Numerous strategic locations abound on the DMZ map of Call of Duty: Warzone 2, Al Mazrah, which may serve as staging areas for squad battles or supply players with essential loot.
Despite the vast scale of the complex, players are not granted immediate access to every building or container in Al Mazrah from the lobby’s inception.
Keys are required to access locked structures, containers, or compartments that are sporadically disseminated throughout the map.
Keys are often discarded by artificial intelligence adversaries or acquired from common plunder locations.
Access to the designated area can be obtained by employing the key that you have successfully located.
Caching the Sunken Ship Captain’s Cache is among the more challenging objectives to accomplish.
Despite the lack of opposing AI defending the system, individuals who emerge in the southern region of Al Mazrah are sincerely unable to reach the remote location of the container.
However, this concludes the necessary information for locating the trunk.
Within the innovative Warzone 2 game mode DMZ, one must adhere to a variety of instructions to fulfill contracts or assignments.
Specifically and promptly, we shall now delineate the location and methodology for employing the Sunken Ship Captains Cache key.
Players are met in Al Mazrah with an abundance of points of interest that, as you are aware, either contain vital treasure or serve as arenas for intra-team conflicts.
Despite the enormous scope of Al Mazrah, players are unfortunately not granted immediate access to every structure or container.
This key is available in containers and receptacles, as well as as a recompense for completing contracts and missions,
looting AI foes that you have vanquished, and in a variety of other locations throughout Al Mazrah.

The Sunken Ship Captains Cache is one of the most challenging locations to access in Al Mazrah.
The cache is situated in a secluded area that is beyond the reach of individuals who seem to be approaching from the south of Al Mazrah, notwithstanding the absence of AI defences.
DMZ contains an abundance of clandestine compartments, caches, and containers that are certain to captivate you if you possess the requisite key.
Once enabled, you will have access to a variety of luxuries, including Gold Skulls, which you can ostensibly extricate for XP.
Numerous attractions in Al Mazrah will not direct you to the DMZ Sunken Ship Thief’s Cache, an exceptionally hidden location.
Section that follows describes how to locate the Sunken Ship Thief’s Cache Key to activate it and protect its contents.
Specifically, where in the DMZ can you locate the Captain’s Cache Key?
An entirely new map, AL Mazrah, is featured in Warzone 2.0’s extensive, no-cost combat arena.
Collaborate with your allies in combat across terrain that encompasses both urban and rural outskirts.
Acquire a tactical advantage and augment one’s armament by exploiting supply containers in return for rewards and fulfilling contracts.
Players are now able to personalize their experiences and obtain objects for personal storage through the introduction of a novel objective-based simulation mode.
Purchasing the Vault Edition of MW2 grants you access to the FJX Cinder Weapon Vault, the Red Team 141 Operator Pack, a Battle Pass, and 50 Tier Skips*.
Locating and employing the Captain’s Cache Key within the Warzone 2 DMZ is detailed in this guide.
Where to find the Sunken Ship Captain’s Cache

To find the Sunken Ship Captain’s Cache, players must navigate to the southern coast of Al Mazrah, where a shipwreck is marked on the map.
The drift and partially submerged vessel that protrudes from the water represents the geographical area positioned at the southernmost point on the map.
After successfully undertaking the swim to the upper deck, ascend the rear of the vessel to reach it.
Once inside through the first door on the right, a satchel will inevitably become apparent affixed to the water.
In addition to the Sunken Ship Captain’s Cache, players will encounter some other lootable containers that do not require keys.
One of the crucial locations on this capsized vessel is the Deckhand’s Lockbox, which is located in the lower portion of the vessel.
Should players be in possession of both keys, this mysterious location may bestow upon them a substantial bounty in order to initiate the game.
In contrast to other locales, players are not at risk of apprehension by AI adversaries.
Traveling south along the coast of Al Mazrah will lead players to the exact location of the Sunken Ship Captains Cache.
This location on the tactical map is denoted by a submerged ship.
Situated in the southernmost region of the map, the object in question is easily discernible owing to the sunken ship.
Furthermore, upon reaching the site, it will be apparent that it is thinly submerged, indicating its protrusion from the aquatic environment.
Utilize the rear entrance to ascend to the upper deck from the “sunken” ship, or employ a watercraft if you prefer a quicker route thereafter.
A Satchel that is emphasized in the water ought to be visible upon entering the first door on the right.
Players will come across treasure containers and crates, in addition to the Sunken Ship Captains Cache, that are accessible without the requirement of keys.
Deckhand’s Lockbox, situated at the ship’s keel, is one of the numerous significant locations amid the many on this sunken vessel.
Consequently, if you are fortunate enough to possess the key at the onset of the game,
this somber chamber may bestow upon you a considerable quantity of treasure.
There are no AI adversaries to be concerned with in DMZ mode, as opposed to other locations.
That point, in Warzone 2 DMZ mode, you will have accomplished this secondary mission with success.
Time-sensitive: To finish the game, expeditiously travel to the closest extraction location.
We always recommend that, upon deployment, you promptly open your tactical map and locate the desired POI.
Following that, search for a helicopter or vehicle that can transport you most safely and quickly possible.

The task of locating the Sunken Ship Thief’s Cache presents an entirely distinct challenge for players, whereas the Captain’s Cache is relatively easy to locate.
Between Sawah Village and Sarrif Bay, in the southernmost region of the map,
the Sunken Ship is located offshore near the immense oil tanker that has made landfall there.
As suggested by the Captain’s Log entry, the document in question pertains to a Post Office station.
The journal identifies a postal employee in a uniform as the culprit responsible for the larceny.
A Downtown Post Office Key and a Post Office Secure Room key are necessary to gain entry to the Sunken Ship Thief’s Cache key.
Follow the key to this location once it has been obtained.
Aim for a location that is roughly 10 to 15 meters westward of the vessel.
The exact whereabouts are illustrated in the image below.
Following the vessel, dive in a straight line.
As time passes, a vast fissure will become apparent in the hull of the sunken ship.
As previously stated, for further clarification, kindly consult the accompanying image.
Utilize this aperture to descend to a lower level of the vessel.
Moreover, the Thief’s Cache is located directly to the entrance’s right! At this moment, unlock it by operating your key.
Remember that to prevent oxygen deprivation-induced drowning, promptness is critical in this endeavor.
The inner packaging includes laminated paper and the golden skull of Al Bagra Minor.
You have not yet visited an improbable location where the DMZ Sunken Ship Thief’s Cache is concealed, as previously stated.
Succeed immediately to the base of the Al Mazrah to gain access to it.
The Sunken Ship Thief’s Cache is submerged in the water, which necessitates a visit to the coastal region spanning from Sarriff Bay to the submerged Al Samman Cemetery for greater precision.
After alighting, proceed to the ocean via swimming or a watercraft.

You are presently seeking a vessel that is only partially submerged, as specified by the ship’s name.
When you confront difficulty, it is denoted on the map by a small square.
Following this, an image illustrates the precise location.
Move in a westerly trajectory towards the fully submerged front of the vessel once you have reached the designated location.
The exact location is subsequently displayed once more on the map.
Having obtained the location, it is now necessary to descend and explore the sunken ship.
On your immediate right upon entering, you should observe the Sunken Ship Thief’s Cache.
The Key will be required to unlock and acquire the treasure.
With that being said, proceed with extreme caution, as protracted exposure will result in physical harm and oxygen deprivation while submerged.