In Call of Duty DMZ, players have the opportunity to complete a variety of contracts in order to earn cash.
Contracts are easily accessible through the tac-map, and players are encouraged to complete specific activities to fulfil them.
The Radioactive Material contracts in DMZ involve players using Geiger counters to search for nuclear material.
Players are generously rewarded with a substantial cash bonus for successfully extracting these nuclear materials.
If you are interested in finding a way to earn money quickly in DMZ, one potential opportunity to consider is obtaining nuclear materials.
It’s not necessary to engage in battles with AI opponents in order to fulfil this contract, but it’s always beneficial to enhance your weapons in this game mode.
Contracts involving Radioactive Material can be completed efficiently, providing players with a range of valuable items.
Here’s a step-by-step guide on finding and finishing the Radioactive Material contract in DMZ.
Where Can I Find Radioactive Material Contracts in the DMZ?

Once you’ve spawned, take a look at your tactical map and zoom in to explore the various contracts available.
If you’re looking for a Radioactive Material contract, keep an eye out for the biohazard symbol on the green cell phone icons.
They’ll point you in the right direction! Take a look at the map image above to see what it looks like in-game.
When you stop by this place, just grab the cell phone to get the contract started.
After the contract is activated, players will be guided to a Geiger counter.
To locate nuclear material in the vicinity, simply equip and utilise this item.
When you pick up the Geiger counter, remember to store it in your backpack to avoid dropping your tactical equipment.
How Can I Effectively Utilise Geiger Counters in the DMZ?

To activate the Geiger counter, simply press the Q key. Players will easily spot a reading on the Geiger counter that indicates their proximity to the nuclear material.
When you’re around nuclear materials, the Geiger counter’s electromagnetic field registers over nine points.
Just a quick reminder, the counter’s reading may vary as it changes directions, so make sure to head towards the location with the highest reading.
When players get near the nuclear material, they’ll come across an underground container that emits radiation.
Please access the cache and retrieve the nuclear material.
In addition to that, you can discover a range of other items within these caches, such as weapons, cash, gas masks, and radiation pills.
How To Successfully Finish the Radioactive Material Contract in Warzone 2 DMZ?

Once players grab a Geiger counter, they’ll come across two areas on the map that are clearly marked with a green radius.
You’ll need to visit both of these locations to gather the nuclear materials.
Typically, these two areas are in close proximity, although finding the radioactive container can be a bit challenging.
The radioactive containers are typically found underground, sometimes protruding from ordinary structures.
Make sure to collect all the items you find in these underground caches, and don’t forget to consult your tactical map to locate the extraction point.
Utilise a vehicle to efficiently reach the extraction point and safely exfiltrate with all the items in your backpack.