One Piece is a touching, hilarious, and awesome anime to watch so today we are going to talk about one piece quotes this is the one anime to go through if you want to be motivated.
One piece is a master piece anime of all time every fan can agree and also have thousands of episodes filled with awesome one piece quotes.
So today we have best one piece quotes line up about friendship, war, death, loneliness, success, failure and so on…. so without wasting any more time lets just dive in.

Brook is an extremely tall skeleton dressed in formal attire complete with top hat and cane. Standing at 266 cm (8’8½”) in height, he is the second tallest member of the Straw Hat crew, having been edged out by Jinbe.
Despite having no skin, he still has an afro which he says is because his hair has very strong roots. Brook’s style was that of a gentleman consisting of a coat, top hat, trousers and afro, which were black, while the inner linings of his coat were yellow-orange.
The cravat that was tied in between his coat and around his neck was blue. The outer covering of Brook’s cane sword which he carries was purple.
One Piece Quotes of Brook is
What do you know of death?!! Have you ever died?!! You think the death will preserve your cause forever? Ridiculous!! Death leaves nothing behind!! Once a person passes on, nothing remains but dead bones!! If there is one thing I can’t stand, it is a person with no respect for life!!
Monkey D Luffy

Luffy is the son of the Revolutionary leader Monkey D. Dragon, the grandson of the Marine hero Monkey D. Garp the sworn brother of late “Fire Fist” Portgas D. Ace and Revolutionary Chief-of-Staff Sabo, and the foster son of Curly Dadan. He is one of the few people in the world that carry the Will of D.
One Piece Quotes of Luffy is
If you don’t take risks, you can’t create a future.
Monkey D Luffy
Law Trafalgar

Law is a slim man of a relatively tall height. He has faint shadows right under his yellow eyes (grey in the anime), and his face is usually seen with a smirk.
He wears a northern-style fur hat, which is white and has a spotted pattern along the bottom and the bill.
He has short dark hair, a majority of which is obscured by his hat, save for his sideburns and small goatee.
One Piece Quotes of Law is
There are things you can’t see unless you change your standing.
Law Trafalgar

Due to the passage of time and Garp’s training, Koby has grown thinner and taller, standing close to Luffy in height. He has also gained a cross-shaped scar above his right eye, presumably earned under Garp’s heavy-handed tutelage.
His hair has grown longer and shaggier since his growth spurt, but it has retained its pink color.
One Piece Quotes of Coby is
We shouldn’t worry about being able to achieve our dreams, as long as we have the desire to do it!

Jinbe is a large blue whale shark fish-man and the current tallest member of the Straw Hat Pirates. He has a stocky build similar to that of a sumo wrestler and a face that is commonly associated with various Japanese demons such as the oni.
His yellow eyebrows and sideburns are distinctly shaped like those found on such demons, in addition to a bulb-like nose and an angular lower lip pointing upwards.
One Piece Quotes of Jinbe is
It is a sad truth that greater the authority a person possesses, the more he tends to fear change.

Smoker is a muscular, white-haired (light blue-green in the pre-timeskip anime) and brown-eyed man, with a distinct trait of always being seen smoking two cigars at once.
He wears a large thick white and blue specialist marine jacket which he keeps open, with greenish fur lining the neck, wrists, and hem.
One Piece Quotes of Smoker is
Don’t ever think there’s any perfect society made by humans!! If you think that way you’ll overlook the enemy!! Don’t be fooled by appearances!!
Monkey D Luffy

Luffy has gone up against many of the global powers around him, starting with fighting the most powerful pirates in the East Blue and moving to clashes against the Marines, Shichibukai, World Nobles, and Four Emperors in the Grand Line; he has emerged victorious in the majority of these battles.
Luffy’s accomplishments and heritage have caused him to be labeled as a “Dangerous Future Element”, earning the wrath of Fleet Admiral Sakazuki, the Marine Headquarters and even the World Government.
One Piece Quotes of Luffy is
Forgetting is like a wound. The wound may heal, but it has already left a scar.
Monkey D Luffy

Nami is a slim young woman of average height with orange hair and brown eyes. Most people consider her to be very attractive or even beautiful.
She has a black tattoo (blue in the anime) on her left shoulder, which represents mikan, and pinwheels (a homage to Bell-mère, Nojiko, and Genzo, respectively), where she used to have a tattoo for being a member of Arlong’s crew.
One Piece Quotes of Nami is
Life is like a pencil that will surely run out, but will leave the beautiful writing of life.
Portgas D Ace

Ace was a tall muscular young man with curly black hair. Although they were not blood related, Ace looked remarkably like his foster brother, Luffy.
However, Ace was more serious looking than Luffy’s lighthearted design, and was also taller and more muscular. He also sported rather childish freckles (inherited from his mother), and tended to make a skeptical facial expression by raising his left eyebrow.
Interestingly, his facial features were almost akin to his biological father Gol D. Roger in his youth without his mustache.
One Piece Quotes of Ace is
We have to live a life of no regrets.
Portgas D Ace
Roronoa Zoro

Zoro is a muscular man of average height with lightly tanned skin. He always carries his three swords along with him, bundled up with a green haramaki over his right hip, allowing him to easily draw them with his left hand.
Of the three swords he has on his person, he has always been seen carrying the Wado Ichimonji, while his other two swords have varied over time due to them being destroyed and subsequently replaced with progressively better ones.
One Piece Quotes of Zoro is
I don’t care what the society says. I’ve regretted doing anything. I will survive and do what I want to.
Roronoa Zoro

Sanji is a slim, yet muscular, long-legged man with blond hair which he keeps brushed over one side of his face. Before the timeskip, this was the left side.
After the two year timeskip, he switched his hairstyle so that it covers the right side. It also appears that Sanji’s hair is less straight and scruffier after the timeskip.
One Piece Quotes of Sanji is
Don’t start a fight that you can’t finish.

