The Med-Mist is one useful tool that players can always count on when things go rough, whether they’re up against another team, struggling with fall damage, or attempting to outrun the storm.
A number of useful tools are available in Fortnite to aid players in surviving, but the Med-Mist is among the most valuable because of its vast volume and speedy application.
The Med-Mist is a strong option for players looking for the greatest medical supplies in Fortnite’s Battle Royale.
It is an essential item for any inventory since it can save players’ lives when they are running low on health. If they don’t have it, they can end up back in the lobby without a crown from Victory Royale.
Where to Find Med-Mists?

The Med-Mist is a useful item that players can depend on when they’re in a tight place, whether they’re up against another team, attempting to avoid the dreaded storm, or suffering from fall damage.
Despite the fact that Fortnite provides a wide range of survival tools, the Med-Mist sticks out as one of the most beneficial because of its rapid application and large capacity.
The Med-Mist might be the ideal option for anyone trying to get their hands on the greatest healing equipment in Fortnite’s Battle Royale.
It is an essential item for every player’s inventory since it can save them in crucial situations when their health is low. They can find themselves back in the lobby without a Victory Royale crown if they don’t have it.
What Does The Med-Mist Do?

With Med-Mists, players can heal themselves, other players, hired characters, and even enemy players. To heal oneself, players press the fire button, which causes the character to spray the Med-Mist on oneself, restoring five HP per tick.
To heal another player, players hold the aim button, which causes the character to spray the Med-Mist in front of the target. The target of the Med-Mist must remain close to the player using it.
Med-Mists are great for mobility since they work well for most movement states—sliding, jumping, and running, but not sprinting.
This makes them highly helpful in storm survival situations and fire escapes, especially in the early going when the storm only causes 1 HP of damage every tick.
Players can only carry one Med-Mist at a time, however they can fully heal players up to 100 HP unlike Bandages.
The 150 HP of healing that each Med-Mist contains, which can be shared with friends or utilised for self-healing, makes the carry size restriction not too problematic.
The Med-Mist allows gamers to prolong their battle even if they have hired NPC friends.