In Hogwarts Legacy, the mission known as “Cursed Tomb Treasure” centers on a clue that leads to an object that has been forgotten for a very long time.
As you begin your journey in the Manor Cape region, you will face off against two Infamous Foes and scores of Inferi characters.
This walkthrough will lead you through the whole process of finishing the task “Cursed Tomb Treasure,” including how to start the quest, how to identify the location of the map, how to explore the treasure chamber itself, how to deal with the adversaries you will meet, and how to solve the puzzle that is included within the treasure chamber.

Prior to being able to finish the “Cursed Tomb Treasure” quest in Hogwarts Legacy, you are required to first fulfill the following prerequisites that are associated with the advancement of the campaign:
It is expected that you will have access to the southern part of the map, which may be reached by way of the Coastal Cavern in the Poidsear Coast region.
Incendio and Confringo are two examples of combat spells that are essential important for the engagements that are to come.
In addition to these spells, you will also need to use Flipendo and Wingardium Leviosa in order to overcome some puzzle parts.
Finding the Demiguise Statues is the final step, since they will provide you with the level 3 Alohomora spell if you are successful in your hunt.
A magical broom is used by the player to go about the world.
In front of them is a manor that has been abandoned, together with the expansive grounds that once owned.
In order to begin the “Cursed Tomb Treasure” side quest in Hogwarts Legacy, you will need to travel to Manor Cape, which is located in the southern part of the game area (as shown in the image that is shown above).
Within that location, you will find a mansion that has been abandoned, in addition to a neighboring fast travel point known as West Manor Cape.
Proceed down the stone steps and enter the main complex of the mansion.
You are going to come across a gate that is locked, and the only way to open it is if you have the Alohomora spell at level 3. Upon entering, you should be prepared for a few of fights that follow one another.
The cellar of the manor is the dwelling place of two Infamous Foes, who are high-level elites who are surrounded by undead minions around them.
There is the Lord of the Manor, which is essentially an enhanced version of the Inferi. Alisa Travers, a necromancer who possesses a purple shield, possesses the second position.
Spells such as Incendio and Confringo come in particularly helpful since the undead, also known as Inferi, are difficult to defeat when they come up against fire.
It is also possible to click on the button prompt to throw barrels and other explosives at them in order to cause a significant amount of damage, if not completely eliminate them.
Due to the fact that it is also vulnerable to fire, the Lord of the Manor may be defeated with relative ease.
In the game, the player engages in combat with a witch by the name of Alisa Travers, who is defended by a purple shield.
In order to defeat Alisa Travers, you will need to use a spell of the Force kind in order to eliminate her purple shield.
Accio, Depulso, Descendo, and Flipendo are some examples of these movements. After she has lost her protection, you are free to hurt her health in the usual manner.
Additionally, we recommend making use of a variety of battle gadgets, such as the Venomous Tentacula, which, when erected on the ground, fires toxic missiles of its own accord.
A number of zombies known as Inferi are targeted by the player’s fire spells, which are directed at the Lord of the Manor.

You should use your Alohomora spell to unlock the chest that is located in the rear of the room once you have vanquished all of the hostiles. When you do this, you will receive a map that contains a clue that points to the “Cursed Tomb Treasure.”
The clues to the Tomb of Treachery and the riddle that is contained within it are provided by a drawn map.
The Tomb of Treachery is the name of the site on the map that is referred to as the “Cursed Tomb Treasure.” It may be located along the beach at the boundary between the Coastal Cavern and the Poidsear Coast.
The Tomb of Treachery may be found on a map that reveals its location.
In point of fact, if you have traveled from the Coastal Cavern to the southern region of the world map, it is quite probable that you have encountered the floo flame quick travel point in the vicinity.
You need only go back to that location and enter the mini-dungeon.
There are a few spider opponents in the Tomb of Treachery, and you should be able to eliminate them by utilizing a variety of spells (once again, the fire element is quite helpful for these battles).
With regard to fire spells, you have the ability to use these spells in order to remove the cobwebs that are impairing the routes.
The player is now standing in front of a door that is intricately carved in the shape of a moth.
At some point, you will come upon a door that is elaborate and has three engravings of moths on various surfaces. The enchanted moths can be found in the following locations:
When you are facing the ornate entrance, there is a little chamber to your right that contains two insect moths.
A compartment on the left contains the other moth that is present. If you cast Accio on the wooden box, the spell will immediately transform into Wingardium Leviosa after it has been transformed.
Because of this, you will be able to position it on the ground so that you may climb up onto the ledge.
Within the confines of a room inhabited by two magical moths, the player casts Lumos, the light spell.
Featured image courtesy of Polygon and Avalanche Software/Warner Bros. Games
Cast Lumos if you are in close proximity to the magical moths, and they will adhere to your wand. After that, bring them to the embellished door and disable Lumos, which will cause them to adhere to the door instead of moving.
Through the use of the Wingardium Leviosa spell, the player is able to raise a big box.

After the door has been unlocked, it is time to figure out how to solve the “Cursed Tomb Treasure” mystery that came with the Hogwarts Legacy.
On the other hand, you will have to deal with a half dozen Inferi that will pop into existence as soon as you approach the room.
To remove all of them, you should once more make use of Incendio, Confringo, and the different explosive devices that are present in the chamber.
When confronted with several zombie foes, the player throws an explosive barrel at them.
Once all of the adversaries have been vanquished, you should examine the stone plates that are located on the ground.
The map that you discovered earlier reveals that some of these do, in fact, contain symbols, if you remember correctly.
You will need to cast Flipendo on particular plates in order to find out what these symbols are. For the sake of avoiding casting Flipendo on the incorrect plate by accident, we recommend aiming directly at the actual plate:
- Middle of the top plate
- Plate on the bottom left
- To the right of the bottom
- Three pointed symbols are engraved on certain plates that are placed on the ground, and the player looks at them.
Should you perform the task correctly, a dais will materialize from the earth, therefore exposing a chest. The Treasure-Seeker’s Attire will be granted to you if you open it.
This is a one-of-a-kind cosmetic choice that can be used for the corresponding outfit slot. It only modifies the appearance of an outfit that you have already equipped, while maintaining the stats that were originally associated with that outfit.
In order to successfully accomplish the “Cursed Tomb Treasure” in Hogwarts Legacy, we have provided you with all of the necessary information.
Given that you are already venturing out into the outside area, you may as well have a look at our guides on the many side quests that are available, such as Solved by the Bell, Cache in the Castle, and Well, Well, Well.
J.K. Rowling, the creator of the Harry Potter series and a millionaire, has not only taken public statements against inclusive transgender laws and trans rights on several times in recent years, but she has also created fiction that has been attacked by LGBTQ+ organizations for its use of destructive anti-trans stereotypes.
Since 2019, there has been an increase in the number of hate crimes committed in the United Kingdom, as well as legislation that rejects the rights of transgender individuals. This trend has also been seen in the United States, more recently.