The Promised Neverland is an adaptation of the same manga. It is regarded as one of the top animes of the decade, with a very interesting plot that takes place in the present in 2045.
We meet orphans who live at Grace Field House under the care of Isabella.
All children must adhere to a strict rule: they are not allowed to leave the premises or cross the gate that connects the orphanage with the external world.
One day, an abandoned child named Conny is taken away to be ‘adopted’. However, she left her stuffed animal behind.
As Emma and Norman attempt to return the toy, as they discover that she’s been murdered. The children soon discover a shocking truth behind their blissful existence.
They’re being groomed to be later slaughtered as meat by a species known as Demons. Norman has always been a brilliant leader, and is among the smarter children – decides that escape is a must.
However, things don’t go as planned. Then, Norman is forced to accept the possibility of dying and lets the other survivors escape.
Naturally, being a fan-favorite character, many would like to have Norman returning to the series and we’re here to dispel doubts as to whether or not he’s actually dead.
Concerning the Manga

The series was created by Kaiu Shirai. The series was first published in the Weekly Shonen Jump manga in the year 2016.
Licensed from VIZ Media for an English-language release, the series has enjoyed immense success and has sold 4.2 million copies over an extremely short time.
The story centers around the horrifying details of an orphanage found by three brilliant kids: Emma, Norman, and Ray.
The feelings of fascination and uncertainty had soaked into our bones.
One of the urgent questions that the show instilled into our minds was: What is the truth? Is Norman really dead?
Rejoice! Norman does not die.
The manga reveals that Norman lives on and plays an important role in the humans’ fight against demons. He was given to a scientist named Peter by Mama Isabella to aid him in his studies.
What happened to Norman?

One of the orphans from Grace Field House, Conny was evicted to be adopted, she misplaces her stuffed top. This leads Norman as well as another child in an orphanage Emma in search of her, and then transfer it to her.
They are shocked when they learn that Conny was killed, and they begin to beg the question of why they are at the orphanage.
It quickly becomes apparent that they’re being made to be slaughtered to make food for the demons. Norman is the main character in the plot to make an escape but it’s not going to happen easily as he must stay to give up his life so that the other children are able to escape.
He is taken to an area by Isabella and then later by researcher Peter Ratri, in a research facility where children are subjected to experiments to create meat for monsters.
Even though he is no longer in Grace Field House, Norman is unable to stop thinking about the orphanage, as he is always thinking about the children and their safety at the orphanage.
It doesn’t stop there because he is also planning an escape route to escape this research center. Norman who has changed significantly after being tested on appears quite different and is much older than he was prior to when his time at the research center.
This is the way it plays out according to the Manga and, since the plot of the adaptation to anime closely follows the Manga to date we can predict that this is will be the destiny is for Norman is going to be like in Promised Neverland.
In addition, Norman returns in the second season of the show and the storyline is similar to the manga.
In the course of this story, Norman develops into a formidable opponent to the demons when he is able to trick them to take on the throne. He aims to build a safe space for his family and himself free of the monsters.
Is Norman Dead in The Promised Neverland?
In the way the episode concludes for Norman It is difficult to determine what transpired to Norman inside the room Isabella led him into.
This Promised Neverland anime is built around the tale of an orphanage called Grace Field House, where children are under the watch of a caretaker Isabella who is the mother figure for the children.
The kids soon learn about the motive behind their time in the Orphanage when Norman and Emma learn about Conny’s death.
As was expected, they decide to flee. However, things don’t go as planned, so Norman decides to accept his death in order to let other children go.
Norman does not die as per the manga’s story. It’s not unusual that anime adaptions follow the story that the comic follows, it’s to be expected that we’ll be able to meet Norman in the next installments from The Promised Neverland.
In the show, Isabella takes Norman, who has decided to be dead, to the room in which Norman is instructed to stay. When he enters there, he appears to have a confused look, as if he does not get what he thought to find, which is that he is devoured by the demon.
In the aftermath, there’s no proof of what transpired to Norman inside the room, until an explanation is provided in season two.
But, he is back to the manga at this point, however, as an older version of himself, after having gone with a researcher, Peter Ratri, to the research lab in which children are being experimented on.
Norman’s Death Explained

