Final Fantasy 14: Dawntrail – The Serpentlord Seethes FATE Guide

FATEs are active time events in Final Fantasy 14: Dawntrail which occur randomly at some locations at some time. These include such rewards as money, goods and experience points being offered at such points.

One of the highly charged FATEs in Dawntrail is called “The Serpentlord Seethes.” This guide will elaborate on the manner in which you can complete this FATE as well as the rewards that are to be expected from it.

Location and Requirements

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When ‘The Serpentlord Seethes’ pulls in players, they need to be at a particular area in Dawntrail, as marked on the map in a blue circle with FATE written over it.

Because of the devilish opponents in this FATE, you have to be level 85 at the least. However, if you do not prepare well, then ensure that your character is well equipped before you rush in.

The Boss: Serpentlord

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In this FATE, Serpentlord is the large-scale enemy not unlike a snake in appearance. To kill the Serpentlord one has to have multiple strong hits and a huge Health bar, so the boss is better to be killed by a group of players.

This is probably why even though strong characters can be able to solo, it is often more comfortable doing so with other people.

The escalation of the FATE’s begins with the appearance of the Serpentlord. The first thing that you have to face is a group of smaller snake enemies that it will create.

Although they do not possess much health, these little snakes are dangerous when they are many of them altogether. More importantly, one should try to eliminate those knights before focusing on the Serpentlord.

Key Mechanics

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Poisonous Spit: It is a ranged poison strike so the Serpentlord can attack players from a distance. Your character may also be ‘poisoned’ by this attack and will steadily lose his/her health.

To avoid losing a lot of health, the players can use an antidote or the healer of the group must dispel the poison as soon as possible.

Tail Whip: The Serpentlord may cause knock back with the creature’s tail strike which is an area of effect strike. To avoid this action, DO NOT stand just behind the boss. Do not approach the boss’s wind-up animation as this is the animation it uses in attacking where it swings its tail.

Coil Crush: The Serpentlord chases its tail and then thrashes one area with great force. This should be left on the ground of the designated area so that it incurs negligible severe damage.

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