San Andreas mods can make this awesome game more fun its arguably the most famous grand theft auto game ever made.
Because GTA is really old, its natural for any gamer to look for mods to make this game more interesting especially with the countless new features that GTA IV & GTA V have.
So today I am going to create a list of best mods that I can find on the internet possible for GTA San Andreas fan like you to make and feel this game like a completely new game.
Be sure to make backup saves every time you install new mods as well, as some of them might not be entirely compatible with one another and it could corrupt your files.
Furthermore you’ll need to install CLEO if you want most of the mods on this list to work.
now let the list begin.
30. Tuning Mod

This is my current (Junior_Djjr) biggest project, something I started in 2012 and became the biggest cleo mod in the world. You can add literally any model to any vehicle!
Any object in the game; any weapon; you can download or create new pieces; you can even use parts from one car in another! It is possible to position the piece anywhere, being able to rotate, stretch, change size, invert, mirror and even deform!
With all practicality: undo commands, save / load position, different command modes, quick wheel changes and parts pre-adapted for functions and aids. There are even CTRL + C / CTRL + V commands.
29. Skin Selector

Skin Selector is one of the most famous and oldest gta san andreas mods of Ryosuke839, known mainly for being able to install new skins and use them in place of CJ. Now, after years, LINK / 2012 has made a small change in the scripts so that you can also install skins using Mod Loader, simply pasting the skin’s .dff and .txd into the mod folder.
The reason I never posted a skateboard mod here on the blog before was that I didn’t know which one was the best. But now: the best skate mod for GTA SA that exists. Mod originally created by Linevariy and improved by Junior_Djjr and M. Osborn, now focused on a system more similar to what Rockstar planned: Being used as a weapon and vehicle at the same time!
That is, you will control the skateboard like the bike, but with skateboard animations that even include some maneuvers using the basic controls of a game bike.
28. HD Weapons

This Pack supersedes all weapons in Gta San Andreas on the weapon HD.
27. Teleport Mod

How to install:
Put the teleport.cs into your gta sa CLEO folder.
How to use:
Go to your pause menu and select map, put a red marker anywhere you want. Then press T+Y to teleport your destination
26. New Effects V1

New high-quality effects: fire, water, light, etc.
25. Collection of Graphic Mods

Replaced by vegetation, water, moon, the roads, the effects of explosions and fire, sky, added fixed bug with textures and enb for weak computers … I think you’ll like it!
24. Wheels Pack

Replaces all tuning wheels. Some are adapting to fashion IVF, namely, mud on the tires!
Some wheels are painted the second color!
I thank all those people who were converters originally wheels this is Matheus-340 and converter drives VOSSEN!
23. Ghost Rider Mod

Hello Everyone, I’m bringing a gta san andreas mods ghost rider hope you like the mod brings the powers the bike (obviously xD) the information at the Notepad 🙂 If you want Watch the video to see a demonstration of powers.
22. The Best Sound Pack for GTA San Andreas

This gta san andreas mods adds new sounds all transport, sirens, shouts of passers-by, explosions, sound when loading games and much more!
21. Holes from Bullets

In GTA San Andreas there are many unrealistic moments, one of them started to pay attention to players since the release of GTA IV. In the game there are holes from bullets! Shoot a lot, and no holes. But all known skripteru managed to do what many have tried to do, and he was able to improve the quality of fashion.
This gta san andreas mods for GTA SA adds holes from bullets. View texture holes depends on the material in which a shot, which means that the hole could be on the glass and on the car, and on the wall, etc.
20. V Graphics

This gta san andreas mods was done so that you could enjoy some graphics very similar to V
There will be updates
it’s run on…
cpu: q9650
Ram: 4gb ddr2
GPU: Nvidia GTX 960 4GB
19. GTA United

The GTA San Andreas modification GTA United 1.2, which replaces the map of San Andreas with the two maps of GTA III and Vice City, was released today! A very brief overview of what GTA United 1.2 brings with it, among other things, can be found here:
Bug Fixes:
– Thousands of bugs in the maps
– Car-Crash Bug
– Non-functional shovel
– Saving and loading savegames
18. Gravity Gun

good gta san andreas mods only thing that bugs me is its not the gravity gun its the physics gun but overall a good mod
17. Insanity Vegetation
No information available
16. Weapon Menu Mod

type in ARMS as a cheat to open up the menu
further instructions and information are in the ReadMe for this gta san andreas mods.
15. Ultimate Graphics Mod

Ultimate Graphics Mod 2.0 for GTA San Andreas by Jp Buquid
This is the second version of my Ultimate Graphics Mod
Fixed some bug`s
Perfect on Low PC
-Main Files (for low pc)
-With FXAA option for High PC
-Low End shadows
-Highest Quality Anti Aliasing
-Slight FPS Drop (5-10 fps)
-Fixed Graphical Glitches on AMD Videocards
14. Textures for GTA SA

GTA V Textures for GTA SA V3Final (Standard Version)
This Consists only : Road/Pavement Textures
This Version is for People who couldnt Install v2 Because of LOD
In this version No LOD required !
No Permission granted to use in TCs
13. Iron Man Mod

It’s an ironman mod with J.A.R.V.I.S. voice system,suit-menu,repulsor and HUD.It has auto-installation.
The Author of this gta san andreas mods is Vammostga & J16D.It’s an awesome mod.I hope you will like it.
How to use:
Type “IRONMAN” to activate.
Type “IRON” to disable the mod.
SHIFT +C – Fly / Press SPACE to incrase speed or SHIFT to decrease speed.
TAB + Caps Lock – Open weapon menu,then press A or D to select a weapon.
12. Dragon Ball Mod

