Diablo 4: How To Get And Use Stygian Stones

Diablo 4 is now available for more than a year, and the game’s birthday update that came out recently added plenty of new features to the action/RPG.

Progressing through bosses and acquiring more additions to enhance your character’s abilities remains one of the fundamentals of the game, and some new summoning items make it even simpler to achieve.

One of the latest is called the Stygian Stones and players who know the game well might even have them in their inventory and have no idea how to apply them.

Whether you have collected or no, these stones if acquired and used, will open up harder bosses and much, much better item drops.

What Are Stygian Stones & How To Use Them In Diablo 4?

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Stygian Stones are a sort of key item and are obtained from a new location called the Pit in the Season 4 of the game. These stones are necessary to call up Tormented Bosses, which are normally sighted only once in thousands of times.

The item’s description reads: To activate it fully, bring this stone to the altar of the power of powerful foes. Acquired from delving into the depths of The Pit on World Tier 4: Torment.”

When the players have in their possession the Stygian Stones, they can use the Altar of Powerful Foes to establish the Tormented Bosses. However, the main problem with these stones is that they are very scarce, and the players get frustrated while searching for them.

Without Stygian Stones they can not even call Tormented Bosses to get the corresponding gameplay type and do not receive it at all. Here is how players can farm these hard to come by items.

Where To Get Stygian Stones?

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To farm Stygian Stones, you’ll need to complete a specific dungeon: The Pit. The given dungeon opens after completing the Pit of the Artificer operation, during which you need to have the World Tier 4 level and complete a Tier 4 Nightmare dungeon.

Its position can be described as the town of Cerrigar and it is even named on the map The Pit there with Obelisk on its left side.

As the primary way of earning Stygian Stones, finishing The Pit is also a great farming approach. Again the number of stones that fall at the end increases with the level of the dungeon from none to many.

You can also get Stygian Stones by participating in the seasonal rewards other than farming in The Pit. If you decide to purchase the Battle Pass you should always look at the rewards to check if they may include free or bound Stygian Stones.

How To Get Stygian Stones In Diablo 4?

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It is very difficult to get Stygian Stones because the things are very rare in the game. The initial method of getting Stygian Stones is by passing levels in The Pit according to game’s storyline.

But in order to be possibly awarded some, players have to complete the higher levels and that is just impossible for some. At these levels, one cannot be sure of getting Stygian Stones from the levels themselves or from the chest at the end of The Pit.

However, there are some players who have found a rather a sly solution to this. To get Stygian Stones in Wolf’s Honor, players need to produce new characters and farm the Iron Wolves associated with their creation in the last moments of Chapter 6 and the beginning of Chapter 7.

Given that this reward is obtainable with every character some even argue that this is the swiftest way to gain Stygian Stones.

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