In the first season, We see Norman facing a heartbreaking ending. But, unlike other children in the orphanage, it does not occur at the hands of an evil spirit. While Norman has accepted the consequences of his demise, Isabella sends him to the room and instructs Norman to remain there.
When Norman is allowed into the well-lit room his face is stricken by confusion as it appears completely different from the picture he thought he would see.
Norman was convinced that the room would be locked and eaten by an evil spirit. The animation cleverly eludes any concrete evidence of the death of Norman and instead illustrates the bizarre events that occurred around Norman’s departure.
Although it is not known whether the anime will go in a new direction and choose to murder Norman We should be aware of the fact that Norman remains alive, and good in the manga. Isabella gives him to the researcher scientist Peter Ratri.
Norman is taken to a research center that children are manipulated on to produce mass quantities of high-quality meat for the demons.
Norman is led to believe that there is only one cattle child in the facility, but is under constant supervision. He is constantly thinking back to the children in the orphanage. He intends to escape the facility in order to provide a safe environment for the children in the future.
According to the tale, The experiments cause him to appear older Then Norman utilizes the effect to influence demon politics. He also organizes an armed resistance to the current system, basing his actions on the work of William Minerva.
We’ve always known that Norman is a brilliant strategist. he starts manipulating the demon clans to force them to fight for the throne that weakening them all in one. Norman’s mission is simple. He is determined to cleanse the world of monsters and establish a safe haven for his fellow villagers. The manga’s children are able to reach the ‘Promised Neverland.’
So, despite ending with Norman in a perilous situation the story of Norman isn’t over. Norman’s role is crucial in the current power dynamics between humans and demons.
The Promised Neverland is sticking the storyline of the manga to this point, which gives the reason to believe that Norman is coming back in the next volume and that we may find out what happened to him when he entered the room with a bright light.
Manga Spoilers

In the next chapter, it is revealed Isabella had given Norman the keys to Peter Ratri, a research scientist who wanted Norman to help him.
Norman accepts for his life to be saved and is taken to a facility for research Lambda 7214. Their purpose is to test children to produce a mass production of high-quality meat for demons.
Norman is kept in a facility that offers the highest levels of security and is constantly monitored and led to believe that he’s the only child of cattle in the facility.
His thoughts would always be directed towards the children that he’d left behind. Eventually, it is decided to escape the place and create a place that the kids can escape to.
Norman is a continuation of the work of William Minerva and leads the human opposition to this system by creating an escaped group of children.
According to some reports, the experiments conducted at the farm made him appear older, and he took advantage of this to influence the demon’s political system.
Norman begins manipulating the clans of demons that fight for the throne in order to make their strength weaker when they unite. He hopes to remove the demons from this world and create a safe sanctuary for his own.
Has The Promised Neverland Been Attained?
Chapter 175 in the manga the children who live at Grace Field House — Norman, Emma, and Ray are able to get to the end of their “Promised Neverland” at long at last.
Leuvis was crowned Mujika for the role of the Demon Queen, and with a serene demon on the throne, it seems like the orphans are in their dream Neverland in the end.
Is Norman Reappear In Season Two?

