is scheduled to launch at the end of June.
Similar to player owners who do not visit, players who are idle for more than 30 minutes will be disconnected from the server while activity is increased during Dawntrail’s peak seas.
For anyone who doesn’t want to lose a spot in Final Fantasy 14, the solution appears to be straightforward: keep playing and maintaining interest in the game.