With this gta san andreas mods you can switch CJ to the Saiyans Goku (Kakarot), Vegeta, Teen Gohan and other Characters from Dragon Ball World
Just Copy the content of the GTA Root Folder in the RAR to your GTA root Directory
11. Skateboard Mod

Alternative version of the “Portal Gun” mod edited by Raikov – originally created by Ryosuke. Note that it is difficult to define which one is best, you may want to test both. The reason I never posted a skateboard mod here on the blog before was that I didn’t know which one was the best. But now: the best skate mod for GTA SA that exists.
This gta san andreas mods originally created by Linevariy and improved by Junior_Djjr and M. Osborn, now focused on a system more similar to what Rockstar planned: Being used as a weapon and vehicle at the same time!
That is, you will control the skateboard like the bike, but with skateboard animations that even include some maneuvers using the basic controls of a game bike.
10. Car Spawner

This CLEO gta san andreas mods is car spawner for GTA San Andreas.
It has implemented sorting algorithms, advanced configuration in .ini file, thus it`s dedicated for those who add cars to GTA SA.
In this case adding cars means adding car with ID not 400 <= ID <= 611, that is not replacing.
Version 2.0 has been complety rewritten, panel with sorted list of vehicles is being created.
They are sorted according to their actual GXT entries that appear when you enter a vehicle.
Therefore list is not static and relies on vehicle names.
Rotation of camera when car spawner is running works too if you hold on the \ slash key and move the mouse around..
9. Street Love

[Cleo script gta sa] “Street Love” – for Android
Warning = this mod not for kids!!
Im not original developer form this gta san andreas mods
i just port this script to Android ^^.
-Install Cleo android apk
-Copy “Street Love.csa” to your sdcard/android/data/com.rockstargames.gtasa/”here”. and play
* make sure you are close to the woman who would be invited to **** =
touch 7 dan 5 = call a girl
touch 7 dan 5 again = start making love
touch 1 = change pose
touch 7 = stop
touch 7 = stop follow
touch 1 = pointer.
editor for Android by fuani
8. Superman Mod

Play as Clark Kent using this gta san andreas mods, Superman “Classic Version” or Superman Returns 2006 Version. Superman can fly, Run extremely Fast, Has Super Strength, Use Super Powers.
7. Car Pack for San Andreas

This is the first gta san andreas mods on their website! I gathered it to show you our new possibilities for Assembly packs. Below the description you can see all the mods that are included in this Pack.
Russian machines in this Pack is not much. Replaced almost all the cars in the game. Of course replaced all services: fire, ambulance, police, taxi. Pak was quite diverse. Now you can make a similar Pack!
6. Parkour Mod

Parkour mod v2.0.4 for GTA San Andreas. In this gta san andreas mods contains 65 tricks!
Management mod parkour:
– When landing with a small height you drop;
– X – roll is performed from any position;
– Z – roll back is performed from any position
5. Portal Gun for GTA San Andreas

Alternative version of the “Portal Gun” gta san andreas mods edited by Raikov – originally created by Ryosuke. Note that it is difficult to define which one is best, you may want to test both.
It is a script mod that simulates the operation of the weapon The Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device, better known as “Portal Gun”, from the game “Portal” – one of the best games I have ever played.
4. Memory Update for San Andreas

This little gta san andreas mods cleo script Memory512 is able to perform impossible tasks assigned to them, namely:
-increased distance drawing;
-increase in number of loadable objects.
It is no longer necessary to use the SALA or StreamMemoryFix. Memory512 two times more stable than similar fashion.
3. GTA V Hud for San Andreas

You can place this file (archive) on other sites (except paid services, file sharing,
the jump in the revenue from which the file owner).
You may not include the contents of the archive into any other modification. Contact the author
(DK22Pac) for details.
Features of this gta san andreas mods:
-Rectangular radar
Strip lives, armor, and air reserve are under the radar.
-Ability to change the external plugins/scripts
-During the ride included 3D-radar
-When the game menu you select the GPS route, to build the closest path and displays it on the radar
-Squares on the radar replaced by the community
-Police are on the radar
-You can remove your wanted level, if you have 6 seconds outside the police search
-Goal scorer route disappears when you arrive at the right place
-Customizable weapon selection wheel
-Money Counter, number of rounds and star search are displayed in the upper right corner of the
-And much more …
2. San Andreas First Person Mod

This gta san andreas mods modification will allow you to fully immerse yourself in the world of GTA! You will be able to see GTA San Andreas and its capabilities with new side-in the first person. The modification supports most animated mods, for example, Parkour-fashion.
To include the first-person perspective, you have to press several times the key switch type (default V).
You can turn it off in the same way.
To open the Setup menu, press Alt + B to remove the menu, press the same key combination.
1. CLEO 4

CLEO 4 library contains 100 useful opcodes as a useful gta san andreas mods, which allow you to edit the data in memory games, working with external files, call the function with its gaming, and much more.
In posldenej version 4 introduces new opcodes for working with sounds, text formatting, and added the ability to display texts without using external text files (gxt, .GXT). In order to evaluate new opportunities and use them in your scripts, install the latest version of CLEO 4.
СLEO 4 is distributed as an automatic installer. To install the library, run the installer and follow its instructions.