One of the most eerie and challenging places in Once Human game is the Rotten Manor. This house is empty, waiting for a new inhabitant, but it is dangerous, has puzzles, and good rewards.
If you want to traverse the Rotten Manor and try to advance further, then the tips described below will help survive this level.
Step 1: Prepare for the Journey

It is better to be prepared before you go to the Rotten Manor. Bring the following things:
- Weapons: Take the best weapons you have because sometimes enemies in Rotten Manor can be hard to beat. It is apparent that melee and distance weapons have their usefulness in combat.
- Healing Supplies: Always carry many bandages and food in case you are injured during the travel because you will be healing from your injuries.
- Light Source: The inside of the manor looks creepy and it is rather dark inside. If you are wanting to see well at night then make sure to always use a flashlight or any other lightning source.
- Lockpicks: You will find that lockpicks are needed to open doors and boxes and some of the areas are locked in the game.
Step 2: Finding the Rotten Manor
The Rotten Manor is located in an isolated area with only a few trees around, in the outskirts of the map area. Find a big abandoned construction with a vine and broken windows.
Once you get to it move with alot of caution as there may be enemies lurking outside.
Step 3: Entering the Manor

Rotten Manor is definitely creepy, full of shadows, and there is something unsettling as soon as you step inside. Nevertheless, not all the rooms are supposed to be secured and there are some to search: Get ready to fight enemies, different from zombies and other strange animals at night.
Make sure to always look around the area and look for people which may get into an ambush.
Step 4: Solving Puzzles
There are several puzzles that you have to solve in order to open new areas within the manor. These puzzles could involve searching for clues located all around the manor or locating particular objects or switches. For the riddles, consider these pointers:
- Look for Notes: Writing: About notes or diaries, scattered all over the house, which may often give clues for the problems. To understand the suggestions, they should be read thoroughly.
- Utilize Your Environment: Sometimes, you may attempt to challenge your grammar awareness by taking a look around. You should look at any paintings, ensigns, and or other peculiar shaped objects that are in the room.
- Trial and Error: Which do not contain any form of a written safety memo like see if new configurations of switches or other objects will work without worrying. If something isn’t working just try it again.
Step 5: Finding Loot

Yes, there is a powerful boss in Rotten Manor for there are many valuable goodies to be obtained there. I found it to be a bit tougher than the normal enemies, so before you engage this boss, do remember to restore your HP and gather your equipment.
Be on the move a lot, seek shelter from your environment when possible and attack when you can. It is, in fact, the ability to time oneself and handle things patiently that defeats this enemy.
Step 6: Facing the Boss
The players must leave Rotten Manor after they defeat the boss and collect all the loot that will be available. As you leave the stocks get out carefully again because sometimes your enemies might just be lurking around.
Note that you go to your base to heal up, take a nap or store up your loot after you have done your routing.