In Modern Warfare 2, several various approaches may be utilized to rank up the hundreds of different weapons that are available.
The most efficient way to rank guns is to use one of these approaches.
In terms of the evolution of weapons, MW2 is close to being the most comprehensive arsenal that the series has ever seen.
fascinating and packed with stuff for players to grind for on each of the game’s dozens of weapons,
the weapon platform and Gunsmith systems are among the most fascinating aspects of the game.
To be able to compete with the best, you need to have the greatest weapons and attachments,
and you may earn these by leveling up each of the game’s guns and their platforms to their maximum rank.
It is going to be a really difficult grind for the foreseeable future because you need a lot of experience points to level up your weapons.
Not only that, but Call of Duty introduces new weapons every few weeks in the game,
and players are anxious to rank them up as quickly as possible to rack up kills with the new hotness across all of the game’s modes.
Since the release of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, which included a vast arsenal of weapons,
the importance of leveling guns has increased to an unprecedented degree this year.
In addition to the fact that the new weapons Platform system in the game locks many weapons behind the requirement of using other firearms,
it is necessary to level up weapons to obtain the greatest attachments and all of the fancy camos.
We are going to provide you with a list of some suggestions for the most expedient ways to level up your weapons in Modern Warfare 2.
Make use of double XP

The most effective method for gaining experience with a weapon is to make use of any double-weapon XP tokens that you may have obtained.
These are going to be hard to come by when the game is out.
although some Call of Duty promotions and the early access incentives for the campaign did end up including some weapon experience tokens.
In the future, there will most likely be a great deal more opportunities to get some tokens, so it is important to keep a close watch out for those opportunities.
Additionally, if you are a PlayStation user, you are eligible to receive a promotional offer.
A 25% increase in weapon experience points will be awarded to players who party up on the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 as part of Sony’s collaboration with Activision.
To get the most out of your weapon leveling, it is recommended that you play with at least one other PlayStation friend.
Choose your playlists wisely

Rank up your weapons by using them and getting kills, so the playlist you choose is crucial.
One of the game modes I enjoy the most is Search and Destroy.
However, the slow-paced non-respawn mode doesn’t provide many chances to level up my guns,
so I’ve been focusing more on respawn playlists.
When it comes to ranking up guns, the top choice is Modern Warfare 2’s latest, Ground War: Invasion mode.
Invasion has a higher play count compared to the regular playlists, and the mode includes AI opponents, making it a great way to quickly accumulate kills.
By combining slaying in invasion mode with a double-weapon XP token, you can quickly level up your guns.
Here’s a great trick that works well in standard Ground War. In standard mode, players can capture several Domination-style points on the map.
Equip the weapon of choice for leveling up, get into a tank, and watch as your weapon gains experience through vehicle usage.
These actions are significant when you eliminate enemies with the tank and secure the objective points while operating it.
One of the key advantages of selecting standard Ground War is the ability to pick your respawn location after each death.
If you happen to perish, you have the option to respawn at a tank or squad spawn point on a friendly to swiftly rejoin the battle.
These matches have a longer duration and lack AI opponents for farming, making them a preferable option compared to regular multiplayer matches.
Multi-task the grind

Using a couple of weapons consistently is typically the most effective way to level up guns quickly.
It’s important to have a few loadouts ready for the grind.
Each map layout may not be the best fit for every weapon choice.
For instance, Taraq presents a very expansive Ground War map, which may not be the most ideal choice for leveling up shotguns.
For this particular map, I’ve been utilizing assault rifles, snipers, and marksman rifles.
Sariff Bay, Sa’id, and Guijarro are great for using shotguns and submachine guns due to the abundance of buildings and close-quarters combat.
When you’re working on leveling up weapons for the camo grind and aiming to max-level them all,
it’s a good idea to equip a launcher as your secondary to quickly get those out of the way.
Leveling up is quicker in Ground War compared to standard multiplayer because of the large-scale combat,
which offers more chances to take down enemy streaks and destroy vehicles.
Even without weapon XP tokens, you can still reach the maximum level for a weapon in about an hour by focusing on the Invasion playlist.
Invasion tips to maximize kills

Whenever a player dies in Invasion mode, they respawn at their team’s spawn point.
On larger maps, running back to the battle can consume valuable time.
Equipping the Tactical Insertion field upgrade can be quite advantageous.
You can strategically place it in a hidden spot near your opponents, allowing you to respawn there after your next death.
Get up close to the enemy’s spawn and keep an eye out for the helicopters dropping AI opponents.
You can often find yourself in a favorable position to secure some quick eliminations here.
Starting with bot farming at the beginning of the match is essential.
Prepare to face weaker AI opponents at the start, but watch out for the late-game bots with armor that require more shots to take down.
Fastest way to level up guns in MW2

Invasion mode XP farm in MW2
For optimal XP grinding, try using a weapon XP token along with the Invasion mode in MW2.
Ranking up weapons is a breeze when you focus on getting plenty of kills with them, and Invasion is the place to rack up the most kills.
Invasion includes 20-vs-20 matches on the game’s expansive maps, offering a higher player count compared to regular playlists.
However, Invasion also includes enemy AI combatants that can be defeated and farmed for XP.
Many AI enemies roam the battlefield, and eliminating them earns one point while taking out enemy players earns five points.
The team that reaches the winning threshold of points first emerges victorious.
Defeating enemy AI and human players is the most effective method to earn weapon XP in the initial stages of MW2.
Enhance your XP gains by pairing it with a double-weapon XP token that can be obtained through various methods, like the Vault Edition or Mountain Dew bottles.
This will help you level up your weapons swiftly.