In the first season of The Promised Neverland where Norman is left with the possibility of death after he attempts to escape along with the other children, after learning that they’re held in an Orphanage for the purpose of being consumed by demons, some fans believed that he’d ended up dying due to the demons, just like other children killed, but it didn’t happen that way.
Norman is back in the Promised Neverland during Season Two Episode six where Norman is reunited with the orphans in the orphanage and shares his story of the orphanage and the reason he didn’t die.
Norman explained to his children that he was not killed by demons, instead, he was taken to a research institute, Lambda 7214, where children were subjected to make high-quality meat.
He also explained to them that some of the kids were born with abnormalities as a result of testing them, and he’s fine as that he was only taking tests.
He also explained the way he had planned and put together an escape team to get out of the facility, and the way he utilized his experiences from the place to develop a brand new drug that kills the evil spirits as he intends to completely eradicate them.
The sequence of events in the episode is the way it was predicted to be as similar events can be observed in the manga, but there is more context for his experience in the research center and the way he was able to make it through the day, while the anime shows seem to speed through the part.
How does Norman Survive in The Anime?
Norman was already content with his destiny of having to serve the other children in the orphanage until it does not take place that way and he’s escorted away to a different location which is a facility in which children are being tested for the purpose of being meat and in order to serve as the subjects for testing.
He also took tests during his time there, however, the children had anomalies as a result of the experiments conducted on them.
As he was prepared to sacrifice his life in order to save others, it’s evident Norman was willing to do anything for them.
Norman did not hesitate to do whatever it took in the event that it ensured the safety of all and that meant they were free of evil spirits.
Norman is determined to return to the orphanage in order to help the children, and, as such, he is able to be able to withstand the pressures that he experienced while he was under constant surveillance.
Right from when his arrival at the research center the more he was determined to find ways to escape and defeat the demons.
In the story the series, he returns along with others who escaped and with the information about a drug that he can use to kill the demons and completely eliminate them.
The manga’s protagonist Norman isn’t content with escaping and finding a way to fight the demons.
He also interferes in their political system and manipulates them to turn into one another and try to take over the crown. He is also working hard to accomplish his goal of removing demons and keeping children secure.
Is Norman transform into a demon?

The series has not revealed much about what happened to Norman while he was at the research facility or when he was an ability to escape, but when you read the manga there’s an extensive depiction of what transpired there.
Norman is determined to achieve his goal and is constantly thinking about the children in the orphanage, despite being away from the facility or not even knowing that he exists.
He is much older and is entangled with them while he attempts to come up with methods to eradicate them. In the show, there is a mention of him being able to be developing a drug that can degrade the demons, and is determined to use it to carry out his strategy.
While he may have been closer in an attempt to manipulate them or even get between them to accomplish his goal of eradicating every demon that exists, Norman is not a demon, and he’ll never become one.
And this is most likely to be one of the best predictions I’ll ever make about Norman’s fate within The Promised Neverland.
Since the very beginning of the season, in which they only discovered the purpose behind they were in the orphanage Norman has always been concerned about protecting the children.
He even went one step further in attempting to come in the face of the demon in order to face his death, but it did not go as planned.
While at the research center and within the comic, he wants to eliminate the demons and in addition, stop their eating of children or using them as meat.
Norman being a demon is contrary to his entire agenda or purpose against demons. it’s like Norman joined the demons who he was fighting off or being a part of those he declared to be enemies.
If he is in close connection to Emma and Ray, for instance, children from the orphanage then it’s not realistic to consider him an evil being.
What caused Norman Change his Mind And Turned Evil?
Norman has not turned into an evil demon, both in the manga or in the anime to date. There is a possibility that he has been near to them, but it was just an element of his plan that was being worked on since before he was sent into the facility for research.
He’s consistently been one of the characters to keep an eye out for other people which makes him one of the most popular characters from the series and has demonstrated this on numerous occasions. The reason Norman becomes evil is based on the context.
Norman was not evil, as he’s fighting for the right cause that is stopping using children as experiments or for mass production of meat and to ensure that the children are in a safe environment.
The demons have been using children to make meat just as they have done with the children of the orphanage such as Conny.
When Norman is taken to Lambda the children are also seen. children being used as subjects for experiments which eventually lead to the development of abnormalities.
But, in the context certain people could consider Norman evil or take the mission too far, considering Norman is on a quest to destroy all demons that he can.
The knowledge he gained from Lambda to formulate a medication and then make it a key element of his strategy to eradicate the demons completely to stop their perversion of humanity.
Norman hopes to end the death of children and be sure that they are safe, however, the demons make his dream very difficult. This is the reason eliminating them completely is the goal Norman intends to accomplish.