Armoured police stations and skyscrapers are among the vast structures and terrains depicted on DMZ’s expansive maps.
Every region is susceptible to looting for articles of equipment and tools that are commonly located in corresponding locations, such as garages and workshops.
It may be most effective to concentrate your search in these areas if you are seeking a particular item for making crafts or barter.
Hospitals have been a sought-after location among enthusiasts throughout Season Five.
Hospitals are exceedingly sought after during Season Five,
when numerous players vie for their second insured slot to utilize their most potent weapon loadouts during a round of DMZ.
This is notably true for Self-Revive Kits and stim injections.
Finding a hospital is crucial to exfil with specific medical products to access the second insured slot in Season Four.
However, where exactly can players locate these hospitals?
Assuming players enter the Warzone DMZ game mode, their primary objective and priority will be to ensure their survival.
Nevertheless, without procuring a more capacious knapsack, your inventory space and assets will be constrained.
The duration of time players have to locate items will be prolonged, thereby requiring them to sustain an ongoing state of attentiveness supplement the existing medical resources.
Players must ascertain precise locations to obtain items to increase their possibilities of survival.
Engaging in self-rejuvenation while performing solitary work can be extraordinarily beneficial.
Each hospital location in Al Mazrah of Warzone 2.0 DMZ Mode will be detailed in this guide.
All Hospitals in DMZ

Numerous spawn points are near the dispersed facilities.
IFAKs, AFAKs, Large Medical Bags, and Self-Revive Kits are virtually certainly available at hospitals,
although particular medical supplies may be found anywhere within the DMZ.
As of the date of publication, a total of six hospitals are located exclusively in Al Mazrah.
Precisely, the locations of the institutions are as follows:
- C3, just outside Rohan Oil and next to a gas station
- D6, to the south of Sa’id City and near the dock
- G5, directly east of Al Sharim Pass and to the north of the building cluster
- D8, in the half-sunken Sawah Village
- F4, to the north of the Mawizeh Marshlands and just across from the Al Mazrah City train station
- H5, northwest of the outskirts of town and nearby the electric car recharge station
On the upper levels of hospitals, which are composed of compartments and are colored white and blue, a variety of lootable objects are stashed.
Gas masks, radiation blockers, two- and three-plate vests, Battle Rage and Dead Silence, among numerous other short-term benefits, are also provided by hospitals.
The blue-and-white medical facility Al Mazrah is encircled by desolate dunes in Warzone: DMZ mode.
Al Mazrah is replete with six medical facilities and hospitals.
It is important to acknowledge that medical supplies are not completely imperceptible beyond the DMZ.
My own Vondel inquiries led me to identify IFAKs and AFAKs in medical cabinets and first aid supplies.
Specifically, the return of treasure from such locations cannot be assured.
Preferentially to suggestions from an arbitrary medicine cabinet, you will be supplied with every necessary medical device if you visit a facility within the DMZ.
As restorative supplies are consistently available, hospitals are the greatest option in Call of Duty: DMZ.
Your presence in Warzone, the game mode where DMZ takes place, is undoubtedly noted for being an exceptionally hostile setting teeming with opposing player units determined to eliminate you and your allies.
Self-resuscitate kits, large medical packs, and analogous supplies are essential to have readily available in case of an emergency,
given the inherent unpredictability of engaging in firefighting.
Hospitals are not visually represented on the map of Warzone, in contrast to other significant locations.
Nonetheless, it will be necessary for you and your team to autonomously investigate and identify them.
We have conducted a comprehensive examination of Al Mazrah, so there is no need for concern here.
Players should not rely solely on visual inspection of the map to identify the numerous hospitals that encircle Al Mazrah as distinguishable landmarks to memorize.
Put simply, the iconography depicted on the map does not enable players to locate these items throughout Al Mazrah.
Thus, the locations from which one can obtain a diversity of goods will be indicated in this guide.

Enhanced equipment and restorative objects are among the many resources available.
Examples of radiation-blocking equipment include plate vests, stimuli, and large backpacks.
Detailed in this guide are the coordinates that correspond to the Al Mazrah Map.
The letter designation for the X-Axis is situated at the zenith of the map, as opposed to the numerals that appear on the side.
The DMV Zone has six institutions. These institutions are mostly found on the outskirts of big cities.
Based on in-game map coordinates, these hospitals are located:
This medical facility is the game’s northernmost, located west of Rohan Oil (C3) beside a gas station.
Sa’id City Hospital (D6) lies near the ocean in the south.
Hospital (D8) is located on Sawah Village’s southernmost point near the sinking ship.
Peripheral Hospital (H5/H6): This narrow area east of Ahkdar Village and Al Sharim Pass is difficult.
It is located north of the airport at the H5-H6 crossroads.
A hospital lies east of the Mawizeh Marshlands, near Outskirts Hospital (H5).
In Al Mazrah City, the game’s easternmost city, it’s on the western side of the major street.
This facility, north of the Mawizeh Marshlands and south of Al Mazrah City, is one of the busiest in the game.
Near Al Mazrah City (G5).