Because of the dream ladies of the early 1990s and the early 2000s, navel piercings had the same level of popularity as iPhones at one point in time.
The likes of Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera, whose enviable midriffs became a staple of MTV entertainment, can be credited as the top enablers of every girl’s descent into an obsession with getting a navel piercing.
This obsession has been linked to the fact that Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera.
After nearly two decades, the pattern is no longer as prevalent.
But owing to Gen Z saviours like Billie Eilish and Normani, who have shown that navel piercings are not yet dead, the trend is slowly getting its shine back.
And now it’s time for The Sims 4 to finally catch up with all of these stunning CC additions!
10. Belly Button Piercing

It is common knowledge that people with abs appear the most attractive with belly button piercings.
This is a fitness goal that the most of us have attempted to commit to, but eventually give up on because we want the fatty deliciousness of a burger and fries from McDonald’s.
However, because The Sims 4 is designed to be an inaccurate depiction of the awful world that we live in, it won’t take your Sim more than a few minutes of gaming to achieve their six-pack fantasy.
To get the most out of this curved barbell item from S-Club, you should immediately begin preparing your Sim and causing as much pain as possible to its centre.
9. Venus Skin with Navel Piercing

The only reason I’ve ever really given any thought or consideration to belly buttons is out of curiosity about why we even have them in the first place (mostly these thoughts are from my 4th-grade science lesson).
For this reason, the thought that it is feasible to make belly buttons sparkle never occurred to me before.
This CC bundle by Pralinesims demonstrates that the adage that “good things come in pairs” is absolutely correct.
It comes with four different female body skins and a straightforward navel piercing to enhance the natural glow that it exudes.
8. Daiya Belly Piercing

Who would have guessed that a little hole in the centre of our bellies could turn into a glimmering beacon of sexual appeal?
This Daiya Belly Piercing by Suzue will have you stockpiling clothes trimmed to their smallest length despite the fact that it consists of little more than a few tiny jewels emerging from a belly button.
This CC stamp comes in 16 different colours and serves as a stern reminder to your Sim that they must do their daily allotment of sit-ups.
7. Anchor Belly Button Piercing

The summertime is the time to show off your beach body and bare midriffs.
It is also the best time of year to get your navel pierced without having to worry about contracting hypothermia.
This Anchor Belly Button Piercing comes with a fluffed bikini so that your Sim’s new belly button ring may be shown off to its best potential whenever you hit the sand.
When the warm weather finally arrives, you won’t have any trouble matching this CC to any swimsuit (or lack thereof) because it comes in timeless colours including gold, silver, grey, and black.
6. Zara Belly Piercing

It’s like trying to find a movie on Netflix that’s entertaining enough to watch while you’re looking for CC for TS4 navel jewellery.
Therefore, we owe a debt of gratitude to CC author Suzue since they have established the standard for how these CCs should be made.
This Zara Belly Piercing is a typical curved barbell that features an additional layer of stones and is meant to make your belly button stand out in a fashionable manner.
You’ll be happy to learn that this CC is available in five colours that everyone, from your teenage daughter to your granny, can appreciate.
This is sure to bring a smile to your face.
5. Tear Belly Piercing

I understand why getting a belly piercing may be an empowering statement, even though I’m too much of a chicken to get one in real life.
When Britney performed on stage while wearing a Burmese python and a very conspicuous belly button ring, millions of young people immediately rushed to the nearest tattoo parlour to get their own ink.
There is a possibility that this CC is not a copy of the legendary item that the Pop Princess wore.
However, the teardrop-shaped jewellery has the same seductive appeal, which might make you feel compelled to push your Sim to exhaustion with everyday workouts.
4. Belly Chain and Tummy Ring

Ignoring the fact that the design of the belly button ring appears to be unintelligible, I am unable to dispute the fact that this silver outfit is the ideal summer accessory for highlighting a Sim’s most attractive features.
And this time around, the finest attributes are not discovered above the waist but below it.
If you ever have the feeling that your little bikini is still missing something to make your overall appearance come together, then perhaps all you are missing is this Belly Chain and Tummy Ring combination.
3. Star Belly Piercing

I can almost guarantee that at some time in your life, you wore an earring in the shape of a star.
Or a pendant in the shape of a star, or even a charm in the shape of a star.
However, have you ever worn a belly button ring in the shape of a star?
It didn’t seem likely to me.
This Star Belly Piercing comes in 14 different colours, so it may be customised to fit the disposition you want your Sim to be in.
As a result, you can give your Sim the gift of a good fashion sense.
2. Heart Belly Piercing

It may come as a surprise, but this Heart Belly Piercing is not as as cringe-worthy as other objects with hearts in their shapes.
Why would that be the case when it serves its purpose as a belly button ring so very well?
Given that this navel ornament features a prismatic coloration as well as nine other colours, I am interested to see how players will combine and contrast the various swatches to create unique ensembles.
If you have a severe case of fear of missing out (FOMO), then you should get this CC as soon as possible before some other Simmers beat you to it!
1. Duo Belly Piercing

Not only does having a double navel piercing sound intense, but it is also the kind of piercing that is well worth the discomfort it causes.
In addition, just think of all the adorable crop tops you’ll be able to wear after getting a piercing of this size!
Aside from the possibility of obtaining CC hauls, this Duo Belly Piercing from Suzue is also accessible for guys, which means that you and your Sim’s significant other may get it and become endgame together.
This piece of jewellery will serve as the focal point of any and all of your future endeavours, no matter what they may be.