In “The Legend of Zelda: In “A Link to the Past” the Flute is an actual key item that greatly improves the chances of Link getting around by teleporting him between different points on the map.
Getting the Flute takes the player through the Light and the Dark worlds. Read on to learn everything that you need to know about where you can locate Flute and how to use it.
Role of the Flute in Discovery

The Flute is not a mere utility but a primary commodity in the game “A Link to the Past.” Once you acquire it the Flute enables fast travel making the time to travel from one far-off place to another a lot less.
This is especially useful in making quests where one has to move through several different areas. Thanks to this decision, the Flute does not bore the player with hints about the main plot and side missions while not adding the burden of unnecessary traveling.
Secrets Unlocked by the Flute
The Flute of course does not only teleport but it also unlocks certain parts of the game that are not immediately noticeable. For instance, summoning the duck through Flute will take them directly to new areas that previous links could not get to, thus guiding players in finding items, heart pieces, and dungeons.
The Flute is the student’s best friend, and in order not to make the foreign world a boring place instead of searching for all the gems around, they should master how to play it.
Locating the Flute

Visit the Haunted Grove
First, go to the Haunted Grove in the Light World located one screen south and east of Kakariko Village. This is when you will encounter this boy playing a Flute close to the grove’s pond.
Talk to the Boy
When you get close to the boy, he will not be there anymore, just a message with a request to help him find his Flute. It will begin a search for the Flute.
Switch to the Dark World

After speaking to the boy, go back to the Magic Mirror or another pass which will take you to the Dark World Haunted Grove. This is where the next step of the quest begins which has been such an important part of this game from the start.
Get the Shovel
So in the Dark World, you can see this creature right on the place where the boy stands. He will give you a Shovel, which you will need to find the Flute.
Digging for the Flute in the Dark World

Once you get the Shovel, you should follow the path to get the Flute. This may not be easy, however, the following will assist you in the flow of going through this process. There are some specific locations for digging:
Return to the Light World
Return to the Haunted Grove in the Light World. This is where you get to use the Shovel to locate the Flute.
Dig Near the Tree
You have to search for something around the tree the boy was sitting at. You must hammer in several sites because the Flute may not surface on the first try.
Keep Digging
The Flute will appear as you continue to dig close to the tree later on. Of course, once you have it, it’ll be a rather crucial object for the rest of your game-playing.
Using the Flute to Teleport

So once you get the Flute, you have to embody it and increase the efficiency of traveling.
Visit Kakariko Village
Take the weathercock statue in the Light World’s Kakariko Village. Play the Flute near the statue.
Summon the Duck
The song Playing the Flute counts on learning on the Ocarina starts a magical duck that will aid you by instantly taking Link to different parts of the Light World.
Use the Flute’s Teleportation

They may now use the Flute whenever needed to call the duck. This is going to make it possible to move from one point to the other faster, given that the player can only move from one place to the other exploring and making progress through the game.
Flute Limitations
What is crucial to know is that the Flute only makes the character invulnerable and teleports him only in the Light World. There will be no walking, running, or even bike riding in the Dark world hence there will be a need to pick up other methods of transport.