Kuzan is an incredibly tall, slim, yet muscular man. At 298 cm tall, he is just slightly shorter than the other two admirals pre-timeskip. He has black, curly hair cut to chin length that fans out at the tips, tanned skin, and an altogether lean, long build.
His standard outfit while in the Marines consists of a white buttoned-up vest with standing collar over a long-sleeved navy blue shirt, with matching white trousers and black dress shoes. This is all rarely accompanied by a matching white suit jacket.
One Piece Quotes of Kuzan is
The thing called “justice” changes its shape… Depending on where you stand.
Tony Tony Chopper

Most of the time, Chopper is a toddler-sized human/reindeer hybrid, but his Devil Fruit abilities allow him to change his appearance depending on the situation.
Chopper’s left antler is braced at the base by a metal plate because it was reattached after being broken during his search for the Amiudake when he was younger and ran into the leader of his old herd, who severely injured him.
One Piece Quotes of Chopper is
I realized that back then, the reason I wanted to become human, was that I really just wanted to have friends. Now, I just want to be a monster that can help Luffy.
Tony Tony Chopper
Law Trafalgar

He has many tribal-style tattoos on his arms; on both of his hands are letters spelled as D E A T H tattooed in black on each of the back of his fingers. Originally in the manga, his left thumb was not tattooed, with the letter A missing.
One Piece Quotes of Law is
The weak don’t get to decide anything, not even how they die.
Law Trafalgar
Dr Hiluluk

Hiriluk wore mottled pink pants and a black coat over a green shirt. Over his bizarre white hair resembling a cross, he wore a black hat that matched his coat.
He had long gray hair arranged in three standing outs, one to each side and one at the top, the latter of which is covered by his hat. He also had a black goatee and mustache
One Piece Quotes of Dr. Hiluluk is
When do you think people die? When they are being shot through the heart by the bullet of a pistol? No. When they are ravaged by an incurable disease? No. When they drink a soup made from a poisonous mushroom!? No! It’s when… they are forgotten.
Dr Hiluluk
Shanks Akagami

Shanks is a relatively tall man (just under two meters), well-built, tan-complexioned, and in the prime of his mid-adulthood. Among the Four Emperors past and present he stands out as the smallest, most normal-sized by far, the others being various degrees of inhumanly proportioned.
One Piece Quotes of Shanks is
By experiencing both, victory and defeat, running away and shedding tears, a man will become a man.
Shanks Akagami
Donquixote Doflamingo

Doflamingo is a very tall (standing at 10′, and as a comparison taller than Kuzan as shown in their confrontation), light blond-haired, very lean and muscular man with tan skin. He generally dresses in flamboyant clothes.
In reference to his animal theme, the flamingo, his clothes are brightly colored, with his light pink feather coat most distinctly of all. Doflamingo sports a pair of curved, thin white sunglasses, which appear to serve as his eyesight with red or purple lenses.
He also walks with an odd, bow-legged waddle (though he does not always walk like this), which is also a reference to his animal theme.
One Piece Quotes of Doflamingo is
Pirates, are evil? Marines, are righteous? These terms have always changed throughout the course of history! Kids who have never seen peace and kids who have never seen war have different values! Those who stand at the top determine what’s wrong and what’s right! This very place is neutral ground! Justice will prevail, you say? But, of course, it will! Whoever wins this war becomes justice!
Donquixote Doflamingo
Roronoa Zoro

Zoro’s other remarkable feature is his cropped green hair, which Sanji often teases him about by calling him “marimo” (moss-ball, moss-head in the Viz Manga and FUNimation dub) due to its resemblance to one.
One Piece Quotes of Zoro is
When I decided to follow my dream, I had already discarded my life.
Roronoa Zoro

Bell-mère was a relatively slim woman with long fuchsia hair tied in a ponytail, grey eyes, and a rather unique hairstyle similar to a mohawk known as a chelsea hawk (that Oda jokingly named “Women have guts!”)
She wore a green checkered shirt with the word “MACE” on it, indigo trousers and brown sandals. She was also rarely seen without a cigarette.
One Piece Quotes of Bellemere is
No matter what happens, don’t be sorry you were born. Even though nobody praises us, don’t forget to smile in any situation. As long as you’re alive there will be better things later…and there will be many.

In his younger days, he wore an open dark gray vest and a black bandanna, and his trademark mustache was nonexistent. Later in his life, he grew the prominent crescent-shaped mustache, which would spawn his epithet, “Whitebeard”.
When he was 52, he wore a white and yellow pirate hat with his jolly roger on it over a black bandana with black and red, both worn over long, blond flowing hair he had back then.
One Piece Quotes of Whitebeard is
Even in death, his body did not fall. His figure, taking down enemies while losing half of his head, was truly monstrous. The total number of sword wounds he received in this battle was 267. He was shot by 152 bullets. And was hit by 46 cannonballs. And despite all this, his proud back, over the course of his entire life as a pirate, never received a single scar from running away.